Monday, June 5, 2017

Charles Krauthammer on Build the Wall


There's been a lot of debate on whether our nation should build a wall.

One side is against it. To some the idea is akin to the Berlin Wall in Germany, but is that a correct analogy? To others who believe we should be an open society - like those who support George Soros' movement - feel we should let everyone who wishes to come and take advantage of the opportunities our nation provides. But that obviously is ignoring the reality that there would eventually be a limit at which those opportunities would no longer exist because an overwhelming number would completely disolve, or overtake, the American culture which made it unique among the world.

The other side is for it. To some the idea preserves our nation's sovereignty and culture. This, in turn, prolongs the opportunities our form of representative democracy provides, like no other in the world. It is also a matter of maintaining law and order. As many who have lived during the past 60 or so years will attest, this issue has clearly been under attack and has accelerated exponentially over the past ten years with the recent administration's policies. With more and more unrest and chaos dividing the nation over this issue, a pall of madness seems to have gripped the nation; especially for those who are against keeping our nation's sovereignty and law and order.

In this video from Prager U, Krauthammer lays out what he believes is a viable solution. Again, there will be those who feel it is a sensible one. Yet others will feel that allowing those who've illegally entered the country should not be rewarded by allowing them to stay without some form of fine. Otherwise, they see it as making the concept of sovereignty and law and order a sham and a joke. This is the kind of no win situation our leaders over the past 50 years have given us.

And I've not even mentioned the proverbial "elephant in the room" issue of our nation's national debt and its unfunded liabilities which no one wants to even talk about.

Bishop Brown Responds to Trump's Decision on Paris Peace Accord

Yes, one of the leaders of the church of Climate Change Advocates (CCA) - Bishop Brown of California - has spoken; Armageddon is coming! But, he's got an alternative plan for his state to halt the threat. If he succeeds, I wonder what he'll have to say about the scientific fact that the vegetation in his state, and others, are dying because they have no CO2 to process in order to make oxygen for the atmosphere and that it has brought on a drop in global temperatures.

Informing Jurors of Their Rights is Now ILLEGAL in Michigan

A few questions first:
  • Is it illegal to stand on a sidewalk and hand out pamphlets to anyone going by?
  • Is it illegal to educate people about your personal point of view on any issue or topic?
  • Is it legal for a judge to have an individual arrested for doing the two things above without first asking the individual a few questions about his activity and intent?
It appears the leftists in our country have now shifted their power to deny anyone of their rights to the judicial branch of our government. What evidence do I have for making such a statement? This link about a court case in Michigan explains clearly how a judge apparently felt threatened by a man outside the courthouse sharing printed information about being a juror.

What's even more alarming about this case when one learns of the details is that not only were the jurors for the case not allowed to hear key points about the case, but that the jurors, ignorant of these facts, found the man guilty. 

I recently served on jury duty at my local courts. I know for a fact that, based on the process that goes on for selection, there's no legitimate concern by the judge that justifies this case.

Is this what our legal system is supposed to stand for; strong arming individuals who cause a judge to be concerned, and then rigging the case? More importantly, how much longer will it be before we hear of other states' judges pulling the same kind of power play against their citizens? Or, has it already happened, but we just aren't aware of it?

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Withdrawling From the Paris Peace Accords

Dear Reader,

Has paying attention to the left's claims about various social issues and global issues - like climate change - actually an exercise in mass psychological manipulation? I don't know about you, but I can't help but watch these news interviews at various events - this one being Earth Day - where participants are asked to share their thoughts on whatever the topic of concern is and every time we hear the same, consistent talking points which hold no logical, rational, reasoning to them; they're just talking points regurgitated! However, it's nevertheless confusing to me why they're concerned about the potential loss of life from these potentially devastating events, when most of them, I assume, are for abortion that's been killing the future population of our country for decades. (Oh, wait, it's the concern that the threat they're speaking about is going to kill them that causes them to be alarmed. I see.)

It's my speculation that the way this "peace accord" was crafted was deliberately done so that it would be so complex and confusing that the average Joe Sixpack or Jane Selfie would not be able to follow what it's really about, or what is really being done to impact them, so they would - as social conditioning has so effectively done over the years with mass media influence - follow along because they didn't want to appear stupid, confused, or opposing their peers mindless acceptance to what the left's leader were spouting. (You know the routine.)

For those who've made the mental effort to understand the ploy being foisted on citizens of the United States, the following piece from Tucker Carlson's Show on the announcement by Pres. Trump will more easily following the points he's making at the introduction to this topic recently. One of the very astute points Carlson makes is that that, despite the fact that liberals have been making these dire claims of impending doom for decades now, Pres. Obama in his first two years as "Golfer-in-Chief" had a Congress that could have easily passed this Paris Peace Accord had he focused on getting it to approve this treaty. But no, instead he chose to unconstitutionally skirt around Congress and play "emperor" with it by calling it something that it was not.

Tucker interviews the Mayor of Miami Beach after his introduction and, as is typical for all his guests he has on his show to ask them some key questions, the Mayor NEVER answers Tucker's key question about the unfairness of this accord. That, right there, should tell you something as an intelligent person regarding the left's awareness of this whole issue. They are attempting to "pull the wool" over the public's eyes about what they're REALLY up to with it. In other words, there's something they refuse to disclose that is part of their true agenda.

As Todd Herman of a local radio station is noted as saying, "Where there's a double standard, there's usually a hidden agenda."

And, just for the sake of another person's perspective, I urge my readers to view this video by Bill Whittle on this topic. He gets to the heart of what's really going on here; the weaponization of Science into politics!!! Watching this video and seeing the rest of the evidence he presents makes it rather obvious.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Latest on Car Tabs and the WA State Taxpayer Rip-off

Wednesday, May 31st, 2017

To:  Our thousands of supporters throughout the state (cc'd to the media, house & senate members, and Governor, and other candidates for office)
From:  Tim Eyman, Jack Fagan, & Mike Fagan, Fighting for Taxpayers for 18 years, 425-493-9127,, 
RE:  Democrats refuse to stop Sound Transit from ripping us off on car tab taxes

         Taxpayers are getting ripped off by Sound Transit.  Car tab taxes have skyrocketed for each and every vehicle owner and, for many months, the people have been pounding politicians in the Legislature with rightful public outrage.

         Republicans in the House (Mark Harmsworth) and Republicans in the Senate (Dino Rossi & Steve O'Ban) have responded with meaningful reforms:  legislation to cut car tabs and tax vehicles at what they're actually worth, legislation allowing local governments to exempt themselves from Sound Transit's tyranny, and legislation reforming Sound Transit's governance so they are accountable to the taxpayers, not just the vendors.

          House and Senate Democrats have blocked all these meaningful reform bills.  Why?  Because the Democrats are bought-and-paid-for by Sound Transit.  They don't care about the taxpayers -- they don't care about their constituents.  All they care about is the political favors and political pay-offs they get from Seattle's Sound Transit Industrial Complex.

          House Speaker Democrat Frank Chopp and Mercer Island Democrat Judy Clibborn are blocking bills
that will actually heal the festering wound of skyrocketing car tab taxes.
          All 48 House Republicans are committed to stopping Sound Transit's car tab tax rip-off.  All 50 House Democrats are standing in the way. 

          All 25 members of the Majority Coalition Caucus are committed to fixing car tab taxes.  The 24 Senate Democrats are standing in the way. 

          The fight over car tabs is central to this year's make-or-break race for the 45th district senate seat (the candidate who wins in November determines which party controls the state senate -- and thus the Legislature -- in 2018).  The GOP's Jinyoung Englund has made "grounding skyrocketing car tabs" a central promise of her campaign (

         But the other candidate, Manka Dhingra, is just another income-tax-loving, car-tab-gouging, Sound Transit Seattle Democrat (her backers are all Sound Transit puppets:  She'd never get in the way of Sound Transit's gravy train.  With Manka Dhingra, car tab taxes will never be fixed.

         In 18 years of political activism, I've never seen such a stark difference between the Republicans and the Democrats when it comes to taxes, especially car tab taxes.  
          Help us fight back against Inslee and the Democrats' tax-hiking obsession.  While they're pushing for tax increases, we're pushing for tax relief -- we're fighting fire with fire.  The Property Tax Fairness Initiative is a bold, exciting proposal that helps everyone.  It cuts property taxes 25% for everyone, caps property tax increases, and eliminates the personal property tax.  It's all about making property taxes fairer.  Help us make it a reality. 

          If you support the Property Tax Fairness Initiative and appreciate our efforts on behalf of taxpayers, please send us a donation for $10, $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1000, $2500, $5000 or more (there are no limits on how much can be given). You can go to our website right now - and make a secure on-line contribution by PayPal or VISA or M/C. OR, you can print this form, fill it out, and return it with a check or credit card information. 
We've done so many amazing things over the past 18 years, but that's only been possible thanks to successful benefactors like you. We ask you to please help us help taxpayers.

          Please donate TODAY.

         Thank you.

Tim Eyman, Jack Fagan, & Mike Fagan, Fighting for Taxpayers for 18 years, 425-493-9127,,

A Letter to the Students at Evergreen College

Update: Here's a follow-up article posted June 1st.

I've taken a recently posted article from Glenn Beck's "The Blaze" and modified it a bit to fit my personal experience as a white person. Here it is:
= = = = = = = = = =
Dear Ones, 
Allow me to apologize if my white privilege offends you. The truth of the matter is, I don’t consider myself “white” privileged. 
I identify as “hard work” privileged. My family was so poor while I was going to high school that we had to live strictly off of zucchini in our garden for one summer. When I was a child, my father worked multiple jobs to feed, cloth and house his family WHILE earning his degree from UC Berkeley. (That was BEFORE it became a liberal bastion of socialism and fascism, mind you.
Let me put it in terms you’ll understand: he worked his white ass off. He worked as a teacher in southern California until his colleagues set him up to be "let go" by the principal because he refused to join their teacher's union. After that, he did the best he could to provide for his family by operating his own cleaning business and spent countless hours doing it in order to make ends meet when it came to the bills he owed. He WORKED, and he worked HARD, and didn't complain about it. 
My father worked a lot more than a whiny, self-indulgent, out-of-touch, unrealistic, privileged college "social justice warrior" like you could ever comprehend. And guess what? It paid off. In three generations, my family went from struggling on farms to living comfortable lives. His example inspired me to understand that if I didn't work hard at whatever I decided to do with my life, I would not get far at all.

I served my country for four years. (I would wager that there are very few, if any who've done the same that are students at Evergreen in Olympia.) I worked hard to going to college and getting my teaching degree as well. I worked hard within the public school system, like my father, only to be betrayed by that very system as political correctness and entitlement began to rear its fascist head only ten years ago. (I saw this very type of behavior happening in my middle-school classes as I was ending my career, and am not really surprised to learn this event has occurred at your college.)
I exceeded what my father accomplished in two ways that I know he'd be proud of; one, I pressed on and worked hard to get my masters in education, and two, I managed to work long enough to collect my pension for retirement. That doesn't make me privileged because I'm white, if it makes me anything, it's being able to reap the rewards of my efforts despite the crap I encountered along the way that tried to prevent me from succeeding. As far as I can tell in your case, you apparently "feel" that intimidation, demands laced with obscenities, and pushing a warped sense of entitlement will get you whatever you demand.
That is the promise of America: generational change through hard work. 
You want respect? Be respectful and show respect. 
You want acceptance? Be accepting and accept that others may have differing views. 
You want more out of life? Work harder and you too will reap the fruits of your labor; provided you don't attempt to take over your bosses workplace.
Since these are unlikely outcomes given your entitled worldview, I’ve created a list of demands on behalf of society to counter your own warped list: 
WE DEMAND that you conduct yourselves with dignity and refrain from irrational, emotional outbursts laced with profanity that demean and further marginalize you from society. 
WE DEMAND that you respect your fellow students regardless of race, creed or color. 
WE DEMAND that you treat persons of authority such as professors, administrators and safety personnel with the dignity and respect they deserve. Should you be unable to meet these basic standards of human decency, I’ve created an additional list of demands: 
WE DEMAND that you read and study the following (no doubt something you've never been exposed to in your public school experience), so that you'll understand better how out of touch you are with how much you take for granted: 
- The Declaration of Independence 
- The U.S. Constitution 
- The Bill of Rights 
- Democracy in America by Alexis de Tocqueville 
-The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith 
- The Theory of Moral Sentiments by Adam Smith 
- Up From Slavery by Booker T. Washington 
- Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass by Frederick Douglass 
- The 5000 Year Leap by W. Cleon Skousen 
- The Founders’ Almanac by Matthew Spaulding 
- Lives of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence by Benson J. Lossing 
- Miss Manners’ Guide to Excruciatingly Correct Behavior by Judith Martin 
WE DEMAND that you create a safe space utopia and never leave the campus of Evergreen State College. 
WE DEMAND that you not integrate with the rest of society until you study and understand what real oppression looks like (try Mao, Pol Pot and Stalin for starters). 
WE DEMAND that you immediately retake English 101 to coherently write your next list of demands so we can more fully understand what we’ll be throwing in the trash. 
WE DEMAND that you grow up (and while you’re at it, grow a pair and a spine). 
WE DEMAND that you no longer employ police or safety officers and subject them to your intolerant hatred. Please attend to your own protection and police yourselves on the grounds of your new utopia — the campus of Evergreen State College. 
WE DEMAND that you create and manage a self-sustaining eco farm to grow and harvest your own vegan-based food supply (again, so you will never have to leave the campus of Evergreen State College). 
WE DEMAND that you work and create your own monetary system to support and pay for the Day of Absence, Day of Presence, Equity Center, Vice President of Equity and Inclusion, Trans & Queer Center, Undocumented Student Center, Student Affairs and The Student Code of Conduct. 
WE DEMAND mandatory reality and societal competency training for anyone wishing to leave the newly-formed social utopia of Evergreen State College. 
If you don't make an effort to implement at least some of these demands, the legislators in Olympia - that's right, in your own backyard - then a new bill that one legislator is introducing will privatize your school and end your immature rant.
Yours truly, 
Pretty Much Everyone Living in the Real World

Do White Americans Have White Privilege?

The leftists have recently introduced - the furthest back I can recall ever hearing about this issue was during the previous administration under Pres. Obama - the concept that the reason people of "color" can never get ahead in our society is because white people posses a "privilege" which oppresses them. It's rapidly becoming a "bad" thing by liberals to perpetuate their meme. For anyone who's paying attention to the news stories on a regular basis, this concept has grown and evolved in order to make them feel guilty, shut them up and tear down their sense of belonging in the "new society" of fascism and totalitarianism the leftists are upholding.

Ami Horowitz has produced a new video on this topic for Prager U. Here it is for you to view and consider what is shown. 

I my view the leftists are now pulling out all the "hold-backs" on their propaganda war to use the media and the dominant adolescent mind-set of the country today to push for an Open Society (George Soros promoted) America in order to work within the system of our government to overthrow it from within. Didn't Abraham Lincoln say something about this being the only way this nation would ever cease to be?