Monday, November 27, 2017

Something To Hide?

It wasn't that long ago when someone once said, "... the only people who don't want to disclose the truth, are people with something to hide." BHO - White House address, Aug. 21, 2010

The ShiftWA site today posted these two article links at the top of their "Morning Briefing" email. Both the Spokane-Review and the Everett-Herald have written articles about the state legislature's dealings in secret:
The Legislature “has simply exempted itself from the rules requiring the government to do its business in the light of day, Shawn Vestal writes in an editorial piece that calls lawmakers out for their “shameful self-dealing” as it relates to public records law. (The Spokesman-Review)
“Lawmakers should end their public record exemption, the Everett Herald Editorial Board wrote this last weekend. “We can make no case more clearly than the Public Records Act, itself…” (The Everett Herald)
 Reading these two editorial pieces makes it clear to all tax payers in the state that the concept, in the minds of legislators, that they are elite and above any accountability to those who elected them to their position. If this attitude concerns you at all, I urge you to contact your legislative district representatives - both Representatives (#1 & #2) and Senator - to let them know how you feel about this. If we don't communicate with them, they won't have reason to care whether they'll retain their position. I can assure you, they WANT to!

What Many Americans Don't Know

In our modern world the main way we get our news and shape our opinions and attitudes about most things happening from day to day is the mainstream media. Some get that news from newspapers, television, Internet websites, or sadly, from social media. The last two sources are only recent ones, and we're now discovering that much of what comes out of the Internet, but especially social media - FB, Twitter, SnapChat, etc. - is riddled with "fake news" that most consumers don't realize is just concocted by someone with an agenda.

For almost 70 years now, one particular topic of newsworthy interest for much of the world has been the re-establishment of Israel in the middle-east. Much of what we've heard from the press has been slanted - especially during the previous administration - in favor of the "plight of the Palestinians" in relationship to the Jews living within their country. The slanted view promotes the claim that Israel is taking the land of the Palestinians; especially from the late Yaser Arafat. (If you're not certain who this man was, or what he claimed, use your search engine instead of asserting I'm being biased towards these people.)

However, there's a little known fact and reality that the mainstream media does not tell their readers much, if at all. That fact and reality is that within the country - and especially in Jerusalem - Arabs and Jews work and live together in mutual trust and harmony. That's right, there is equal freedom and support for each other because of the values and principles which are upheld and applied in Israel.

To prove this point, I urge and encourage my readers to view this brief Prager U video which explains this truth from a Bedouin who explains why he is part of the Israeli Army. You may find yourself surprised and enlightened.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Why Our Current Tax System Needs Scrapping

Our elected officials in Congress are facing political suicide if they don't pass a new tax bill. President Trump believes what he and the House has sent to the Senate is good for the middle-class; and it will be. However, we still have to see what the Senate will offer up as their ideas for how to revise the current tax code. Yet, if you really understand the current structure of how our tax system works, neither of what they'll offer is going to actually be fair.

Don't believe me? Watch this five minute video - something you may have received in an email before - which is presented in a visual/graphic style format. If you're paying attention when watching it, you'll quickly realize why the system we've had - created by Congress in the past - is not fair and needs to be scrapped for a more fair system... like a flat tax. Whatever the percentage would be, it certainly would be better than how it's structured currently.

Additional videos explaining:

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Thanks to the Democrat Party!

A liberal reader will, no doubt, have an adverse reaction to this author's remarks before they get very far through them. That's to be expected, though, because of their social warrior conditioning they've most likely received during their college indoctrination.

I urge my readers to restrain from such a reaction, however,  until you get to the very last line. Then, you'll understand why.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Verified from "Washington Post"...

Interesting analysis
L. Todd Wood

L. Todd Wood, a graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy, flew special operations helicopters supporting SEAL Team 6, Delta Force and others.  After leaving the military, he pursued his other passion, finance, spending 18 years on Wall Street trading emerging market debt, and later, writing.  The first of his many thrillers is "Currency."  Todd is a contributor to Fox Business, Newsmax TV, Moscow Times, the New York Post, the National Review, Zero Hedge and others.  For more information about L. Todd Wood, visit

By L. Todd Wood - - 
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
I know of no white person alive today in the United States who has ever legally owned a black slave, or any slave for that matter.  Almost 700,000 mostly white men died 160 years ago to end slavery.  Jim Crow ended generations ago.  Yet black America, for the most part, is still locked in inner-city gang violence and economic hardship.  Why?

Is it because America is racist?  Is it because of some overhanging white supremacy?  Is it because of the Illuminati?

No, unfortunately, it is because of black culture and the adoption of Democratic Party government dependency.

We have just had eight years of the first black president.  Black athletes, and entertainers, routinely earn multi-million dollar incomes.  I can easily name several black billionaires without even trying too hard.  A large percentage of black America is very successful.  But, it is not enough. Too many black youth are being left behind.

And it is no one but black America’s fault.  

No one can solve this problem but black America.  No one can throw enough money at it.  We’ve tried that.  Black America needs to look in the mirror and stop blaming others, especially white people.

I am obviously white and conservative, and I served in the military, which, during my time, was as color blind as you could be.  I can also honestly say I don’t give a damn what color your skin is, neither do any of my friends.  I do care about your actions.

Blacks are around 15 percent of the population.  Depending on what study you look at, they commit around 40 percent to 50 percent of violent crime in America.  Of course, there is going to be a problem with police.  And, of course, there are some bad policemen.  However, those bad apples do not kill black people statistically anymore than they kill white people.  Even Harvard said that recently.  If you were a cop, and you had to work in a neighbor-hood infested with crime and murder, wouldn’t you act differently than in a neighborhood where there was little crime?  The most effective thing black America could do to improve its relation-ship with police is to significantly reduce violent crime where they live.  Yes, that means change the culture of where you live and your community.

I for one am tired of being blamed.  I am tired of dealing with people who only want something from others.  I don’t oppress anyone.  I don’t hold anyone down.  I’m tired of getting on the D.C. metro and seeing white people being harassed by roaming gangs of black youth with their pants around their knees.  Yes, you want a white person uncomfortable?  That makes me uncomfortable.  It’s our nation’s capital and it’s embarrassing.

Blacks have nothing but opportunity in America.  Try finding the same opportunity anywhere else in the world.  If you are born in America you’ve won life’s economic lottery.  Take advantage of it.

The problem is this generation has been taught an agenda of cultural Marxism by our education system.  They’ve been taught to be a victim, and it’s still going on.  All you have to do is watch the young black, female student at Yale screaming at the college president to understand that.

Blacks in America don’t even know how good they got it.

Don’t kneel when my anthem is played.  Too many people died for that flag.  You are free to protest but not then.  I am free to not watch, or pay to watch you play if you do that.  The NFL should make it a rule that you stand for the National Anthem.  There is no free speech to disobey a private employer on private property.  This would solve the problem immediately.

The NFL has deeply offended most of America.  They will pay an economic and reputational price, as they should.

We have a real cultural problem in this country, the result of the Leftist multicultural agenda.  Multi-ethnicity is perfect and should be encouraged.  Having more than one American culture is destroying the country.  But then again, that is what the Left wants.

Do Black Lives Matter

It is your job to determine if this is a racist rant or just a review of factual data.

Amount of people in poverty would drop - 34%,
The prison population would go down by -37%,
Welfare recipients would go down by - - - 42%,
Gang members would go down by - - - - - 53%
Chlamydia cases would go down - - - - - - 54%,
Homelessness would go down - - - - - - - -57%
Syphilis would go down  - - - - - - - - - - - - 58%.
AIDS & HIV would go down by - - - - - - - -65%,
Gonorrhea would go down - - - - - - - - - - -69%,
Average ACT scores would go UP - - - - - 5.5 points.
Average IQ would go UP - - - - - - - - - - - -7.4 points,  putting us 3rd in the world tied with Japan,
Average SAT scores would go UP almost - - - - -100 points,
The average income for Americans would go UP over $20,000 a year,


And, many criminal defense attorneys would have to find another line of work!

Yes, Black lives DO matter!

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

The Clinton Family Legacy

Gareth Williams – Aug. 16, 2010
Gareth Williams, a transatlantic MI6 spy – whose dead body was found naked, padlocked and stuffed in a 32-inch by 19-inch duffel bag that was sitting in his London bathtub – had illegally hacked secret data on Bill Clinton, according to the U.K. Sun.  The news site noted, “[H]is death is still one of Britain’s most mysterious unsolved cases.”
Scotland Yard had announced the death as a suicide, saying he locked himself in the bag.
But his DNA wasn’t found on the lock. There were no palm prints on the edge of his bathtub.
This pull quote from a website article is just one of a multitude of documented cases which left individuals who had some type of association with the Clintons over the course of their political careers. 

Now, I ask you in all honesty, do you accept, at face value, the next to the last sentence stating what authorities believed happened regarding this man's death to be true? If you do, then please, leave me a comment at the bottom of this post and let me know how Gareth managed to pull this off!

That Scotland Yard even considered, let alone made an official statement such as this, has got to be the most incredible feat of the "willful suspension of disbelief" anyone could ever fathom! I mean... how is it possible to kill yourself, cut yourself up into small enough pieces to fit into the bag of those dimensions, then stuff yourself in it, then zip the bag closed and shut the padlock closed? Think about that for a second!!!

The article at the link above also lists the others along with the dates of their death who were found in very bizarre and/or similar situations for many of them if you bother to actually read the others listed. Now, with the more recent revelations about the Clintons Global Initiative Foundation - a part of the larger Clinton Family Foundation - having ripped off the people of Hati after the devastating earthquake only a decade or so ago, it begins to gain greater believably that the wake of dead people left behind them aren't just part of the "...vast right-wing conspiracy..." Hillary claimed to exist in 1998.

Monday, November 20, 2017

What About Thanksgiving?

In our modern world of technology where everyone's connected to the web and advertisements on TV seem to harp on Halloween and Christmas, I've begun to notice over the last several years how the national holiday we are about to observe - Thanksgiving - gets little to no attention when it comes to commercials. Instead, the prevailing focus is the opposite; ingratitude. The left - the ungrateful types - harp on the poor not having enough, or the rich having too much, and it seems as though whatever the poor get, or the rich give, it will never be satisfactory to them.

I have my idea as to why this is so, but there's a more interesting point that seems to get lost when considering this fact. And that's what results from gratitude versus ingratitude; happiness and unhappiness. Not being a student of psychology, I tend to wonder... do psychologists understand this?

When one thinks more carefully about the real reason behind Thanksgiving, it's obvious that gratitude is the whole purpose and focus. Only recently, I posted Michael Medved's remarks in a video (The Truth About Thanksgiving) I shared here about the true origins of the Thanksgiving holiday and why the settlers to Plymouth observed this gathering with their aboriginal acquaintances, the Native Americans.

Gratitude, as Dennis Prager explains in this video, produces a more happy attitude in people and does not have to involve any morality. Not having to involve morality may be a convenient thing these days, it's likely the most effective way to get those we want to change the attitudes of, without coming across as though we're trying to convert them. I urge you to watch this video for details to understand what's meant here and hope that by sharing it with you now your Thanksgiving experience this year produces greater happiness in the months to come.

Friday, November 17, 2017

She Said, He Said

Our nation's latest crisis is the news over sexual harassment. The shock began with the revelations about mogul Harvey Weinstein in Hollywood. The credibility of it from reputable and multiple stars set the liberals on their heels and shattered the "open secret" that has existed for far too long. Next came Kevin Spacey; another top actor. This opened the door to exposing the truth behind just how gross, perverted, and polluted the glitter and glamour of Tinseltown has become.

On the opposite side of the continent, the swamp creature known as "Turtleface" - I refuse to identify him by name - has reared his head by using 40 year old accusations which are yet to be substantiated with credible proof by highly questionable women to come out and claim sexual inappropriateness to attempt to destroy a candidate for Senate that "Turtleface" want eliminated from the ticket only 30 days from the vote in the special election of Alabama. 

I've wondered a few times how different things would have been had candidate Moore said when these accusations first came out something like... "Ladies and Gentlemen, When I was a young man before getting married and having a family I did some pretty stupid things. But I recognized my sins back then, was saved from continuing them by accepting Jesus Christ as my savior, and changed to a life committed to honesty, truth and purity to my wife and family. That was almost 35 years ago. I have since dedicated my life to the values of upholding the laws of God and country, and will continue to do so if you elect me to represent you in the Senate." Understanding what the social situation is in Alabama, I surmise that this would have completely taken any wind out of the sails of this extremely unfortunate situation.

While I admire this man's stand (to me it is an indication of his true character) against the highly questionable timing of these tactics by the left, it seems that we've now entered into a new period that has undertones of the Salem Witch Trials of the 1600s. It concerns me that we have only seen the beginning of this episode of "She said, He said." Might this turn into a type of McCarthyism from the early '50s because this type of behavior has been allowed to simmer due to silence by many for so long now?

Sides have begun to be taken by the talking heads of the media complex. Even while they try their best to be unbiased and not rush to judgement, others aren't allowing the opportunity to act sanctimonious; as though their side could never do any such thing. No, they portray their own as paragons of virtue. To me, this just reveals how secular our society has become. When there's been such a drastic shift away from the virtuous values and principles inherent in living a morally strong life, as the advice of the author of Proverbs has warned us, then this is what we reap as a society.

In the mid to late '60s, when I saw social change occurring drastically while going through high school, my gut told me that this time in history would be the turning point we as a nation would come to regret. I pray it will help our nation return to a more decent, respectful and loving culture in the years to come.