Thursday, June 15, 2017

Sadly, the Rhetoric Continues

In the tragic aftermath of the Alexandria, VA shooting on June 14th of the Republican Congressman and their aides practicing for today's baseball game, there were those in the media - in this particular instance - the New York Times newspaper editorial board - who just had to keep up the rhetoric which has helped to contribute to enraging those who believe what they hear, or see without question, in the news by acting on it. (The irony of this is that the leftists' meme is that it is the conservatives, Tea Party, Republicans, and especially Trump, who are the ones inciting violence.)

For those who are actually paying attention to what's going on and having any degree of critical thinking skills which allow them to realize the shift which has occurred in our mainstream media over the last few decades, it should be obvious and apparent that they no longer report "just the facts, mam!" (who, what, when, where and why), but instead interlace predominantly leftist opinions into much of their news reports today.

And, while the elected representatives in D.C. have been quick to call for a halt to the rhetoric on both sides of the isle, there are those in the media who just can't let go and don't realize this is a time to hold off on the ridiculous attack and accusations which are not about policies or issues, but about the character of individuals and those in the opposing party. Like post 9/11 it is doubtful that the rhetoric from the politicians will cease for long; even Rep. Pelosi of CA was quick to comment disparagingly about the other party earlier today! She's SO steeped in party ideology, that she can't even see how she's coming across in making such a statement!

For an interesting perspective on this matter, I invite you to read and listen to Glenn Beck's comments about this issue on who in the long list of who's to blame.

The following is a response from the Media Research Center; an organization that monitors and reports on media bias.

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Yesterday, the New York Times Editorial Board wrote an editorial that read, in part:

“In 2011, when Jared Lee Loughner opened fire in a supermarket parking lot, grievously wounding Representative Gabby Giffords and killing six people, including a 9-year-old girl, the link to political incitement was clear.
Later, they went on to say about yesterday’s shooting in Alexandria, Virginia:

“Though there’s no sign of incitement as direct as in the Giffords attack …”

MRC President Brent Bozell issued the following statement blasting the New York Times Editorial Board for their intentionally fallacious editorial:

“The New York Times Editorial Board should be embarrassed by the flaming pile of garbage they published today. Even in the face of a radical leftist's attempted assassination of numerous members of Congress, they try to find a way to cast blame on ... conservatives! Their editorial perpetuates a long-debunked leftist conspiracy theory about Gov. Sarah Palin inciting the Giffords shooting. They know better. The New York Times ’ own news reporters declared just yesterday that there was no evidence linking Palin to the Giffords shooting!

“If the New York Times Editorial Board is going to declare that one cannot place blame on Sen. Sanders for the Alexandria shooting, they must apologize to Gov. Palin for dragging her name through the mud to score cheap political points.”

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