Monday, September 18, 2017

Mortimer's Ruminations

Mexico had a greater impact on our election than Russia, yet no one is talking about the illegal aliens that voted!

Welfare should be as hard to get as veteran benefits.

Hilarious is when a bunch of people sucking off government handouts demand to see anyone's tax returns!

If you rob a bank in a sanctuary city, is it still illegal, or is it just an undocumented withdrawal?

They want to ban differing opinions they don't agree with and riot when they don't get their way, and they're calling me the intolerant one?

What's the difference between an illegal immigrant and E.T.? E.T. learned english and wanted to go home.

Why does Bernie Sanders tell us that, "Cutting carbon pollution emissions by just 32% by 2030 would prevent 3,600 premature deaths each year." when cutting abortions in the U.S. by 32% would save over 200,000 premature deaths each year?

Did you know that a large group of baboons is called a congress? Now that explains a lot, now doesn't it?

I support helping the needy. I oppose funding the lazy!

If security at our airports is important enough to wand scan a six year old, or a Nun in her habit, then shouldn't it be important at our borders too?

Homeless go without eating, elderly go without medicines, mentally ill go without treatment. Our troops go without proper equipment to fight in war, and veterans go without the benefits they were promised. Yet our nation donates billions in aide to other countries and does nothing to deal with excessive immigration before helping our own first! Doesn't make much sense, does it?

If you live in a country where you can get arrested for fishing without a license, but not for entering that same country illegally... it's safe to say that country is run by idiots.

Leftists claim that 11 million illegals can help our economy. If that's true, why didn't they help their own economy?

My ancestors were not the same as today's immigrants: 1) They came into the country legally. 2) They didn't cost the federal government a dime. 3) They didn't require the country adjust to them. 4) They didn't burn the American flag. 5) They willingly learned the language of the country; english!

After watching videos of Antifa attacking peaceful assemblies of people in the streets and seeing them wearing hoods and masks over their faces, I tend to wonder... are they afraid their parents will ground them if they're seen on television by them.

 A liberal is someone who wants... no, demands, that you think just as they do about everything, while a conservative is someone who just wants you to think.

Democrats refuse to fund a border wall to keep illegals out, but they expect you to fund sanctuary cities to keep them in.

If the average income in America is roughly $42,000 and Congress has 382 millionaires who haven't passed a jobs bill, but keep giving themselves tax cuts and raises, do you think they really care about us?

Remember when politics used to attract the brightest and most intelligent; Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Reagan? What the hell happened? We now have Warren, Schumer, Sanders and Pelosi!

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