Saturday, May 26, 2018

I Can See Clearly Now, the Fog is Gone!

You may recognize the words - even if I've changed them slightly - but you get the point that it's read with the tune in mind. But, just what is the "fog" I refer to?

Today's news is so filled with trivial and deliberately distracting "fluff" that the critically significant issues are obscured.

Like what? you ask. 

First, notice how Chris Cuomo begins the video clip in the article cited here with his question. Chris's premise is that conservatives are actively attempting to obstruct the DOJ's efforts to conduct its investigation into "Russia/Trump Collusion". How clever of him!

As Sen. Ron Johnson explains, it's becoming obvious and apparent that the Obama administration, expecting Hillary to win the election, were downplaying the fact that it knew of the Russian's attempts to influence the election, but then changed its tune in order to cover its butt in light of Trump winning unexpectedly. 

In other words, Obama and company of collaborators scrambled to make up a scenario in order to explain away their illegal actions they knew would be covered up had Hillary been elected president.

This verifies and confirms, in my opinion and in the minds of many others, that the media has been the colluders with the previous administration to carry the water for it in order to distract and divert public attitude towards the duly elected president for the purpose of setting him up for impeachment.

But, it has failed miserably! No evidence, just harassment - destroying people's lives - and intimidation - the threat of a process crime of lying - by Mueller's special counsel. Tucker Carlson's show recently had an individual - John Kirkakou - on testifying to the fact that both Comey and Mueller have along track record of doing just this. (The only available video is of the whole show, so one must advance to the 33:45 mark to watch this interview with John Kirkakou.)

Another source which does a wonderful job of sorting through the confusion of all of this is historian Newt Gringrich in this message he recently posted.

This latest revelation, along with all the other disclosures which have come along over the past months, are beginning to establish the truth about what really was being attempted by the leftist/socialists... take total control of our country's democracy so they could subvert our liberties and freedoms.

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