Saturday, June 30, 2018

The Brittleness of the Left

Remember how "cocky" liberals were leading up to the night of the 2016 election? In case you didn't see it, I recommend watching this excellent compilation of various clips from Trump's announcement in 2015 to the results coverage on November 6, 2016. 

Last week's news of the Supreme Court's ruling on the Janis case of public employees not having to be forced to join or pay union dues and justice Kennedy's announcement of his retirement was a pivotal moment in political history.

Here is an article from To The Point News' website by Dr. Jack Wheeler which explains why this is so:

In 1987, I wrote an article for the Heritage Foundation entitled, “The Brittleness of the Soviet Empire.”
I argued that the structure of the Soviet Empire, including the Soviet Union itself, was brittle. When a physicist describes a physical substance as brittle, he has definite characteristics in mind.
A brittle structure may be very stable. Unbending and unchanging, it may be able to withstand a great deal of pressure and remain unaltered for a considerable time. But it is inflexible; stresses cannot be redistributed except by causing the flaws to grow until a sudden, catastrophic failure occurs shattering the material and breaking it apart.
A brittle structure does not change slowly and gradually. One moment it seems sturdy and unyielding; the next moment it is in pieces.
That’s exactly what happened to the Soviet Union.  That’s exactly what’s happening to the Left in America today.  As in today, June 28, 2018.  Mark the date.  Millions of Lefty Trump-Haters feel just like this guy as you are reading this:
The key word, the magic word, is “hopeless.”  That’s the word that defines victory – when all the anger and fight is gone from the enemy who wants to kill you, replaced by hopelessness and paralyzing depression, by their “spark going out.”
This morning, the New York Times Editorial Board feels precisely the same:
“Wednesday afternoon (6/27) brought the coup de grace (to the Hate America Radical Left agenda). Everyone knew it was coming sooner than later, but Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement is still crushing… With Justice Kennedy’s departure, the court is very likely to lock in an unmoderated, hard-right majority for the rest of most of our lives. It is a dark moment in the history of the court and the nation, and it’s about to get a lot darker.”
 The NYT snowflakes make a forlorn cry for a blue wave fantasy in November, too afraid to admit that Justice Kennedy just assured a red wave instead with a Trumper electorate on fire while demoralized Dems drag themselves to vote or just stay home.
Of course, McConnell – on a serious high right now as he’s the guy who single-handedly blocked Zero’s replacement, Merrick Garland, and then got the Senate to eliminate the filibuster for SCOTUS nominee votes enabling confirmation of Neil Gorsuch – could  ram through a vote on Trump’s nominee before November.  Or promise to do the same in the 115th Congress Lame Duck session afterwards.
One way or the other, POTUS smells DemLeftie blood in the water.  No way is he going to nominate some pro-abortion “moderate” like the NYT prays for.  He’ll campaign hard – just like he did in Fargo last night – for pro-life GOP senators to replace pro-death Dems.
Trump is baking a conservative red wave into the senate cake for the 116th Congress – for he and every Trumper knows that Ruth Bader Ginsburg will now give up – what’s the point of spending your last years at death’s door writing meaningless angry minority opinions?  Stephen Bryer, who turns 80 in August, may hang on for a while (although probably not until 2024), but Ginsburg at 85 and dying, no way.
So no wonder the entire Left – from the thugs of Antifa to the Enemedia to the Deep State to lefties everywhere – are in an abyss of despair.  This is what made them snap.  The Communist New York Daily News cover this morning made this clear, with typical leftie vulgarity:

Who’s we, Tonto?  You leftie America-haters are, but we Americans are doing great.
And by the way – you just figured this out now?  What took you so long?
Ever since November 8 2016, the Left has been in mouth-foaming denial and anger.  It’s been getting progressively worse until reaching treasonous derangement threatening murderous violence.  Today, Lefties broke through those first two stages of grief, skipped the third – bargaining – and dove straight into the fourth: depression.
That’s what we want.  A person in angry denial of reality is dangerous.  A person in depression no longer has the energy to fight.  Depression is giving up.  Then they’re no longer a threat.
That’s what happened to the Soviets – one moment they’re a world superpower with a globe-spanning colonial empire.  The next moment, they just… gave up.
Not in a literal moment of course – but to anyone who was there and lived through it, the Collapse of the Soviet Union happened in a blink of history’s eye.
History is blinking at us right now.  We make fun of “snowflake” college kids needing “safe spaces” from getting “triggered” by anything they disagree with.  We’re discovering now that all Lefties are snowflakes.
It’s just like all bullies are cowards.  All that anger and belligerence is a Potemkin façade of the Left, hiding how fragile and brittle they are.
Now for the caveat, the warning.
It’s that of Rocky Marciano – you never ever step back when you have your opponent on the ropes, you keep swinging until he’s on the canvas and stays there to the count of 10.
That means that the November 6 election can put the Left on the canvas for a generation.  We are win­ning, we have not yet won.  That will come when the Left reaches the final fifth stage of grief:  acceptance.
That day will come with a Red Wave November.  Now we must do all that we can to achieve it.  Meanwhile, savor this day, this moment of history.
Today we learned how fatally brittle, how fatally fragile the Left is – and the Left learned it about themselves. Now we drive the stake into the heart of the beast.
The Soviet Union is no more.  Soon the American Left will follow.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

A Few Perspectives On Progressive Socialism

Lt. Col. Alan West has written a brief commentary on this topic and provided a six minute video on the development on progressives' agenda.

I urge all my readers to check them out.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

And, on a different topic, but related to the same leftist insanity, I recommend checking out this article about public schools promoting Islam over Judaism and Christianity. 

If people don't start standing up in greater numbers, we're heading for a very rude awakening when it's too late!

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

On Civility of Political Differences
To me, a black man who has lived in the South most of my life, strategies like Rep. Maxine Waters’ sound more like that of the segregationists than those of our civil rights heroes and heroines.
In 1836, Lincoln said, “There is no grievance that is a fit object of redress by mob law.”

The Next Real Threat Is Closer Than You Realize

With Pres. Trump initiating talks with North Korea's Kim Jung Un most of the public believes that, should it result in signed accords to end hostilities between our nation and theirs, our greatest threat will have been neutralized.


Most people aren't aware - because the mainstream press is too busy making up fake assertions about Trump and his people who support his agenda to make our country prosperous again - that our neighbors to the south are about to elect a socialist for their president who most likely will take the country into darker territory politically.

Dick Morris reports in his "Lunch Alert" and in Breitbart today that this will be the case very soon, while Victor Davis Hanson has written a new article about the same topic.

So, what's going on? Is there a long range plan afoot? I wouldn't put it past the liberal leftists in way!

Given the rhetoric and actions of leftists in our country over the recent past, it seems to me that there may well be a connection of sorts here, if not an outright possibility of a long range plan to overthrow our country.

Knowing how the Democrats have evolved over the last decade, I wouldn't be surprised if information is ever uncovered that they are in league with this political development shifting in Mexico with their rabid support of open borders when it comes to the issue of immigration.

Why would the Democrats be so adamant about taking our guns away from law abiding citizens? Oh, I don't know, but it doesn't take much of a stretch to figure it out in light of this news.

Monday, June 25, 2018

Who's The Target Audience?

When watching this latest video from Prager U titled, "American Media, Soviet Tactics", it's obvious that those who support Pres. Trump already understand this message all too clearly. 

Those who supported either Hillary Clinton, or Bernie Sanders, or are rabid leftists wanting to make the country a socialist utopia, also understand this message.

The great hoard of the public who either don't care about politics, don't bother making the effort to pay attention to what's really going on by applying degree of critical analysis to the situation, or form their opinion on the bits and pieces they hear from a variety of sources; friends, news outlets they happen to watch or catch passing by, are the ones this message is really for.

These swing voters are those who will make the difference in the coming election(s). But, they won't necessarily have to watch this video when the impact of much of Pres. Trump's policies surface to the point of being noticed; like their tax cut/take home pay increase, the availability of jobs, etc, some of which will most likely take years before it's actually noticeable.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Hyperbole Run Amuck!

Hyperbole run amuck. Never mind the truth behind the issue, just use emotional ploys to stir up the ignorant masses for your political agenda.

Here's a perfect example of hyperbole turned on its head

M.L.K. Jr. NEVER was promoting uncivil or confrontational actions. It was the Bull Conners and George Wallaces of the day who were being confrontational and uncivil to those who were peacefully and respectfully demand civil rights.

The ending remarks of this woman reveals her ignorance of the facts of that day's activities in the civil rights movement and is injecting socialist/communist style rhetoric into the issue which was never part of that movement.

I just wish the leftists would do their own research about what their "leader" said only a few years ago about immigrants and their children. See below...

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Political Opportunism & Misdirection

The leftist politicians - with the help of their willing accomplices in the media - are masters at concocting an issue to tug at the emotional heart strings of the public while having absolutely no remorse over having totally ignored the multitude of situations of children being separated from their parents in everyday situations, or having created the welfare state which, for decades now, has incentivized separating the father from the homes of millions of black mothers just to get the per child funds.

This video by Brittany Hughes of MRC-TV's Reality Check, makes the point succinctly.

But, just for contrast, let's look at what happened during Obama's administration regarding the actions of I.C.E. and Homeland Security agencies. And, of course, the Media gives these facts no mention now!

No more needs to be said.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

I.G.'s Report Finds "No Bias"?

For those with no inclination to read the complete 568-page Inspector General's report, here are some  excerpts.

Surely there was NO BIAS!  Interestingly, I knew we were all irredeemable deplorables, but I didn't know we were POS (pieces of s##t) until reading the comment at page  417.  And I had no idea we actually emitted foul smells at Walmart. . . The good news there is that they have no idea who the Trump base really is. . .

There's much more in the report, including one agent trying to get his son a job with the Hillary campaign, but the following is enough to show that there was likely at least a smidgen of  bias.  The unanswered question here is:  "Where are the pro-Trump and/or anti-Hillary text messages?"  Easy answer: There are none!  Case solved!

It's my understanding from following this carefully for several months now, that, for the November 9th texts are FBI employee = Peter Strzok, while FBI attorney = Lisa Page; his mistress.


IG Report, page 400

August 26, 2016, Strzok: “Just went to a southern Virginia Walmart. I could SMELL the Trump support....

October 19, 2016, Strzok: “I am riled up. Trump is a fucking idiot, is unable to provide a coherent answer.”

November 7, 2016, Strzok: Referencing an article entitled “A victory by Mr. Trump remains possible,” 

Page 403

August 8, 2016: In a text message on August 8, 2016, Page stated, “[Trump’s] not ever going to become president, right? Right?!”
Strzok responded, “No. No he’s not. We’ll stop it."

Page 409

September 2, 2016: . . . 09:50:29, Page: “Yes, bc potus wants to know everything we are doing.”

Page 413

In a December 6, 2016 exchange, Agent 5 complained to Agent 1 about being required to be on call on the day of the presidential inauguration. In the middle of expressing displeasure about this, Agent 5 sent a message to Agent 1 that stated, “fuck trump.” 
On February 9, 2017, in the context of an FBI employee
receiving a presidential award for public service, Agent 5 messaged, “...I think now that trump is the president, i’d refuse it. it would be an insult to even be considered for it.”

Page 417

November 9, 2016. . . 

09:55:35, FBI Employee: “I can’t stop crying.”
10:00:13, FBI Attorney 2: “That makes me even more sad.”
10:43:20, FBI Employee: “Like, what happened?”
10:43:37, FBI Employee: “You promised me this wouldn’t happen. YOU PROMISED.”
. . .
10:51:48, FBI Attorney 2: “I am so stressed about what I could have done differently.”

10:54:29, FBI Employee: “Don’t stress. None of that mattered.”
10:54:31, FBI Employee: “The FBI’s influence.”
10:59:36, FBI Attorney 2: “I don’t know. We broke the momentum.”
11:00:03, FBI Employee: “That is not so.”
11:02:22, FBI Employee: “All the people who were initially voting for her would not, and were not, swayed by any decision the FBI put out.
Trump’s supporters are all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS that think he will magically grant them jobs for doing nothing. They probably didn’t watch the debates, aren’t fully educated on his policies,
and are stupidly wrapped up in his unmerited enthusiasm.

Page 418

11:11:43, FBI Attorney 2: “I’m just devastated. I can’t wait until I can leave today and just shut off the world for the next four days.”
11:12:06, FBI Employee: “Why are you devastated?”
11:12:18, FBI Employee: “Yes, I’m not watching tv for four years.”
11:14:16, FBI Attorney 2: “I just can’t imagine the systematic disassembly of the progress we made over the last 8 years. ACA is gone. Who knows if the rhetoric about deporting people, walls, and crap is true. I honestly feel like there is going to be a lot more gun
issues, too, the crazies won finally. This is the tea party on steroids. And the GOP is going to be lost, they have to deal with an incumbent in 4 years. We have to fight this again. Also Pence is stupid.”
11:14:58, FBI Employee: “Yes that’s all true.”

11:15:01, FBI Attorney 2: “And it’s just hard not to feel like the FBI caused some of this. It was razor thin in some states.”
11:15:09, FBI Employee: “Yes it was very thin.”
11:15:23, FBI Attorney 2: “ Plus, my god damned name is all over the legal documents investigating his staff.

Here's Tucker Carlson's show for 6/15/18, the day after the I.G.'s report was released. Quite the show! 

And here is Tuesday, June 20th's House Hearing questioning of the I.G. Horowitz by Congressman Trey Gowdy, who is the Chair of the Committee. (Note that @ the 7:20 point & then the 12:45 point, Gowdy begins to make very direct observations regarding the bias Horowitz couldn't seem to find any evidence of regarding bias.

Monday, June 11, 2018

Falling Into the Same Trap

Too many times over the past several years I've seen examples of liberals labeling conservatives with broad terms that apply to anyone who doesn't think the same way they do; claiming we're racist, fascist, bigots who only deserve to be annihilated for committing "hate crimes".

But Prager U's most recent video about progressive ideology at colleges and universities seems to clearly fall into the same trap of the left's broad stroked accusations in "Dangerous People Are Teaching Your Kids".

Here's what the introduction to the video states:
You are currently funding some dangerous people. These people are indoctrinating young minds throughout the West with their ideology that’s built on resentment. In this video, Jordan Peterson, Professor of Psychology at the University of Toronto, explains who they are and how American parents and taxpayers have found themselves funding this dangerous gang of nihilists.
While I agree with the concepts and  claims presented, I disagree with the fact that he fails to point out that there are still a few exceptions of conservative, or surviving "Kennedy type Democrats", who understand our freedoms and liberties are in danger from these nihilists who've infiltrated our institutions of higher learning. 

These rare individuals with the fortitude to stand up against such threats to free speech and diversity of ideas have been under attack for defending our long held values by these very people. Yet, this fact is completely ignored in this video.

Why do I make this point? Because, as a conservative all my life, I experienced this circumstance as a career educator. I watched it creep into the K-12 level of our public school over the length of my 30 years in the classroom. It was disturbing to watch as administrators gradually eradicated our long held values in exchange for producing the "snowflakes" and "sheeple" which now dominate our social situation today, rather than the reasoning, critical thinkers who understand the concepts behind our country being the magnet to the rest of the world's people.

Socialist/Communists have long practiced implementing five, ten, and twenty-five year plans with specific goals to accomplish within a certain period. This evil force appears to have successfully managed to destroy much of our American culture developed over the last two hundred years.

Whether our current leader and his administration will succeed in stopping this movement is something only time will reveal. 

BTW... for a different perspective of falling into the same trap, I highly recommend watching this video. It will make you think where our culture is going.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

You Can Lead A Horse To Water...

You can lead a horse to water... but you can't make 'em drink.

That saying was a common figure of speech when horses were still very much a part of everyday life.

Today, when it comes to children learning in school, a more appropriate saying would go something like this...

You can send children to school, but there's no guarantee that they will learn, for several reasons.

Those who complain that public schools aren't doing a good job of teaching students today do so from a skewed perspective of the situation. 

They are usually talking about today's schools from their experience of several decades ago, when our society lived under much different social and family circumstances.

Am I saying that there aren't those teachers who are talented to the point of truly inspiring, or motivating their students to excel? No, but as in most other professions, these exceptional ones are rare. When only one teacher is recognized for the year in an entire state, or the nation, each year, it's pretty obvious.

Today there are several key factors that influence the education process in public schools in ways that are quite different when compared to back then.

The most prominent in the equation of learning is the social economic circumstance of the parent(s). 

If the household from which the child comes is within the accepted poverty level, the odds of the child excelling are extremely poor. This is so because the parent(s) of the child themselves have had a limited education. 

However, this factor is not the only one which might impact the child's learning experience.

It is a known fact that there has been an increase in public schools of the number of students (especially at the elementary level) who come to school not having had breakfast. 

This is why most schools more recently have implemented programs which provide students of low income families free or reduced cost breakfast and lunch. Research and common sense tells us that children will not be capable of focusing on learning new concepts if they're distracted by hunger.

Another factor influencing students’ ability to learn is health. Over the past couple of decades there has been an increase in the number of students who have diabetes, asthma, attention deficit disorder (ADA/ADHD) and other conditions which have been included in the schools that simply did not exist several decades ago.

The advent and rapid development of technology has also created a huge distraction to learning. This factor is not so much an impact from school, as it is in the home. 

Video games, cell phones, and cable television have all contributed to distraction for students doing homework today - to the point where many schools no longer even assign homework, knowing students will nott do it. 

Also, teachers in most districts are no longer including homework as part of the student's grade in any subject.
And any students today at most levels of the grade spectrum don't even do the in-class assignments given by their teacher as part of the educational process. Even with the teacher emphasizing to parent(s) the fact that their child is not doing the work given them in class, most of the parents do little to nothing at home to emphasize the importance to their child about doing their best, or encourage their child to try their best.

Consequently many parent(s) are surprised, if not shocked, to learn when report cards are distributed that their child is failing and didn't perform well on many, or most, of the testing categories on the end of year assessment.
Note that I've repeatedly referred to the adult in the family unit as "parent(s)" because of another huge factor in the child's experience:  many households today lack a father. A home where only the mother is present, or a "live-in" boyfriend with little to no interest in the child's learning  sends a subtle message which can affect the child's overall attitude about men in general later in their life.

Yet, much of the nation's public schools are moving towards determining the teacher's worth to the district based on how well their students are doing! That's essentially the same as determining how effective a dentist is based on how many cavities the dentist's clientele have, or how good an auto mechanic is based on how well the cars they work on perform over their lifetime.

So, when anyone speaks in a negative manner about what public schools are doing to educate today's children, just remember... You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. In other words, if the desire by the student and the parent aren't there to apply themselves to the task of taking advantage of the opportunity before them, there's no guarantee of a stellar outcome... no matter how good a teacher a teacher is, or what the teacher does in their effort to educate the child in their care.

How can I say all this? 

A teacher I know has taught in public schools for more than 30 years at the elementary level and has been dedicated and meticulously organized, persistent in her efforts to prepare students to learn the material that has been given by the district.

She has constantly changed her curriculum to meet the trending instructional material of the year - literally exhausted herself by spending hours and hours on weekends and holidays to pore over the work her students have done every week.

What many don't realize is that disciplinary consequences have completely been taken away from teachers and given solely to the principal who follows district prescribed guidelines which often send the subtle message that there are no consequences for making socially unacceptable choices.

She is retiring this month, frustrated and disillusioned at tests that are designed such that the student is unable to understand what the directions are for a problem that uses sentence structure and vocabulary that is designed for a cognitive level of a high school or college student. 

The testing industry has created a battery of contents which are completely ignoring the research on children's cognitive development capabilities at their age, and are touting this as making education more rigorous.

Some believe that this situation is deliberately designed to make the situation worse in order to justify taking greater control of the learning process in public schools. Civics, for instance, in high school has not been taught as a required course since the early 1970s. But that's a whole other post topic.

All the while, the public is being led to believe by their school districts that the whole educational process is improving its instructional delivery system while ignoring the root causes behind its largely failing results.

Is it any mystery why many families have migrated to homeschooling, or elected to pay tuition to private or charter schools?

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Matching Serial Numbers?

Matching Serial Numbers

So here's the REAL story.  Amb. Stevens was sent to Benghazi in order to retrieve US made Stinger missiles supplied to Ansar al Sharia without Congressional oversight or permission. Hillary brokered the deal through Stevens and a private arms dealer named Marc Turi.

Then some of the shoulder fired missiles ended up in Afghanistan and were used against our own military. It was July 25th, 2012 when a Chinook helicopter was taken down by one of our own Stingers, but the idiot Taliban didn't arm the missile and the Chinook didn't explode, but had to land anyway An ordnance team recovered the serial number off the missile which led back to a cache of Stingers being kept in Qatar by the CIA.

Obama and Hillary were now in full panic mode and Stevens was sent in to retrieve the rest of the Stingers. This was a "do-or-die" mission, which explains the stand down orders given to multiple commando teams.

It was the State Dept, not the CIA, that supplied them to our sworn enemies, because Petraeus wouldn't approve supplying these deadly weapons due to their potential use on commercial aircraft.

Then, Obama threw Gen. Petraeus under the bus after he refused to testify that he OK'd the BS talking points about a spontaneous uprising due to a YouTube video.

Obama and Hillary committed treason and THIS is what the investigation is all about, why she had a private server, (in order to delete the digital evidence), and why Obama, two weeks after the attack, told the UN that the attack was the result of a YouTube video, even though everyone knew it was not.

Further..the Taliban knew that this administration aided and abetted the enemy without Congressional approval when Boehner created the Select Cmte, and the Taliban began pushing the Obama Administration for the release of 5 Taliban Generals.

Bowe Bergdahl was just a pawn...everyone KNEW he was a traitor.

So (at that time) we have a traitor as POTUS that is not only corrupt, but compromised and a woman that is a serial liar, who perjured herself multiple times at Congressional hearings.

Perhaps this is why no military aircraft was called in because the administration knew our enemies had Stinger missiles.

The Social Engineering of American Culture

As an educator I've lived through several decades, exposed to the front lines of society's changing values.

And the more I listen to the media discussing issues impacting the American culture, the clearer it has become to me that our culture is being systematically destroyed. Why?

If one compares our nation's values today with those from sixty five years ago, it's obvious that things are very different. 

After WWII, with so many men not returning home, our nation was grateful that we were able to preserve a nation of freedom and liberty. 

Our prosperity took off like a rocket as veterans came home and returned to a peacetime society, starting  their own businesses, careers, and families. The youth of the day and those born shortly after the war grew up in a society where social etiquette was considered paramount to maintaining a culture of civility, decency, and respect for others. Idealism prevailed because society's respect for those values were kept at the forefront through our institutions.

Granted, there were undesirable elements in society then, as before, which tainted our nation's attempt to establish a "more perfect union". Those who choose to disobey the laws established to maintain a civil society will always be among us. But we as a people were focused on moving into the future with the desire to improve our opportunities for everyone. 

Yet, during this same period  a foreign threat to our nation's democracy stepped up its efforts to implement a long range plan to subvert that decency and respect.

Both from without, and from within our nation's government, communism set in motion several goals by which our freedoms and liberties would slowly be transformed so that the youth today would turn on their elders. 

Recall that Nikita Kruschev took off his shoe at the United Nations and pounded it on the table while shouting in Russian, "We will bury you!" And, recall the statement to the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture by a visiting Russian ambassador who said that America would be changed so much that it would eventually be like low hanging fruit, ready for picking.

The shift of our music from the likes of Buddy Holly to that of Def Leopard and AC/DC, and then to rap, which glorifies violence, sexual abuse, and illicit drugs, was another indicator of that deterioration, along with the acceptance of homosexuality, transgenderism, black on black death by gun violence, and female and gay priests in our churches who did away with organs for rock bands. On television, shows like Captain Kangaroo gave way to The Simpsons and Family Guy, is a sad testament to the effectiveness of those goals which have effectively degraded our nation's moral and cultural standards to a level of disrespect and rudeness.

During my years in public education I've seen the gradual decline in the stability of the family in society. Polls indicate that this factor is the primary concern of citizens today. There are more and more single parent households where the father of the child(ren) is absent and the mother is left to work and raise them alone. Many of these youth are left without any social skills to productively interact with their peers or their elders and end up rebelling against their mother, establishing or engaging in gangs and producing out of wedlock children of their own.

At our government level, politicians who were corrupt have now dropped their pretense and are blatantly radical in their intent to implement socialist policies that will destroy our remaining liberties and freedoms such as one's right to speak freely their opinion or to defend themselves from violent threats. Sanctuary cities and states have become the next step in promoting the illegal infiltration of our nation by foreigners who do not (nor wish to) shareour values

A clear decision by the majority of middle America to bring a halt to this trend is now being met with a barrage of fake news and lies which are blatant overreactions by those who are not willing to accept any differing philosophy, or let go of their desire to control the public's attitude or understanding about how so very dysfunctional our nation is today and where it's headed.