Tuesday, June 26, 2018

The Next Real Threat Is Closer Than You Realize

With Pres. Trump initiating talks with North Korea's Kim Jung Un most of the public believes that, should it result in signed accords to end hostilities between our nation and theirs, our greatest threat will have been neutralized.


Most people aren't aware - because the mainstream press is too busy making up fake assertions about Trump and his people who support his agenda to make our country prosperous again - that our neighbors to the south are about to elect a socialist for their president who most likely will take the country into darker territory politically.

Dick Morris reports in his "Lunch Alert" and in Breitbart today that this will be the case very soon, while Victor Davis Hanson has written a new article about the same topic.

So, what's going on? Is there a long range plan afoot? I wouldn't put it past the liberal leftists in way!

Given the rhetoric and actions of leftists in our country over the recent past, it seems to me that there may well be a connection of sorts here, if not an outright possibility of a long range plan to overthrow our country.

Knowing how the Democrats have evolved over the last decade, I wouldn't be surprised if information is ever uncovered that they are in league with this political development shifting in Mexico with their rabid support of open borders when it comes to the issue of immigration.

Why would the Democrats be so adamant about taking our guns away from law abiding citizens? Oh, I don't know, but it doesn't take much of a stretch to figure it out in light of this news.

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