Saturday, November 3, 2018

A History of Cycles

In our modern society of instant communications and information, it seems the majority of people have little understanding of history and its significance to what it foretells about our future as a nation.

Instead of wisdom, civility, and humility, the dominant trend of today's culture is to be distracted by the glitz and mesmeric entertainment of our technological achievements; CGG (Computer Generated Graphics), VR (Virtual Reality), and AI (Artificial Intelligence).

Very few living today understand anything other than paper dollars, and credit. Yet, all of it is based on an economic foundation built on sand.

Anyone interested and willing to educate themselves on the financial aspect of why our founding fathers established the United States of America as they did, would do well to watch two episodes of Mike Maloney's Hidden Secrets of Money (Episode 9 - Fall of Empires: Rome vs U.S.A., 28:26 & Episode 10 - American Bread & Circus, 40:49) to understand why I make such statements above.

Yes, the time spans of these two videos may seem long, but then whether you watch them, or not, will reveal your priorities. I guarantee you, the information in them is worth the time.

Remember... knowledge is power, but understanding is wisdom.

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