Monday, April 29, 2019

Selective Omission

What most people never really stop and think about, or realize, is that the Media (D) has gotten very crafty in how they deal with current issues which promote their agenda and leave out evidence, facts, or information which completely negate the whole assertion on their part.

"Like what?", you ask.

Well, how about the biggest issue of the past two and a half years; Russian collusion to rig the election.

As we all know, the Media's (D) been pounding the claim that the reason Hillary lost to Trump was because Trump, his campaign, or both, were working with Russia to rig her loss in 2016. Actually, if one does some real hard recall, or research to find it online, it was Trump who made the claim during the campaign that he was the one concerned that the election could be rigged in favor of Hillary.

So, who but Pres. Obama from the Rose Garden points out how ridiculous such a concern by Trump is in this video from Real Clear Politics on October 18, 2016. Watch it for yourself!

Why do I focus on this? Because it reveals how the Media (D) has intentionally ignored this fact. Instead, they have ranted and raved on CNN, MSNBC and other liberal stations almost 24/7 for the past several years that the dossier proved that it was Trump who rigged the election.

And yet, even after the whole thing was proven a hoax once the Mueller report came out, the liberals - now in power in the House of Congress - is like a dog refusing to let it go and out to destroy a President who's making serious and siginficant changes to our seriously corrupt political culture.

Say what? If this says anything, it is that the liberals honestly believe that we "deplorables" are that stupid to believe them when they make their claim about something when it comes to their power and control issues.

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