Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Cannibalism of Identity Politics

Before I get to today's topic, I can't resist saying that I'm convinced, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Joe Biden is totally and completely "dead in the water" when it comes to his campaign, and getting nominated... especially when he said at a recent AARP sponsored campaign pitch when talking about health care, "If you like you healthcare plan, you can keep it!" (No, I'm not kidding! He repeated the biggest political lie by B.H.O. - 20 some odd times - when promoting Obamacare.) Now, I ask you, if "W" had used his Dad's line, "Read my lips, NO NEW TAXES!" in his campaign, how well would that have worked? Unbelievable!
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For those of us who pay attention to our world today, we know just how epic of a failure the Congressional "Squad's" presser was in their attempt to strike back at Pres. Trump's tweet about taking on his challenge to show us how it's done in improving the country they themselves came from.

These four women attempted to defend themselves for their obvious and blatant racist and antisemitic rhetoric by using the tactic of calling anyone and everyone a racist. In fact, we've already heard them calling other Democrats - Nancy Pelosi for one - these labels, revealing that it only leads to self-destruction. This is the liberal's only political weapon; virtue signaling their superiority of their sensitivity to the community of color, or minority oppressed. Anyone who doesn't see the world in their way are simply disgusting, ignorant and phobic or some type of 'ist'; take you pick!

Remember the reaction which occurred during the last campaign when Hillary called all Trump supporters "Deplorables" and how well that went over for her? Now, only two years later, they've taken this weapon to a whole new level compared to Hillary's campaign remark that, I believe was the "trigger" which caused a lot of voters to say, "That's it, I've had enough of this crap!".

Well, I highly suspect that this is precisely what Pres. Trump is utilizing in his daily tweets;  a strategy of revealing just how self-destructive their weapon of identity politics is - not only for the country - but for themselves, by provoking them into eating each other alive and imploding the party by exposing it all. To me, he's clearly setting the ground for the coming campaign next summer for whoever gets the nomination for the DNC. It looks as though we're in for quite a "circus" in our next presidential election!

Should a reader need more examples of what I'm getting at, I highly recommend watching this episode of Dan Bongino's podcast on the topic. For those who didn't hear Mark Levin's remarks on these women, here's his remarks.

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