Friday, February 7, 2020

Why Paul Manafort Was Framed

Andrew Weissmann
For anyone who's paid attention to the "Russia Hoax" which was the left's first of many hoaxes to conduct a soft coup, it may have seemed a bit puzzling to learn about Paul Manafort being convicted, sentenced and going to prison for something which had nothing to do with colluding with the Russians.
Well, new information has surfaced which, if it gets to Pres. Trump, might result in an eventual pardoning of Manafort.
Here is the opening line of John Solomon's latest report...

One of Robert Mueller’s pivotal trial witnesses told the special prosecutor’s team in spring 2018 that a key piece of Russia collusion evidence found in Ukraine known as the “black ledger” was fabricated, according to interviews and testimony.

You may not remember, or ever heard about, the "black ledger" which was the core evidence for convicting Paul Manafort, who rots in prison today.  Andrew Weissmann - Mueller's right hand man leading the investigation team - used this totally fabricated evidence to convict Manafort, has convicted yet another individual * and sent him to prison in the past.

* You may recall that this same lawyer, Weissmann, is documented as having convicted another innocent man who went to prison for the Enron scandal back in the early 2000s. (Read "Licensed to Lie", by Sydney Powell... who's now Lt. Gen. Flynn's lawyer, defending him in his case.

Oh yea... you may not have heard, but Weissmann's now a legal consultant for CNN. Gee! Just like John Brennan did. Isn't if funny how these sleaze balls end up their? 

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