Saturday, October 28, 2017

Will It Be A Trick, or A Treat?

With the announcement by Special Prosecutor Muller of the first indictment coming next week, one can't help but wonder whether it will be a trick, or a treat.

If the indictment goes to anyone in the Obama administration who were fully aware of the UraniumOne deal, then it will be a treat. However, if it is anyone in the Trump campaign circle, then it will be a trick of the left and most likely of Obama's planning. 

The revelations coming out over the last week have been nothing short of the biggest scandal of this nation's history; treason, obstruction of  justice, bribery, money laundering, etc, etc. The names implicated in these discoveries not only include Hillary Clinton as S.O.S., but Obama as POTUS, Holder as A.G., Rosenstein, Muller himself as FBI Director, Lynch as A.G., and perhaps others like Bill Clinton.

The difference between the Trump-Russia investigation and the UraniumOne deal? Evidence! With the FBI agent's NDA now lifted by Session's DOJ, he will testify before a closed hearing to present his evidence of documents, audio tapes, and details on who, what, when, where and why. Unless, like others in the past who've had such credible information, this individual turns out to be a statistic in the wake of the Clinton's history in politics - dead by self-inflicted gun shot to the head, like Foster.

Footnote: Here's a report from the FOX News Sunday show of an interview of Rep. Trey Gowdy by Chris Wallace with video.

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