Saturday, January 20, 2018

The Silent Invasion of America

As the saying used to go among adults when I was growing up, "There's something rotten going on in Denmark!"

Only today, that saying would more appropriately be, "There's something rotten going on in the United Nations!" Why? Well, let me ask a few pointed questions.

If you had the inclination to take over a country by stealth methods, how would you successfully manage to pull that off?

If you were involved in helping others to improve their lives because they were fleeing foreign countries where war, famine, drought, and religious persecution was rampant, you'd feel good as a person, right?

What would you say would be a reasonable number of immigrants - excluding those sneaking into the country through the southern border every year for the past several decades - that should be allowed to come into the country? 50,000, 100,000, 250,000, or more? Surely, if our governments been letting them in at the rate they have already, it must be because they know best how many our economic situation can handle, right?

What would be your reaction be if you discovered that most of these refugees who arrived in the country were not vetted, checked for communicable diseases, were being given U.S. Passports, and were being instructed on how to sign up for receiving Social Security Disability Insurance benefits when they've never paid a nickle into the system? How long would it take you to realize, "Hey, wait, I've been paying into this all my working life and I'm going to be subsidizing these foreigners?"

Has it ever occurred to you that, based on other incidences in the past from news reports and other sources that you realized you weren't being told the whole truth about something? Or, are you someone who, when they hear the news on something you don't quite understand much about, just accepts at face value that, because the news media is authoritative, you trust their reporting of what is told the public to be accurate, the whole truth, and is all on the up-and-up?

I urge you to watch this interview of a woman from the mid-west who attended several refugee organization meetings learned what was actually going on behind the scenes and about which many aspect of the process are kept quiet from the public, about who, what and why they are coming into the country in such numbers. It's worse than you might expect.

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