Monday, July 2, 2018

The Next Real Threat: Part 2

In a previous post I warned about the potentially dangerous situation which might develop when "AMLO" - Lopez Obrador - is elected president of Mexico.

It's happened.

Some of his policies are aligned with Venezuela's president Maduro. 
His platform includes promises to sell the presidential jet, slash his presidential salary in two, and turn the presidential palace into a cultural centre. He has campaigned with the pledge of doubling pensions for retirees, increasing scholarships for students, and boosting production and employment in the impoverished south.
Anyone who's been paying attention knows what's been happening in that country over the past several years.

While the initial exchanges between Trump and Obrador have been pleasant, it will most likely turning into some pretty intense - if not nasty - jabs regarding foreign policies such as NAFTA and immigration - soon enough.

With this new development Pres. Trump will have his hands full with not only China - our long standing economic threat - but Mexico and its throngs of destitute citizens who are clamoring to enter the U.S. for various reasons.

Should Mexico's situation get worse under the new president, things on the southern border may lead to all out war. Watch Dick Morris's video on this.

Let's hope Trump's diplomacy and decision for handling this situation will prevail should we see our neighbors to the south become the next Venezuela.

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