Sunday, January 6, 2019

Showing Their Hand

When the incoming Speaker of the House takes her Christmas Vacation in Hawaii after the government shutdown begins and the President and V.P. announce their decision to Congressional members that they will stay at the White House over that same vacation period to be available for discussions about the funding of the "wall", you know they're showing their hand.

When the incoming Speaker of the House answers "No!" multiples times to both the President and the Media (D) when asked about a compromise on funding the "wall", you know they're showing their hand.

When both the former Speaker of the House, who's now the incoming one, and the current leader of the Senate in 2009 spoke of the need to build a "wall" on the southern border and curb illegal immigration from Mexico, they're showing their hand.

When the incoming Speaker of the House has said several times that the "wall" is "immoral", but does not explain why it is so, then you know they're showing their hand.

When the incoming Speaker of the House lives in an estate which is surrounded by a "wall" and a gate to keep unwanted strangers off of her property and out of her own house, you know that they're showing their hand and being hyper-hypocrites to boot.

In a game of poker one "shows their hand" when they give signals - directly or indirectly - as to what their hand truly contains, or is, in the game of politics. In this case of funding the wall the issue is NOT whether they're against actually having a border "wall", obstructing the inflow of illegals from Mexico, or even reforming existing immigration laws with all of its loopholes.

No, their hand which they are revealing to everyone is their "dog in the manger" attitude about who's going to get political credit for enacting a government program which would actually solve the threat to the nation it would remedy.

It means that they recognize that they must, at all costs and by all means, deny ANY Republican, whether it's Trump, Bush, Reagan, or any future Republican President, that THEY are in control of the game and will dictate the terms with the help of the Media (D) pushing the propaganda narrative to the public to persuade their mind-numbed "non-thinkers" to put pressure on those who just read the headlines and love the vitriol of conflict, anger, frustration, and crisis on a constant basis.

That is their modus operandi

And I believe much of the public is beginning to see through their charade when it comes to this issue. l also believe that the public is getting very tired of this crap and the liberal/ socialists are unwittingly cutting their political throats.

Don't be fooled, snookered, scammed, hoodwinked, or bamboozled - as former Pres. Obama would say - into believing that the liberal/socialist are going into this new 116th Congressional session for any other reason.They're scared to desperation of their impending doom and this explains why they're becoming so radical in their policies.

It's that simple!

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