Saturday, January 19, 2019

The Tax Burden of the Middle Class

The Heritage Foundation recently sent me the following information on taxes and the middle-class  regarding taxes in a mailing:

  1. President Donald Trump and members of Congress campaigned and won in 2016 on a platform of lowering taxes for the American people.
  2. The federal government continues to face massive deficits year after year, despite taking more and more of the taxpayer's money - and the national debt has surged to $21 trillion.
  3. With debt and deficits mounting, politicians in Washington [on the east coast] blame taxpayers for not paying enough in taxes. [Okay, so it's also true for our deep blue state here in the Northwest.]
  4. President Trump has stated that "our tax code is a giant, self-inflicted economic wound," and started the process to simplify the tax code with his 2017 tax cuts - but there is still much work to be done to eliminate special interest tax breaks and make tax day easier for all Americans.
  5. Liberals stopped Congress from fully repealing the Death Tax, which deprives children of their parents' hard -earned wealth, kills jobs and imposes a severe burden on businesses. [I can related personally to this, as my mother-in-law who passed away recently has revealed to us in handling the estate that the government takes its share.]
  6. The middle-class tax cuts of 2017 are temporary and will eventually expire, which will revert taxes back to sky-high levels.
  7. Taxpayers in Washington [D.C.] are seeing an average tax cut of $1,393 - a 11.0% decrease in taxes - after the 2017 Trump tax cuts, with  an average increase in take-home pay of $23,855 over the next ten years. Tax plans proposed by liberal politicians who control the U.S. House of Representatives would undo these tax cuts and add new taxes on people in your area. [Great! On top of what our own state legislature and governor are proposing in the current legislative session that started just last week.] 
Update: Here's what's come out on MLK Jr.'s day from the Kitsap News.
“This governor campaigned twice on not raising taxes, yet every budget he’s ever proposed has raised taxes,” said Rep. Drew MacEwen, (R-Union). “It’s time to start reining in spending.” That’s what Republicans are saying about Inslee and Democrats pushing an income tax. Last week, the Legislature began evaluating the first of the laundry list of Inslee’s tax proposals. (Kitsap Daily News)
The irony to me, and most others who understand basic economics, is that while we have record surplus revenue - thanks to the president's tax cuts - the liberals in the state's legislature (new majority as of November's election) and our liberal governor - who's spending more time running for president in 2020 than taking care of a number of problems in his home state - are wanting to "ding" the middle-class out of more of their hard earned income despite this unprecedented circumstance.

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