Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Trump's White House Prepares for Battle

As more and more evidence is revealed by those investigating the "investigators", it is becoming clear that the 2016 presidential campaign was messed with in an unprecedented manner, not by the Russians as the media is leading the public to believe, but by the Obama Administration itself.

How can I say this? Well, based on the various facts I've been able to assemble, I believe the following is basically accurate. (I believe future investigative findings will support this theory.)

In the 2008 campaign Hillary held a secret meeting with Democrat candidate Sen. Obama. I believe he made a deal with her to allow him to take the nomination then, in exchange for her being given the position of Secretary of State after being Senator of New York which Obama aided her in getting during his first term. This would allow Hillary time in the first term to establish her cadre of followers/ supporters/collaborators in Congress she gathered. It would allow her to use the Clinton Foundation Initiative to establish her "war chest" for her future campaign for the presidency.

Then, after being re-elected, Obama would appoint her as S.O.S., after establishing her credibility as someone more than just the First Lady, where she could expand her contacts around the world for more broad support and contributions to her "war chest." However, due to some unexpected outcomes during her term as S.O.S. - ie: Libya & Benghazi - Obama was more reluctant to provide public support to her during her bid for the White House in 2016; especially after news got out about her email server and her "right-hand aide" Humma Abedin's spouse - Cong. Weiner - and the Hillary emails on his laptop. Of course, it didn't help her campaign either when John Podesta allowed his computer to be hacked which revealed how the Hillary campaign was being run, and then there was how it was revealed that then DNC Chair Cong. Wasserman-Shultz rigged the nomination against Sen. Bernie Sanders.

In the process, and in order to control the narrative for her, Obama had his intelligence cronies - Brennan, Clapper, Comey, et al - engage in spying on Trump's campaign after Hillary and Obama agreed she would provide the meme of Russian collusion as an "insurance policy" in an effort to eliminate any possibility of Trump winning.

After the shock of election night, Hillary's operatives within her network she'd established, opened the floodgates to put into motion the impeachment process. In essence, it was a psyops campaign, with the help of the media, to convince the public he was a Russian collaborator; Putin's puppet. Their next step in the plan was to strategically target seats in the House to take back control to implement the impeachment process led by Nancy Pelosi as Speaker.

Another twist in the game was the outcome of the Mueller report which frustrated the Dems to the point of losing it, is Chariman Nadler demands the fully unredacted report, as well as Trump's tax returns and all other docs which could indict him as a crook of any kind. With the appointment of A.G. Barr, they knew their plan was falling apart. So, Congress and the media (D) go after Barr!

This article from The Morning Call now provides us with the legal defense the White House is now mounting against this unprecedented attack on a sitting president who's been framed by the Hillary political machine; the chief of which is still on tour touting that the election was stolen from her.

How typical! Just like that "vast right-wing conspiracy" against her husband back in the '90s! No wonder she didn't win the election.

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