Friday, October 4, 2019

The Question of Who's Complicit in This Crime

One of the articles I came across today was ShiftWA's posting of the following article:

The left-wing Washington State Budget and Policy Center states in a new report that a capital gains tax is necessary due to “deep history of racism and oppression that continues to harm residents of color across the state.”  It is the latest attempt by liberals to cloak their tax proposals as either cures to racism or climate change when in reality they are measures to make government larger and more powerful.  (Schmudget Blog)

Here are the first two paragraphs regarding this issue from Schmudget Blog:

Like most U.S. institutions, Washington’s state and local tax code is embedded in a deep history of racism and oppression that continues to harm residents of color across the state. Despite this problematic history, Washington’s tax code can be a potent tool for helping to eliminate some of the barriers to opportunity that persist for communities of color.

Our new policy brief, “Washington’s Tax Code is an Untapped Resource to Advance Racial Justice,” describes how these barriers to economic opportunity are the result of racist policies, in and outside of our tax code, enacted and perpetuated over many generations. From discriminatory taxes on Chinese laborers in the 19th century to attempts to impede on Native American fishing rights to the employment discrimination that persists today, Washington has a lengthy history of implementing policies that benefit white residents at the expense of communities of color.

So, my question, as my post title alludes to is, are liberals in WA state - who in the past were part of constructing and passing into law this tax code which is supposedly racist and oppresive, which harm residents of color, exonerated now that they're proposing a capital gains tax be implemented?

Every time this kind of crap comes up, I wonder if they've ever been taught history which provided them any realization that social norms of the day then, don't mean that current generations of citizens should now pay for their forefather's sins! As the ShiftWA blurb points out, it is a thinly veiled attempt to make our current generation feel guilty so as to get them to agree with their premise.

After all, they are steeped in feeling good about themselves via "virtue signaling", aren't they.

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