Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Russian Collusion Apparently Confirmed - Not Trump

I've long believed that the media narrative is serving a duel purpose; distraction and misdirection, the core strategies of any magician practicing his/her craft. Distraction is used to present enough plausible information to the public such that, after repeating it for six months or more, people who don't get information from any alternative sources than the alphabet soup networks actually believe it to be true.The misdirection involves putting blame on their target; in this case with the "Russian / Trump Collusion" story it's been the man who "stole" Hillary Clinton's presidency.
It seems, from the evidence gathered thus far by a veteran CIA agent's research, that there actually is a Russian effort to influence the U.S., but not when it comes to the election. Instead, its efforts are to impact the U.S. energy policy regarding fracking.

Why? Use this link to not only read the article, but to watch a brief and concise video clip from the Tucker Carlson Show with guest reporter Kevin Mooney to learn the details. The dots between Russia and U.S. Environmental groups being funneled millions of dollars to protest and lobby to stop fracking in the U.S. is clearly and convincingly explained.

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