Monday, February 12, 2018

Disingenuousness and Hypocrisy!

The following pasted text comes from Rep. Gael Tarlton (D) - 36th Leg. Dist. - directly from her latest newsletter about all the bills Democrats are boasting about passing as the legislative majority in Olympia now. 

Note the style of language used to present the issue of obstructing the feds at doing their job of locating illegal immigrants for deportation. 

Question: Where was their defense of religious freedom during the Obama administration over the last ten years?

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Protecting religious freedoms from federal attack

The Washington State Constitution protects our right to practice religion free from government interference. Religious freedom is one of our most cherished American rights, and Washington Democrats are ensuring that right in the face of a hostile federal government.
I was proud to vote for House Bill 2097, which prevents state agencies from sharing personal religious affiliation information with federal authorities.
If signed into law, this bill will forbid state agencies from assisting federal efforts to create a federal religious registry, and also prevent employers from requiring employees to disclose information regarding their religious affiliation.
I’m proud to serve in a legislative body with a bipartisan commitment to protect people’s religious freedoms.

Your voice in Olympia,
Gael - Signature

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