Tuesday, February 27, 2018

The Media's Political Circus

As the facts unfold in the Parkland, FL massacre case, the media has turned the coverage of the tragedy into a circus by focusing the public on the diversion regarding the real problem. To better understand this point, I ask my readers to view this video of Brittany Hughes explaining the situation.

Better yet, Brittany Hughes calls "BS" on liberals feigned caring for lives of people in this video in reaction to what been learned over the past week since the tragedy at the Parkland, FL high school.

The hypocrisy is so thick in so many different ways on this matter that it's absurd! On the other hand, there's county sheriffs like Patrick Jones in Ohio who offered free concealed carry training to teachers, thinking there would be only a few, but was surprised to learn differently at the response he got. Then, there's the Chicago incident where a neighbor used his AR-15 to stop a knife wielding assailant until police could apprehend him.

We have a Broward County Sheriff Scot Israel, who's in charge of the largest law enforcement entity in the country, shirking any responsibility for the high school deputy sheriff staying outside the high school building while he heard shots going off inside, plus the other three deputy sheriffs claiming they were just following the directive to not enter the building because of a department policy that they must have body cams on, but which they did not have with them at the time apparently, while appearing as if he's running for a political office. He's arrogant, cocky, and states that the NRA is responsible for this tragedy, is beyond rational.

The CNN's Town Hall with Jake Tapper as the moderator aired a few nights ago with a totally stacked audience of youth, most of which wouldn't know which end of a gun the bullet comes out of, screaming vile and despicable remarks at Dana Loesch who represented the pro-self defense side of the discussion that was more of an emotional rant by the Sheriff and students up on the platform together.

I've got to note here the absence of any points being made by the media of the possible culpability on the part of the students in the high school in most likely creating or doing things which enhanced this mass murder's rampage against them; namely, bullying. No, if any of them were engaging in such behavior, they, most likely, are the ones who are yelling the loudest into the cameras of the local and national news outlets, or at the town hall on CNN, about how it's the guns' fault that these tragedies occur.

2/28 Update: I couldn't believe what I saw in the video when I linked to a local news page about the Parkland H.S. students returning to school today. Let me be clear on this, I grieve with the families and students who lost loved ones and friends in this tragedy. I'm just as frustrated about this obviously mentally disturbed individual as the rest of us are. But given the way the media has evolved over the decades into "overkill" hyper-coverage, I wasn't surprised to see another display of the "media circus" this day of returning to school was.

I know that the police, sheriff, and state troopers present want to show their support, and I respect them for that sentiment, but this is, in my view, a ridiculous joke! I mean, how many law enforcement officers does this one high school need? From the camera shots I saw, it didn't appear there were any empty areas of ground to park a vehicle on! And, how soon will it be before 99% of them are no longer around, and this all forgotten after the next bullied student goes on another rampage? This is over reaction! I would be willing to bet that there are many residents of Parkland, FL who are quietly thinking, "Dear Lord, I just wish all these law enforcement people would go away and leave us in peace!", or, "Why weren't they here when we needed them?"

My personal take on why this "circus" is happening is because the media knows all too well that they not only must cover this event today, but that those showing up want to be seen on their cameras for the personal ego trip that's generated by being seen on national news. Just consider how teenagers behave when they know a television camera is pointed at them. Poses, faces, screaming, "Oh look how special and wonderful I am!" This is a phenomenon of a mass media culture that pervades every aspect of out society today, which wasn't present when I was going to school back in the 1960s. No humility, or modesty. After all, they're hoping to be discovered and become the next Beyonce, or Jay Z... you name 'em.

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