Wednesday, January 15, 2020

How the Cabal Operates and Protects Their Own

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Much of what we are witnessing going on today in "the Swamp" with the House impeaching the president is only one small part of the vast cabal of east coast elitists who have networked for generations in circles of power and influence to retain that position, even though much of what they've done is criminal and reason for prosecution and conviction of a crime. This is why "the Swamp" stinks so badly.

My first insight into this fact was when I got and read Sydney Powell's book, "Licensed to Lie" which is her experience in defending one of the accused Enron employees in the Arthur Andersen, Merril Lynch and Enron scandal of the late 1990s and early 2000s. It is an account of the massive prosecutorial misconduct by the lawyers who were assigned to prosecute for the government the Enron case. One of those employees of Enron was the client Powell represented who ended up going to prison for the simple fact that those lawyers representing the government withheld exculpatory evidence known as "Brady material". It was only after a year serving time that he was finally released after an appeal resulted in a unanimous vote in the U.S. Supreme Court which overturned his conviction. Thus, an innocent man served a year or so in prison!

From Powell's book, which came out in 2014, I'm going to quote from one of the final chapters about one particular individual which I shall connect to in the following paragraphs through a very revealing article.
The games and tactics of Fredrich, Ruemmler, Weissmann, Caldwell, and others on the Enron Task Force should never have been tolerated by the Houston federal judiciary or by the Fifth Circuit - much less reinvigorated by Friedrich and Glavin as heads of the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice to pervert the trial of a United States Senator [Ted Stevens (R) of Alaska] There is no telling how many others have been or will be wrongly convicted as this cabal of corrupt cronies ambitiously climbs and weaves through the highest ranks of the Department of Justice, the FBI, and the White House - in between their powerful partnerships in some of our country's most prestigious and influential law firms. (pg. 402)

Now, you're probably wondering which particular individual I'm focusing in on from that paragraph. For those who've been paying attention to the now infamous Mueller Investigation team, one name might have stood out as Mueller's right-hand man who was actually doing most of the work for him; Andrew Weissmann, also known as "The Pitbull" for his aggressive actions as a lawyer.

It's been speculated by many pundits who followed and wrote about the two and a half year long investigation that it was Weissmann who actually wrote the report when it became apparent that Mueller, during his testimony before Congressional Hearings, revealed he knew little about the contents and who the key players were in much of the case.

With Weissmann as part of the Enron Task Force team which withheld evidence from the court case which sent an innocent man to prison, and the fact that we now have Manafort, Cohen, and Stone in prison for reasons unrelated to any actual Russian collusion by the Trump Campaign, I ask the reader to read this article by Sara Carter, who you may recognize as one of the few remaining actual investigative journalists today who is frequently on Sean Hannity's show with legal consultant Gregg Jarrett. Reading this article will connect the dots on why I began this post the way I did.

Oh, and by the way, you may not realize that Sydney Powell, who is a Fifth Circuit U.S. Attorney, is now Lt. Gn. Michael Flynn's attorney who just filed in his court case to rescind his guilty plea for supposedly lying to two FBI agents. But, that's a whole other post I've already covered.

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