Wednesday, January 15, 2020

It's Embarassing and Concerning!

As I watched the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi (D) CA, announce who the nine impeachment managers would be to take the articles of impeachment over to the Senate today, it became apparent that this woman has some issues which are making the rest of us senior citizens look bad. Born in 1940, Pelosi will be turning 80 years old in March! Note that, the average age of Members of the House at the beginning of the 115th Congress was 57.8 years; of Senators, 61.8 years, among the oldest in U.S. history.

She's so obsessed with her position of power that she has no common sense to recognize she's got problems and it seems intends to die while a member of Congress in hopes of getting some form of national day of mourning in doing so. Her speech is clearly impeded by whatever condition is causing it in her old age. She's recently repeatedly slurring and having to correct her own pronunciation of words, or names, and it's downright embarrassing to witness! 

I can't help but be concerned that we citizens have reelected repeatedly such obviously disabled people - just look at Jerry Nadler standing next to Pelosi in that video - to office to make such critical decisions for us. On top it all, she designates Adam "Shifty" Schiff as the lead manager of the group of nine; a known lair who clearly defines most Democrats in Congress.

In her announcement speech this morning, she stated that it was about the Constitution. Since when did the Democrats give a damn about the Constitution? They've been doing everything in their power to disregard it in every way possible to ignore or change it. I don't have to explain the details regarding this point; any adult who's been paying attention to what's been going on with this sham in the House over the past two years is aware of how much of a joke it is.

No, folks, it is clear to me that this whole process is nothing more than a distraction from having exposed what the Democrats were doing in collusion with many of the corrupt Ukrainians during the Obama administration. Everything which has been revealed thus far points to actions on the Democrats part to stop the will of the people of this nation from restoring any measure of respect, decency, and morality to our great country.

Despite the appearance that we may have already lost our republic to these leftist socialists, the silent majority in this great nation needs to unify by standing up against what is clearly a concerted effort to turn our nation into a socialist one. We must unify by urging everyone we know to vote next November to re-elect Pres. Trump. Anyone who doesn't think he's done a fantastic job of improving everyone's lives over the short time he's been in the White House is delusional and blinded by their ideological bias and prejudice.

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