Saturday, January 25, 2020

Senate Impeachment Trial, Day 6 - Slam Dunk!

Two hours! Folks, the Democrat Candidates owe the President's Defense Team in this trial a big "Thank You!" for giving them the rest of the weekend to go and campaign again.

Two hours! After the House Managers spent 24 hours to drone on an on filled with incorrect statements, half-truths, omissions of critical information in that presentation of their case to support the two articles of impeachment, the President's Defense Team tore apart everything in just two hours. Hey Burbank, are you embarrassed yet?

I post this link to C-SPAN2's video presentation of this morning's presentation of those points the team presented to the Senate because it's worth providing to anyone who might not have watched at 8 a.m. PST. 

As someone who's followed this "Witch Hunt" over the past three years, I know just how much information the team finally exposed to the nation who may have NEVER heard any of the facts it pointed out have been deliberately withheld, both from members of the House Managers Team and the Media (D); ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, and PBS, also now understood as the Democrat Party's propaganda arm.

Now, you may assert that my statement in the above paragraph is biased, opinionated, or based on my conservative ideology. I understand why you might claim that. Unlike some of my liberal friends, I don't base those remarks on opinion, but provable facts which my friends ignore. I don't!

 However, ask yourself this question... Of all of the investigations and claims against Pres. Trump; Spygate (Russian Collusion), Ukraingate (Quid-Pro-Quo), and now the House's two articles of impeachment to the Senate, has resulted in ANY sound, legal evidence which indicates Pres. Trump committed a crime which rises to the level which justifies removal from office? 

If you watch the video of the presentation from this morning, you'll realize there is none! This is what I've known all along. Every time a new attack was launched, facts kept trickling out over time which revealed that the assertions weren't true. In fact, they revealed that it was all an orchestrated collaboration of the same key players in what's become widely known as "The Deep State" who are holdovers from the Obama administration.

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