Sunday, May 20, 2018


That's right, why?

Why is America on the downhill skid as a nation? That, I'm certain, is the $60 Billion question on the minds of at least half the nation's population.

I keep hearing from our President that he's working furiously to "Make America Great Again". I understand that this massively humongous "ship of state" with its behemoth bureaucracy of unelected workers who make most of the country's regulations is very difficult to turn around. However, I can't help but wonder just how patient we who are asking this question will be.

For the past several years - with the last ten accelerating exponentially - our country has witnessed event after event and a steady increase in crime, homelessness, taxation and an increasing disregard for the very people who's productiveness is feeding local, state and national governments' coffers.

As I've pointed out in previous posts, the GOP has told us for decades now that we just needed control of Congress and things would begin turning that "ship of state". We know now, after only one-and-a-half years with Pres. Trump in the White House, and a majority in both houses of Congress, that we've once again been dupped by those we elected to change things.

The Omnibus Bill which passed recently and added another $1.5 TRILLON to our national debt is our latest glaring example to which I refer.

Yet, we now are witnessing states thumbing their noses at a DOJ which liberals claimed had the ultimate say in national policy when their "poster boy" was in office. And our A.G. of the DOJ seems to be comatose and lacking any chutzpah on dealing with them.

I believe the real issue with these problems lies in the local communities; the majority of which are part of my generation of senior citizens who've either given up on fighting this trend, or just don't care because they've been convinced it's a lost cause to fight them.

There are a few communities which have the fight still in them. They are those in southern California who've realized what their Governor Brown is doing to their standard of living by imposing his sanctuary city policies on them. But, their numbers are not enough yet to make a difference. And that's just one state.

Here in the Northwest, the homeless crisis is creating a "boiling point" which is beginning to reveal itself. Because they've tolerated policies by local government for so long, things have reached the level whereby they no longer can sit back and be silent. It's now impacting them personally with threats to their jobs, and their pocketbooks in the form of increased deductions from their wages in taxes.

The millennials and younger generation will be hit the hardest if something doesn't happen to generate enough momentum to bring this current trend of the "socialism train" to a screeching halt.

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