Thursday, January 31, 2019

Why So Radical, Speaker Pelosi?

The conservative media - FOX News, and radio talk show hosts like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Mark Levin, as well as even many of the more local hosts - have all been remarking how the Democrats in Congress - especially Senate Minority Leader Schumer and House Speaker Pelosi - are becoming extreme radical leftists when it comes to funding President Trump's request for the southern border wall.

For those who only catch the news in the typical passing fashion on the radio during their commute home to, or from work, or watch the evening broadcast on television, awareness of what's actually behind this sudden increased intensity against anything to do with the immigration crisis is only speculative at best, and conspiracy theory at worst.

This week, after a record setting Federal Government shutdown of 35 days, we've learned from Speaker Pelosi that no funding for the president's border wall will be in any bills the House produces during this three week renegotiating period Trump agreed to after the Democrats asked for the government to be re-opened before they'd negotiate anything. So, they've revealed their true intentions; get funds for government workers flowing again so they can claim a political victory and make the president look like he caved to them. 

It begs the question... how is it that the Democratic Speaker of the House can be so hardened? You'd think they'd realize they've got to at look like they're trying to negotiate a compromise. There's got to be something going on that explains this stance on Speaker Pelosi's part.

There is now a report which, given the circumstances of the war against drugs our nation has been fighting with what seems like increasing futility for decades now, that explains with common sense and reason the actual motive behind it all. This report, by reporter Frank Holmes posted an article on January 15th of this year - 2019 - information that exposes the fact that Pablo Escobar's brother is pouring millions of funding into efforts to politically destroy the president and stopping any building of a wall which will cut off their flow of drugs from Columbia into the United States.

Now, I realize that this report from Mr. Holmes doesn't go as far as to accuse the Democrats in either house of Congress of taking Escobar's money to make sure the wall doesn't get built, but he does hint that they've entertained those who may have.

Any logically thinking individual with a smidgen of common sense doesn't have to strain their intelligence to suspect that this most likely is the case; their campaign coffers - or fencing organizations - are being filled with Columbian "mulla", "casholla", whatever you wish to call it, and they don't dare cross the Medellin drug cartel. And, let's not forget, Hillary Clinton has been caught, through her own foundation, to have acquired funds for her campaign in less than above board means and ways.

While I did post this article of Mr. Holmes back on January 15th, it may be too far back in our era of moment-by-moment news for some to remember, or missed it, so I'll re-post it below. Read it, and it will all fall in place.

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EXPOSED: Foreign drug kingpin behind “Impeach Trump” movement
January 15, 2019
by Frank Holmes, reporter
It’s no secret that Democrats want Donald Trump impeached — but you won’t believe the blood-soaked international criminal they’ve teamed up with in order to make it happen.
Their new partner is Roberto de Jesús Escobar Gaviria. The American public might know him better as the older brother of Pablo Escobar… and the co-founder of the Medellin drug cartel!
Roberto launched a campaign to raise $50 million to impeach President Trump — and he’s looking to the Democrats and the Deep State to make his dreams come true.
“He is the worst cockroach in history!” he said.
Roberto, who goes by the nickname “El Osito” (“The Little Bear”), even seemed to threaten to assassinate the president.
“Cockroaches don’t die easily but when they do, they do it on their backs with their feet up and intimate parts exposed,” Escobar said. “Remember that I said that.”
“My brother Pablo killed hundreds of judges and thousands of policemen,” he admitted. The Escobars’ crime syndicate killed 6,000 people every year in their hometown alone.
But instead of ordering a hit like they would in some Third World banana republic, the Escobars have new partners in the Democratic Party.
“This time we will do it the legal way, peacefully,” Roberto said.
Instead of murder, he plans to use one of the drug cartels’ favorite tools: Bribery.
“If we pay the right connections, they will come forward and testify in Congress and co-operate with Robert Mueller,” Roberto said.
His website says he will also “pay for professional lobbyists to go against Donald Trump.”
The Democrats filed articles of impeachment on the very first day they controlled the House of Representatives…and they’ll take help anyplace they can get it!
Escobar is already well on the way toward his goal: A screenshot shows that he raised almost $10.8 million before GoFundMe pulled the page for the campaign, which he called, “Bye, Bye, Trump!”
Now, he’s launched his own website — — and a cryptocurrency called the “ESCOBAR token” to accept donations.
When asked why he was so obsessed with driving Trump out of office, Roberto played the race card—saying he hated Trump’s “discrimination of the Latino American people.”
But the real reason Colombian drug lords hate the president is obvious: At one time, the Medellin cartel was responsible for 80% of all cocaine that flowed into the United States.
And Donald Trump’s border wall would shred their profits.
“The cost of illegal drugs exceeds $500 billion a year, vastly more than the $5.7 billion we have requested from Congress,” Trump said in his Oval Office address.
Politicians have known this for decades… but nobody dared to do anything about it until Trump.
“Most of the cocaine, foreign-source marijuana and methamphetamine, and Mexican-source heroin available in the United States is smuggled into the country across the (Southwest border),” the FBI testified before Congress in 2010.
The Mexican border is “particularly vulnerable to drug smuggling because of the enormous volume of people” crossing, agents said.
Now Trump wants to pay for the wall by cutting into drug traffickers’ profits…and El Osito isn’t going to let that happen.
“Nobody is as bad as Trump!” Escobar said.
The Democrats agree—nobody is as bad as Trump, even the co-founder of the world’s deadliest cocaine cartel.
Escobar said he’s accepting donations from all over the world—Russia, China, Cuba and his buddies in South America’s thriving drug cartels.
But have the Democrats—who want to impeach Trump over “Russian collusion”— promised not to meet with the pro-impeachment lobbyists Escobar and his drug-running associates will pay for with their blood money?
Of course not.
Have Fake News reporters—who spent every waking minute of the last two years trying to paint Trump as a Russian tool—reported that Colombian drug lords have marked our president for removal from office?
Their coverage has been an embarrassment — only the entertainment media reported this blockbuster story at all!
So far only TMZ and BET have reported on Escobar’s impeachment scheme.
Some overseas outlets like the Asia Times, Russia’s Sputnik News, and a slew of British tabloids (but not the BBC) have picked it up.
The Herald of Nigeria even has a story… but not a single major U.S. media outlet.
CNN? Zip.
Rachel Maddow? Nada.
“Morning Joe”? Zilch.
The fact that the Democrats haven’t refused to meet with anyone who could have received a dollar from this death merchant — and their buddies in the media have covered it up — is the real foreign collusion story.
Frank Holmes is a reporter for The Horn News. He is a veteran journalist and an outspoken conservative that talks about the news that was in his weekly article, “On The Holmes Front.”

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Take A Deep Breath, And Hold It, Please!

First, the credentials of who's making the following point:

Ian Rutherford Plimer is an Australian geologist, professor emeritus of earth sciences at the University of Melbourne , professor of mining geology at the University of Adelaide , and the director of multiple mineral exploration and mining companies. He has published 130 scientific papers, six books and edited the Encyclopedia of Geology.

Born: 12 February 1946 (age 72)
Residence: Australia
Nationality: Australian
Fields of Study: Earth Science, Geology, Mining Engineering
Institutions: University of New England , University of Newcastle , University of Melbourne , University of Adelaide
Alma mater: University of New South Wales , Macquarie University
Thesis: The pipe deposits of tungsten-molybdenum-bismuth in eastern Australia (1976)
Notable Awards: Eureka Prize (1995,2002), Centenary Medal (2003), Clarke Medal        (2004)
Where Does the Carbon Dioxide Really Come From ?
PLIMER: "Okay, here's the bombshell. The recent volcanic eruption in Iceland . Since its first spewing of volcanic ash has, in just FOUR DAYS, NEGATED EVERY SINGLE EFFORT you have made in the past five years to control CO2 emissions on our planet - all of you.
Of course, you know about this evil carbon dioxide that we are trying to suppress - it's that vital chemical compound that every plant requires to live and grow and to synthesize into oxygen for us humans and all animal life.
I's very disheartening to realize that all of the carbon emission savings you have accomplished while suffering the inconvenience and expense of driving Prius hybrids, buying fabric grocery bags, sitting up till midnight to finish your kids "The Green Revolution" science project, throwing out all of your non-green cleaning supplies, using only two squares of toilet paper, putting a brick in your toilet tank reservoir, selling your SUV and speedboat, vacationing at home instead of abroad, nearly getting hit every day on your bicycle, replacing all of your 50p light bulbs with £5 light bulbs ..... well, all of those things you have done have all gone down the tubes in just four days.
The volcanic ash emitted into the Earth's atmosphere in just four days - yes, FOUR DAYS - by that volcano in Indonesia has totally erased every single effort you have made to   reduce the evil beast, carbon. And there are around 200 active volcanoes on the planet spewing out this crud at any one time - EVERY DAY.
I don't really want to rain on your parade too much, but I should mention that when the volcano Mt. Pinatubo erupted in the Philippines in 1991, it spewed out more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than the entire human race had emitted in all its years on earth.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

I've Been Wondering...

I was wondering -  Since only 11 million people have Obama-Care, how will 24 million people die if it is repealed?  Will an additional 13 million people be randomly shot?  (I always wondered about this!)

I was wondering -  If Donald Trump deleted all of his emails, wiped his server with Bleachbit and destroyed all of his phones with a hammer, would the Mainstream Media suddenly lose all interest in the story and declare him innocent.

I was wondering -  If women do the same job for less money, why do companies hire men to do the same job for more money?

I was wondering -  If you rob a bank in a Sanctuary City, is it illegal, or is it just an Undocumented Withdrawal?

I was wondering why -  Each ISIS attack now is a reaction to Pres. Trump's policies, but all ISIS attacks during Pres. Obama's term were due to Climate Change and a plea for jobs.

I was wondering -  After the London 'Lone Wolf' terrorist attack, government officials arrested at least eight other 'Lone Wolves' who had conspired with the original 'Lone Wolf' in planning the 'Lone Wolf' attack.  Why do they tell us, even though all involved are Muslims, government officials assured us, the 'Lone Wolf' attack has nothing at all to do with Islam, just like the other 1,000 plus 'Lone Wolf' attacks by Muslims, are completely unassociated with Islam.

I was thinking -  We should stop calling them all "Entitlements."  Welfare, Food Stamps, WIC, ad nausea are not entitlements. They are taxpayer-funded handouts, and shouldn't be called entitlements at all.   Social Security and Veterans Benefits are Entitlements because the people receiving them are entitled to them; they were earned and paid for by the recipients. [Actually, this is incorrect, because those paying into S.S. are the ones providing funds for recipients of benefits currently since the original funds were raided by Congress decades ago for other programs and left an I.O.U. note in the U.S. Treasury!]

I was wondering -  If Muslims want to run away from a Muslim country, does that mean they're Islamophobic?

I was wondering -  If Liberals don't believe in biological gender then why did they march for women's rights?

I was wondering -  How did the Russians get Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and the DNC to steal the Primary from Bernie Sanders?  Also, how did Russia get Donna Brazile to leak debate questions to Hillary Clinton in advance of the debates?

I was wondering -  How did the Russians get FBI Director James Comey to pardon Hillary Clinton for her email/server scandal more than a month BEFORE he ever had Agent Struck/Stroke/Smerk interview her as part of their investigation?

I was wondering -  Why is it that Democrats think Super delegates are fine, but they have a problem with the Electoral College?

I was wondering -  If you don't want the FBI involved in elections, why did the DNC nominate someone who's being investigated by the FBI.

I was wondering -  If Hillary's speeches cost $250,000 an hour, how come no one shows up to her free ones?

I was wondering -  Why the DNC is mad at Russia because they think they are trying to manipulate our election, when we're now discovering that the DNC is manipulating our election.

I was wondering -  If Democrats don’t want foreigners involved in our elections, why do they think it's all right for illegals to vote?

Just Thinking  —  Somebody better start thinking!

Monday, January 28, 2019

Understanding Why Trump Won

As former Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper says in this most recent PragerU video, it took a shift in the political landscape over many decades for the voters in the U.S. to realize that all of the globalization of our economy was not working for them.

NAFTA, the Paris Accords, and efforts to address the perceived threats of climate change, all demonstrated that a Americans were getting the "short end of the stick". Globalization had taken advantage of our prosperity, and left us in a condition that was forcing us to be dependent on an ever growing federal bureaucracy of food stamps, and unemployment subsistence which created a climate of frustration and angst. 

He also describes how the globalization process, which began during the Bill Clinton administration, created two types of workers; the Anywheres and the Somewheres. So, those who had gone to colleges - especially the Ivy League type - through their network of family and club associates got jobs in large international corporations. Those who didn't fell into the category of worker who found themselves subject to limiting conditions; federal regulations on their businesses, industry leaving the country to cheaper labor abroad, etc.

I believe, however, there are of factors which also had equal impact on the outcome of the 2016 election, which Harper didn't address in his five minute video presentation. While former Prime Minister Harper, from an economic standpoint is spot on with his points, he is being a typical politician by not mentioning other key issues which play into this scenario that contributed to Trump's win against Clinton.

We had seen our politicians repeatedly tell us one thing, then do either nothing, or another thing, ie: immigration reform, to cite the major issue now coming to a head. The citizenry slowly became savvy to this. Coupled with the history of the opposition candidate - Hillary Clinton - the events which occurred during her tenure as Secretary of State (Benghazi), and the revelations during the presidential campaign by Wikileaks and her email server scandal, the voters were finally fed up. Liking what Trump was saying as an outsider of the Washington, D.C. elite, many held their nose while voting for him against their ideological loyalty.

Harper correctly then boils it down to the point that it is the reality of nations, not the concept of global organizations, the voting pubic awoke to realizing was negatively impacting their ability to live prosperously. Trump recognized this. Harper also deserves credit in saying we must maintain a balanced view of trade, market economics, globalization, and immigration while keeping the consumers the priority of our policies regarding those issues.

Now, after two years of the federal investigation producing not one actual bit of evidence proving that Trump's campaign was acting in any way with Russia, or Vladimir Putin, to "fix" the election - in fact there has been a mountain of evidence that the investigation against Trump was fake and initiated by the Clinton campaign and the DNC - combined with the results Pres. Trump has produced for the working men and women of the nation, it has become obvious that their instincts were correct.

Yet, the attitude of the left is one of a toddler, throwing a temper tantrum, to falsely accuse and disrupt the president's agenda at every turn. And now, Clinton is once again, reportedly still entertaining the notion that she might yet run a third time in 2020. If I give her any positive remarks, it would have to be that she is so power hungry and driven to be in control, she will not let go!

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Everyone Is Smart... Except Trump!

It takes a special talent, obviously something which I don't have, to take the obvious and make it both tongue in cheek, while being funny and "in your face", all at the same time. 

Rabbi Dov Fischer does. His article titled "Everyone is Smart... Except Trump" spells out why the Media (D) is treating him the way they are and are throwing everything they can behind the liberal/socialists to make him as ineffective as they possibly can.

Although long, this piece provides the reader with insight that we who understand this man have already figured out, but the "talking heads" are too dense to figure out.

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It really is quite simple.  Everyone is smart except Donald J. Trump.  That’s why they all are billionaires and all got elected President.  Only Trump does not know what he is doing.  Only Trump does not know how to negotiate with Vladimir Putin.  Anderson Cooper knows how to stand up to Putin.  The whole crowd at MSNBC does.  All the journalists do.

They could not stand up to Matt Lauer at NBC.  They could not stand up to Charlie Rose at CBS.  They could not stand up to Mark Halperin at NBC.  Nor up to Leon Wieseltier at the New Republic, nor Jann Wenner at Rolling Stone, nor Michael Oreskes at NPR, at the New York Times, or at the Associated Press.  But — oh, wow! — can they ever stand up to Putin!  Only Trump is incapable of negotiating with the Russian tyrant.

Remember the four years when Anderson Cooper was President of the United States?  And before that — when the entire Washington Post editorial staff jointly were elected to be President?  Remember?  Neither do I!

The Seedier Media never have negotiated life and death, not corporate life and death, and not human life and death.  They think they know how to negotiate, but they do not know how.  They go to a college, are told by peers that they are smart, get some good grades, proceed to a graduate degree in journalism, and get hired as analysts.  Now they are experts, ready to take on Putin and the Iranian Ayatollahs at age 30.

That is not the road to expertise in tough dealing.  The alternate road is that, along the way, maybe you get forced into some street fights.  Sometimes the other guy wins, and sometimes you beat the intestines out of him.  Then you deal with grown-ups as you mature, and you learn that people can be nasty, often after they smile and speak softly.  You get cheated a few times, played.  And you learn.  Maybe you become an attorney litigating multi-million-dollar case matters.  Say what you will about attorneys, but those years — not the years in law school, not the years drafting legal memoranda, but the years of meeting face-to-face and confronting opposing counsel — those years can teach a great deal.  They can teach how to transition from sweet, gentle, diplomatic negotiating to tough negotiating. At some point, with enough tough-nosed experience, you figure out Trump’s “The Art of the Deal” yourself.

Trump’s voters get him because not only is he we, but we are he.  We were not snowflaked-for-life by effete professors who themselves never had negotiated tough life-or-death serious deals.  Instead we live in the real world, and we know how that works.  Not based on social science theories, not based on “conceptual negotiating models”, but based on the people we have met over life and always will hate.  That worst boss we ever had.  The coworker who tried to sabotage us.  We know the sons of bums whom we survived, the dastardly types who are out there, and we learned from those experiences how to deal with them.  We won’t have John Kerry soothe us by having James Taylor sing “You’ve Got a Friend” carols.

The Bushes got us into all kinds of messes.  The first one killed the economic miracle that Reagan had fashioned.  The second one screwed up the Middle East, where Iraq and Iran beautifully were engaged in killing each other for years, and he got us mired into the middle of the muddle.  Clinton was too busy with Monica Lewinsky to protect us from Osama bin Laden when we had him in our sights. Hillary gave us Benghazi and more  And Obama and Kerry gave us the Iran Deal, ISIS run amok, America in retreat.  All to the daily praise of a media who now attack Trump every minute of every day.

So let us understand a few things:

Negotiating with NATO

NATO is our friend.  They also rip off America.  They have been ripping us off forever.  We saved their butts — before there even was a NATO — in World War I.  They messed up, and 116,456 Americans had to die to save their butts.

Then they messed up again for the next two decades because West Europeans are effete and so obsessed with their class manners, and their rules of savoir faire, and their socialist welfare states, and their early retirements that they did not have the character to stand up to Hitler in the 1930s [over].  Peace in our time.  So they messed up, and we had to save their butts again.  And another 405,399 Americans died for them during World War II.  And then we had to rebuild them!  And we had to station our boys in Germany and all over their blood-stained continent.   So, hey, we love those guys.  We love NATO.

And yet they still rip us off.  We pay 4% of our gigantic gross domestic product to protect them, and they will not pay a lousy 2% of their GDP towards their own defense!  Is there a culture more penny-pinching-cheap-and-stingy than the fine constituents of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization?  These cheap base bornprigs will not pay their fare.  They are too cheap.  They expect America to send boys to die for them in one world war, then another — hundreds of thousands — and then to pay for their NATO defense even a century later.  And then they have the temerity to cheat us further in trade!

Long before Trump, they set up tariffs against us for so many things.  If the average American knew how badly Europe has been ripping us off for decades with their tariffs, no one in this country would buy anything European again.  We would say, as a matter of self-respect and personal pride, “I no longer will buy anything but American, no matter what it costs.”

Every American President has complained about the cheating and imbalance — the NATO penny-pinching-cheapness, the tariff and trade imbalances.  In more recent years, the various Bushes complained about it.  Even Obama complained about it.  But they all did it so gently, so diplomatically.  They would deliver the sermon, just as the pastor predictably tells the church-goers on Sunday morning that he is against sin, and the Europeans would sit quietly and nod their heads — nodding from sleeping, not from agreeing — and then they would go back out and sin some more.  Another four years of America being suckered and snookered.  All they had to do was give Obama a Nobel Peace Prize his ninth month in office and let Kerry ride his bike around Paris.

So Trump did what any effective negotiator would do: he took note of past approaches to NATO and their failures, and correctly determined that the only way to get these penny-pinching-cheap baseborn prigs to pay their freight would be to bulldoze right into their faces, stare them right in their glazed eyes with cameras rolling, and tell them point-blank the equivalent of: “You are the cheapest penny-pinching, miserly, stingy, tightwadded skinflints ever.  And it is going to stop on my watch.  Whatever it takes from my end, you selfish, curmudgeonly cheap prigs, you are going to pay your fair share.  I am not being diplomatic.  I am being All-Business: either you start to pay or, wow, are you in for some surprises!  And you know what you read in the Fake News: I am crazy!  I am out of control!  So, lemme see.  I know: We will go to trade war!  How do you like that?  Maybe we even will pull all our troops out of Europe.  Hmmm.  Yeah, maybe.  Why not?  Sounds good.  Well, let’s see.”

So Trump stuffed it into their quiche-and-schnitzel ingesting faces.  And he convinced them — thanks to America’s Seedier Media who are the real secret to the “Legend That is Trump” — that he just might be crazy enough to go to trade war and to pull American boys home.  They knew that Clinton and Bush x 2 and Kerry and Hillary and Nobel Laureate Obama never would do it.  But they also know that Trump just might.  And if they think they are going to find comfort and moderating in his new advisers, John Bolton and Mike Pompeo, alongside him…. Nuh-uh.

So CNN and the Washington Post and all the Seedier Media attacked Trump for days: "He is destroying the alliance!  He attacks our friends!"

Baloney.  Obama was the one whom the Left Echo Chamber… Chamber… Chamber never called out for attacking our friends — Israel, Britain, so many others — while cozying up to Hugo Chavez, bowing to dictators, and dancing the tango for Raul Castro.  Trump is just the opposite: He knows who the friends are, and he wants to maintain and strengthen those friendships.  It is no different from a parent telling a 35-year-old son: “I have been supporting you for thirty-five years.  I put you through college by signing four years and $100,000 PLUS in Loans.  You graduated college fifteen years ago.  For fifteen years I have been asking you nicely to look for a job and to start contributing.  Instead, you sit home all day playing video games, texting your friends on a smartphone I pay for, and picking little fuzz balls out of your navel.  So, look, I love you.  You are my flesh and blood.  But if you are not employed and earning a paycheck — and contributing to the cost of this household — in six months, we are throwing you out of the house.”  That boy is NATO.  Trump is Dad.  And all of us have been signing for the PLUS Loans. [Emphasis mine.]

Negotiating with Putin

Putin is a bad guy.  A really bad guy.  He is better than Lenin.  Better than Stalin, Khrushchev, Kosygin, Brezhnev, Pol Pot, Mao.  But he is a really bad guy.

Here’s the thing: Putin is a dictator.  He answers to no one.  He does whatever he wants.  If there arises an opponent, that guy dies.  Maybe the opponent gets poked with a poisoned umbrella.   Maybe he gets shot on the street.  Maybe the opponent is forced to watch Susan Rice interviews telling the world that Benghazi happened because of a YouTube video, seen by nine derelicts in Berkeley, and that Bowe Berghdal served with honor and distinction.  But, one way or another, the opponent dies.

Trump knows this about Putin. And here is what that means:

If you insult Putin in public, like by telling the news media just before or after meeting with him that he is the Butcher of Crimea, and he messed with our elections, and is an overall jerk — then you will get nothing behind closed doors from Putin.  Putin will decide “To heck with you, and to heck with the relationship we just forged.”  Putin will get even, will take intense personal revenge, even if it is bad for Russia — even if it is bad for Putin.  Because there are no institutional reins on him.

But if you go in public and tell everyone that Putin is a nice guy (y’know, just like Kim Jong Un) and that Putin intensely maintains that he did not mess with elections — not sweet little Putey Wutey (even though he obviously did) — then you next can maintain the momentum established beforehand in the private room.  You can proceed to remind Putin what you told him privately: that this garbage has to stop —or else.  That if he messes in Syria, we will do “X.”  If he messes with our Iran boycott, we will do “Y.”  We will generate so much oil from hydraulic fracturing and from ANWR and from all our sources that we will glut the market — if not tomorrow, then a year from now.  We will send even more lethal offensive military weapons to Ukraine.  We can restore the promised shield to Eastern Europe that Obama withdrew.  And even if we cannot mess with Russian elections (because they have no elections), they do have computers — and, so help us, we will mess with their technology in a way they cannot imagine.  Trump knows from his advisers what we can do.  If he sweet-talks Putin in public — just Putin on the Ritz<— then everything that Trump has told Putin privately can be reinforced with action, and he even can wedge concessions because, against that background, Putin knows that no one will believe that he made any concessions.  Everyone is set to believe that Putin is getting whatever he wants, that Trump understands nothing.  So, in that setting, Putin can make concessions and still save face.

That is why Trump talks about him that way.  And that is the only possible way to do it when negotiating with a tyrant who has no checks and balances on him.  If you embarrass the tyrant publicly, then the tyrant never will make concessions because he will fear that people will say he was intimidated and backed down.  And that he never will do.  Meanwhile, Trump has expelled 60 Russians from America, reversed Obama policy and sent lethal weapons to Ukraine, and is pressing Germany severely on its pipeline project with Russia.

The Bottom Line

At the end of the day, Donald Trump is over seventy years old.  He has made many mistakes in his life.  He still makes some  He is human.  But Trump likewise has spent three score and a dozen years learning.  He has seen some of his businesses go bankrupt, and he has learned from those experiences to be a billionaire and not let it happen again.  No doubt that he has been fooled, outsmarted in years past.  And he has learned from life.

He is a tough and smart negotiator.  He sizes up his opponent, and he knows that the approach that works best for one is not the same as for another.  It does not matter what he says publicly about his negotiating opponent.  What matters is what results months later.

In his first eighteen months in Washington, this man has turned around the American economy, brought us near full employment, reduced the welfare and food stamp lines, wiped out ISIS in Raqqa, moved America’s Israel embassy to Jerusalem, successfully has launched massive deregulation of the economy, has opened oil exploration in ANWR, is rebuilding the military massively, has walked out of the useless Paris Climate Accords that were negotiated by America’s amateurs who always get snookered, canned the disastrous Iran Deal, exited the bogus United Nations Human Rights Council.  He has Canada and Mexico convinced he will walk out of NAFTA if they do not pony up, and he has the Europeans convinced he will walk out of NATO if they don’t stop being the cheap and lazy parasitic penny-pinchers they are.  He has slashed income taxes, expanded legal protections for college students falsely accused of crimes, has taken real steps to protect religious freedoms and liberties promised in the First Amendment, boldly has taken on the lyme-disease-quality of a legislative mess that he inherited from Reagan-Bush-Clinton-Bush-Obama on immigration, and has appointed a steady line of remarkably brilliant conservative federal judges to sit on the district courts, the circuit appellate courts, and the Supreme Court.

What has Anderson Cooper achieved during that period? [His mother's reputation?] Jim Acosta or the editorial staffs of the New York Times and Washington Post?  They have not even found the courage and strength to stand up to the coworkers and celebrities within their orbits who abuse sexually or psychologically or emotionally.  They have no accomplishments to compare to his.  Just their effete opinions, all echoing each other, all echoing, echoing, echoing.  They gave us eight years of Nobel Peace Laureate Obama negotiating with the ISIS JV team, calming the rise of the oceans, and healing the planet.

We will take Trump negotiating with Putin any day.