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We know with all the fanfare around the start of the 2019 session, it can be easy to miss key policy proposals coming out of the Legislature or the Governor’s mansion. Well, let us tell you about a doozy. [It's Deja Vu all over again, folks! Emphasis mine.]
Governor Inslee set aside any inhibitions about being labeled an extremist and announced his intention to push policy this session that will lead our state down the path to socialized medicine. Inslee’s proposed public health care option is nothing more than a massive government-takeover of health care.
We could call it “Insleecare” but all Inslee cares about is his presidential ambitions. He definitely doesn’t care about the quality of your health care or the immense burden his plan would place on taxpayers. We know what he does care deeply about. The caucus goers in the states of Iowa and Nevada.
He wasn’t even able to provide an idea of how much this enormous government program would cost. We’d say this entire thing is a joke, but radical Seattle leftists were elected in November and they’re taking government health care plan seriously.
In Inslee’s nanny state, government knows best and will decide which plan is best for you. Eventually, only one government-approved and taxpayer-funded health insurance plan will be available. But don’t worry, Dr. Inslee assures us his plan if fair.

Do you want Inslee involved in your health care decisions? Add your name to say NO to government-run health care.
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