Saturday, January 26, 2019

Speaker Pelosi's Implementing Her Plan Early

It's becoming obvious that the projections of various political pundits who, in the past, predicted that Texas was the next target of the leftist/socialists to turn the state blue, were correct. I say this because the message I just received provides pretty clear indications from this recently elected Congressman Chip Roy. I urge you to take the time to read it carefully. (See below)

I'm NOT sharing it because I am asking you to donate to his need - that's your personal choice - but to provide you with an understanding that our politics are becoming more and more vitriolic and divisive. I believe it is because the Democrats see the current president's accomplishments as extremely threatening to their future existence. Liberals understand all too well that, if they can gain the upper hand in the Electoral College by the next presidential campaign season, they'll win.

Remember, the more informed about what's really going on we are, the more aware we will be about making the best decision for our own, and our children's, future. We can not afford to let the liberals get the upper hand in their ideological war on this nation and its promise of ", liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

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Nancy Pelosi's campaign arm just launched a "significant" ad buy against me and several others for standing for border security. It's still January - just months after an election - and the national Democrats are already running desperate campaign ads again because they're so out of touch on keeping Americans safe. 
Never in my wildest dreams did I think that Democrats would hold American national security and sovereignty hostage for 35 days in a government shut down. Never did I think that we would see adults throw temper tantrums over $5.7 billion in necessary spending to build the border wall out of more than $1 trillion in overall spending. 

The dangers from not securing the border are clear. Drugs are flowing across our borders, into our neighborhoods and homes. Americans and migrants alike are dying. Migrants are being abducted and forced into slavery. Little girls are being sold into the sex trade.

Yet the Democrats are more interested in trying to make President Trump look bad than securing the border. It's that simple. And we need your help to fight back. 

Would you consider an urgent donation of $25, $50, $100 or more right away to help us stand against this new national Democrat ad onslaught?
Help Us Secure Our Borders: $25 >>
Help Us Keep Texas Red: Donate $50 >>
Help Us Stop Pelosi-Backed Ads: Donate $100 >>
Help Us Fight for Our Principles: Donate Other Amount >>
In 2014, former President Obama himself said there is an "actual humanitarian crisis on the border." But the Democrats completely stonewalled any deal or negotiations for 35 days to fund the border wall. One of the main things I hate about Washington is that politics consistently gets in the way of policy.

Nancy Pelosi and national Democrats are trying to invade Texas -- and they have their eyes set on us as one of the main targets. They know we're fighting to secure the border and keep Texas families safe. Just as I promised you I would during the campaign last year.

I did not go to Washington to keep playing the games that have resulted in $22 trillion in debt and the lack of ability to do even our basic duties. I am in Congress to fight for YOU and our shared conservative principles.

And now we are paying the price. Despite Texas rejecting the last Pelosi-backed candidate just months ago, radical liberal groups funded by Hollywood and New York billionaires are already spending money again to defeat us.

I am devoting all of my time in Congress to fighting for you and keeping my promises. Meanwhile, the false ads and money pouring into Texas against us stand unchallenged. Will you please help me push back against these attacks?

As reported by the Texas Tribune, liberal donors and leaders have us "in their crosshairs as they begin the 2020 election cycle looking to build on their gains here in November."

They know our district is the gateway to turning Texas blue. Help us stop this attack. Help us defend our borders. Help us continue to keep my promises and defend liberty.

Sorry to reach out under these conditions, but timing is important. Your contribution will help us send them a message NOW that we won't be intimidated into supporting liberal policies.

For Liberty, 

U.S. Rep. Chip Roy (TX-21)

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