Thursday, January 24, 2019

A Couple of Prime Example of Our Current Federal Governance

This excerpt - from GrasstopsUSA - is from one of the many "Please, send us your cash and we'll fix this mess." style emails I get each and every day now. I include it here because it does have a very valid point which accurately indicates just how bad our situation has become.

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We Know We've Been Lying To You For Years But You Can Believe Us Now. If You Just Let Us Reopen Parts Of The Federal Government Now, We'll Entertain The Notion Of A Border Wall Later!

       That's the lie that Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and radical Democrats and RINOs have been feeding to you for years. As far as they are concerned, you're so stupid that you'll believe any lie they throw your way.

       Fortunately, the Trump administration isn't buying it anymore.

       We've been down this road one too many times folks. A year ago, Paul Ryan promised President Trump that if he approved a budget and allow the federal government to remain open, he would bring a real border security bill to his desk. It didn't happen.

       Several months ago, Paul Ryan made the promise to President Trump again... Please don't allow the government to be shutdown prior to the November election Mr. President! We promise that we'll send a real border security bill to your desk before the end of the year. Once again, it didn't happen.

       President Trump refuses to be fooled a third time and Paul Ryan was forced into retirement because he realized, perhaps too late, that Republicans would lose the House of Representatives for repeatedly betraying the American people on a solemn promise that had been made one too many times.

       President Trump figured it out. Promise made must be kept. Sadly, far too many Republicans in the Senate haven't figured it out. They'd rather keep the government open and kick border security down the road because - in reality - the deep-pocketed special interest who line their campaign coffers want open borders.

       They're under the delusion that you'll simply go along with any lie they tell you and they open the drawers on their cash registers. They'll lock arms with Nancy Pelosi and her cronies because they believe you will not hold them accountable.

Here's yet another example from the Heritage Foundation:

President Trump has bundled five issues together into a compromise package in negotiation with democrats to secure the border and reopen the government. Democrats have rejected the proposal, which is both expected and bewildering.
It’s expected because Democrats have been bitterly partisan during the entirety of the Trump Presidency; and it’s bewildering because all five issues on the table are issues which Democrats have overwhelmingly supported in the past.
Today, the Senate will vote on the compromise proposal and Democrats are largely expected to vote “no.” But here is how they have voted on each of the five components in the past:

The bill, End the Shutdown and Secure the Border Act, not only will take a first major step to secure the border, it includes policy Democrats have supported before. But, out of bitter partisanship, they are rejecting it.
And in case you still aren’t convinced that’s the case, let me just leave you with a sampling of Democrat quotes about immigration and the border wall that predate President Trump’s request for $5.7 billion in funding:

  • "Let me elaborate...illegal immigration is wrong, plain and simple. Until the American people are convinced that we will stop future flows of illegal immigration, we will make no progress on dealing with the millions of illegal immigrants who are here now, and on rationalizing our system of legal immigration." - Sen. Minority Leader Schumer (D-N.Y.) in 2009
  • “I look at border security as technology, manpower, wall, fencing however you want to put it." - Sen. Tester (Mont.) 2018
  • "I'm deeply opposed to illegal immigration and I call on the federal government, the President, and the immigration services to stop the inflood of illegal immigrants into this country." - Sen. Kaine (Va.) in 2005
  • “We need to repair the wall. We'll need to build more wall. We need to do whatever we can to secure the border.” - Sen. Manchin (W.V.) 2018
  • "The people who should be here are those who come legally at this time and for the time being we have to enforce our borders." - Sen. Feinstein (Calif.) in 1993

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