Friday, January 25, 2019

What is the Virtue in Passivism?

To answer that question... There is none!

With the passing of a Virginia Senate bill that repeals an old law prohibiting bringing weapons to church, the press now appears to be taking on the roll of our spiritual advisors.

As the article in The Virginia-Pilot's opening sentence tells us, the bill has "...sparked an emotional debate over whether packing heat in a house of worship constitutes a snub to the Almighty." Apparently we are now, by exercising our right to defend our lives, offending, or going against God's command to be passive! 

In my opinion, this kind of subtle and insidious way of thinking is nothing more than an attempt by the leftists to brainwash those who don't have the education, or skill, to exercise logic and critical thinking about a subject. Instead, they tend to go along with whatever the popular trend is today. 

Of course, the press uses an unquestionable source to bolster the liberal meme that we Christians should take on the same attitude that our Lord Jesus Christ took when he was sentenced by Pontius Pilot to the cross. Typical of too many preachers or ministers of churches today, an out of context and misused verse from the Bible is used to justify this position.
"Psalm 46 said, 'God is our refuge and strength,'" Sen. Lionell Spruill Sr., D, said as he argued against the measure Thursday. "Now we are saying with this bill, we no longer trust in God."
I hear the echoing of liberal passivism when using this selective verse.

Then, in the third & fourth paragraphs, explains why the old bill was in place, but apparently in an effort to be balanced, cites the phrase which reveals a "loophole".

Yet further on in this unbelievably insane article, more statements are made which belie logic and ignore the very Christian value that life is sacred by inferring that if worshipers are at their best, then a person who, for whatever motive they may have, will somehow also be their best.
Sen. Chap Petersen, D, struck a similar note: "When I walk into a house of worship, it humbles me. You need to act and be your best, and that means putting down your firearm."
This, to me, is proof of just how much many of our houses of worship today have become liberalized. They're no more safe than the public schools which have become "gun safe zones."

There have been many conversations online in various forums and 2nd amendment organization sites that have discussed this issue for many years about how to best handle the rising threat of massacres occurring more and more in the recent years and how to protect congregants using extremely carefully thought through points which take into account all potential factors that would be involved.

Fortunately, but sadly at the end of the whole article, the reporter discloses what was shared by another Virginia Senator about this issue.
Sen. Charles "Bill" Carrico, R, sided with Black. After the vote took place and the Senate turned to other business, Carrico turned to his Bible to try to bolster his argument. Before the Senate gaveled out for the day, he rose to share what he'd found.
"'Blessed be the lord, my rock, who trains my hands for war and my fingers for battle.' That was from the Old Testament," he said. "In the New Testament, ... 'When a strong man fully armed guards his own palace, his goods are in peace.' Those places of worship where I tithe, where I give offerings, are that palace. And it's my obligation and our right to defend it."
Amen brother! For those wishing to read the entire article, here's the link. P.S. It strikes me as rather odd that in our modern society, we have evolved into a mindset which, with the advent of mass communication and media, we seem to willingly accept our government's involvement in deciding for the collective, the critical decision of life and death, rather than leaving them up to the individual, all under the premise of 'protection'.

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