Monday, June 25, 2018

Who's The Target Audience?

When watching this latest video from Prager U titled, "American Media, Soviet Tactics", it's obvious that those who support Pres. Trump already understand this message all too clearly. 

Those who supported either Hillary Clinton, or Bernie Sanders, or are rabid leftists wanting to make the country a socialist utopia, also understand this message.

The great hoard of the public who either don't care about politics, don't bother making the effort to pay attention to what's really going on by applying degree of critical analysis to the situation, or form their opinion on the bits and pieces they hear from a variety of sources; friends, news outlets they happen to watch or catch passing by, are the ones this message is really for.

These swing voters are those who will make the difference in the coming election(s). But, they won't necessarily have to watch this video when the impact of much of Pres. Trump's policies surface to the point of being noticed; like their tax cut/take home pay increase, the availability of jobs, etc, some of which will most likely take years before it's actually noticeable.

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