Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Mid-term Blues or Mid-term Surprise?

The media hype is focusing our nation on revisiting the kabuki theater of 25 years ago; Clarence Thomas and Anita Hill and the salacious sleaze that the left loves to use against anyone who threatens their grasp on power, while looking the other way when any of their own are exposed - a.k.a. rapist Bill Clinton or Hillary Clinton or Ted Kennedy.

Only today it's Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford.

My question is, Why are the Democrats using this obvious tactic again when there are many voters who remember what went on not that long ago with Thomas and Hill?

I predict this move will backfire on them. The result will only be more voting to back those conservative candidates who are supportive of the president's agenda; improving the economy, lowering unemployment rates for all, and working to resolve long standing international issues which have been concerns for most Americans.

In case you don't believe me, just take a look at this article and go through it very carefully. Don't just skim through it, but actually check out what some of the links provide as proof and evidence of the impact Trump's policy of "Promises Made, Promises Kept" is doing to many former voters who didn't really know just how much they were being snookered by the Democrats for so long.

And finally, for those looking for the humorous side on this issue... see the image below.

1 comment:

  1. The out look here in Kentucky is decidedly positive as well. Our local Republican party tracks the growth in numbers of republican voters registering. About a month ago the ratio was about 5 to 1 over Democrat registrations.
