Those of us who have been taught, or learned it from an innate ability to challenge conventional thinking of the day, understand that much of what we get told by our highly controlled Media (D) today is highly suspect.
Having read one of Roger Stone's books about the J.F.K. assassination issue I have come to respect the man for his intelligence, patriotism, and academic acumen. It's no wonder that he's participated in 10 of the previous presidential campaigns; from Nixon in the period when I was in high school, to the 2016 Trump campaign.
In watching some YouTube clips, I stumble across a video of Roger Stone giving a speech at the Oxford Union last February. I've only watched the first 8:30 minutes of it, but realized that this speech is extremely unique. So, I'm sharing it here for those who might not have watched it, or don't really understand, or know, the man very well.
If you do watch it and choose to provide me feedback on what you think of it and him, I would be interested in hearing your perspective.
As to exactly why he's being targeted by the Mueller investigation as a person of interest regarding its task of finding "Russian Collusion", I will leave you with his own words:
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Dear Friend,
you believe the illegal leaks from the anti-Trump Special Prosecutor
Robert Mueller’s office, he is planning to frame me for some bogus crime
I did not commit!
Let’s be
clear- Mueller plans to attempt to railroad me for one reason and one
reason only... I helped elect my friend of 40 years, Donald Trump,
President and helped defeat Hilary Clinton.
two years in which Mueller and his left-wing Democrat hit squad has had
me under a microscope, he still has no evidence of Russian collusion,
Wikileaks collaboration or any other real illegal act in connection with
the 2016 election of Donald Trump.
now appears that Mueller plans to lynch me the way they tried to lynch
Judge Kavanaugh - without proof or evidence of wrong doing.
News is reporting that Mueller has spent weeks browbeating my former
colleague Dr. Jerome Corsi before the Grand Jury but Corsi is risking
jail because he will not bear false witness against me and won’t lie as
directed by Mueller’s henchmen!
Now get this: the woman lawyer leading the potential prosecution of me by the Mueller team is Jeanie Rhee, who
as a private lawyers represented Hillary Clinton in the illegal e-mail
server/ missing e-mail case as well as serving as the attorney for the
Clinton Foundation which the Clintons used as the vehicle for
multi-million dollar bribes!
even gave Hillary $5400 for her campaign for President! This is the
"unbiased" prosecutor who is questioning witnesses before the Grand Jury
about me.
The Democrat’s
want the new Acting Attorney General who replaced the fired Jeff
Sessions to recuse himself from oversight of the run-away Mueller
prosecution but think it’s perfectly OK for Hillary’s personal legal
attack dog to question multiple witnesses before the Grand Jury about
I have been targeted for
personal and financial destruction simply because I supported Donald
Trump and because I helped beat Hillary Clinton when I wrote the
best-selling book The Clintons’ War On Women.
have no intention of pleading guilty to a crime I did not commit. I
will not be railroaded by Mueller and his legal thugs. I intend to fight
any effort to frame me for perjury or anything else. I can prove that
my testimony before the House Intelligence Committee was 100% accurate.
urgently need your help . Mueller’s illegal leaks have destroyed my
business and the cost of lawyers to defend myself in multiple sore-loser
lawsuits as well as the witch hunt investigations by the US Senate
Intelligence and Judiciary Committees have virtually bankrupted me and
destroyed my family.
with the Democrats winning control of the House Rep. Adam Schiff has
announced that he will resume his phony investigation of me by the House
Intelligence Committee. This is truly an inquisition designed to
destroy me as pay-back for my four decades of beating Democrats and
defeating their precious Hillary.
The cost of lawyers to defend myself are estimated to be as high a $2 Million. I simply do not have the money.
Won’t you please send an emergency contribution to my legal defense fund of $25, $50, $100, $500 or even $1,000 today?
you send will be deeply appreciated. I intend to fight for my life but
cannot do so without your help. You can contribute now by going here.
Please rush me your answer today. Onward towards victory!
God Bless You,

Roger J. Stone JR.

PS- I am grateful for your support. Please ask all the Trump supporters you know to help me now in my time of need. They can help by going to today.