I shall insert some comments to his points in colored parenthesis.
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If this picture doesn't tell you where this Congressman is coming from, then I've lost you already. |
you for contacting me about the migrant caravan traveling towards our
southern border from Central America. I appreciate you taking the time
to write me about this critical issue.
October of 2018, thousands of Central American migrants fled their home
countries and formed a group traveling on foot to seek asylum in the
United States or Mexico. (Really? Why aren't you mentioning that paid organizers from George Soros, the U.N., and the Ford Foundation would fund their several thousand miles walk/ride on trucks, buses, and trains?) The migrants, most of whom come from countries
plagued with gang violence, drug wars, corruption, and political
repression, are hoping to escape persecution and threats to their
families’ safety. (Sorry, but these types of "persecution and political repression" aren't qualifications for asylum, and you know it!) Initial reports estimated that as many as 7,000 people
constituted the caravan, but that number has continued to decline and
the caravan was estimated to be down to 3,500 people by mid-October.
This number is expected to decline further as many drop off due to the
grueling nature of the journey and as people seek asylum in Mexico.
many have mischaracterized the caravan’s arrival as an “invasion” of
the United States and a threat to our national security. The reality,
however, is that this is not an invasion and no evidence to date has
shown this to be a credible threat to our national security. (Well then, the office aide you pay to write your replies apparently hasn't seen the videos of them tearing down border gates, and throwing rocks and any heavy objects they can at the Mexican Police.) In Fiscal
Year (FY) 2019, the U.S. Border Patrol apprehended nearly 400,000
migrants—the arrival of this caravan would constitute less than one
percent of that number. (Yes, that's true, but it's also true that a majority of those 400,000 were released after being apprehended coming across the border to stay in the U.S. and 90% nevr show up at the court for their processing hearing.)The United States has a legal obligation to hear
asylum claims from all migrants who arrive at our country’s doorstep
and express fears of violence in their home countries. We can maintain a
secure border as well as the rule of law, while still upholding our
country’s values to protect those fleeing persecution and violence. (Sir, you clearly are insane! How can our country uphold our values if those illegals who never become legal immigrants are allowed to repeatedly enter the country, rape or murder our women - ie: MS-13 gangs - or kill our children while driving intoxicated and have no license? You're talking "pipe-dreams" man! The only reason you're defending these people is because they are your party's future voting base.)
President’s announcement that he will send more troops to the border is
fundamentally wrong and is a political act at a time when leadership is
needed. We should not be militarizing the border and President Trump
has offered no clear idea of what our forces are going to do there. (It's only 'fundamentally wrong' because it hurts your party's efforts to grow your voter base, which is YOUR political act, sir! It is the job of the President to protect our nation's borders, but it seems, from your words, that you think we should just dissolve the borders altogether.) We
have seen no evidence that it was helpful or effective when he sent the
National Guard to the border in April of 2018. (How do you know that for certain, sir? Were you even looking to check if there were any helpfulness or effectiveness?) Additionally, there is no
credible evidence that this caravan presents an actual security threat,
thus there is no reason to deploy military resources in response. (Again, it's apparent that you've not been paying any attention to recent reports about the clashes occurring between some of the members and the Mexican Police. Then, there's most likely incidences which have occurred which have not even been reported because no one was there to record them.) As
Ranking Member of the House Armed Services Committee, I will continue to
lead efforts with my colleagues to demand answers from this
administration about the unnecessary and dangerous use of our military
to support the President’s troubling anti-immigration agenda. (That you call President Trump's use of the military for this situation 'dangerous and unnecessary' reveals your T.D.S. - Trump Derangement Syndrome - towards the man this nation elected in 2016. That claim is also verified from listening to you explain your views on local radio shows.)
men, women, and children making up the caravan are fleeing poverty and
violence in a very unstable part of the world. (Yea, and we've been pouring billions of dollars of foreign aide to them down a "rat hole" in those Latin American countries for decades now, and NOTHING's changed!) However, the President
has threatened to cut off foreign aid to Guatemala, Honduras, and El
Salvador because they “were not able to do the job of stopping people
from leaving their country and coming illegally to the U.S.” The idea
that cutting aid to these countries will help mitigate the crises they
face is utterly ridiculous. (No, if these countries aren't willing to deal with their own problems after we've been sending them aide for decades, then why should we keeping doing the same thing and expect something different? That's the definition of insanity!) In fact, we should be bolstering foreign aid
to help improve conditions in these countries. (Sorry, but you've just bolstered my previous point here.)
The United States ought to be leading efforts to bring the countries of the region together to determine what can be done to reduce the horrific conditions that are causing people to flee. (Here we go with the bleeding heart rhetoric, again! Shhhh... I think I can hear that little tiny violin playing. Sir, we've tried that "warm fuzzy" stuff for several decades now, and we tax payers are sick and tired of footing the bill for no results!) I do not have any illusions that this is going to be easy, and it does not fall solely on the United States to resolve these issues, but our role as a global leader should be focused on bringing countries in the region together to make progress on these humanitarian challenges, instead of isolating ourselves in a show of military force. (No, you may not have any illusions, but you certainly do seem to have grand delusions about wasting our financial resources on plans that have shown no results. Our nation's ability to survive is at stake here as we watch our culture morphed into a third world country. We don't want to end up like Venezuela!)
caravan of people that the President is focused on are coming to seek
asylum, (No, many have said on videos that they are coming to get JOBS, OURS!) and they have a lawful right to do so. (Oh NO THEY DON'T!) The Trump
administration’s reckless mishandling of this situation is irresponsible
and dangerous. Rather than falsely scapegoating immigrants and
dangerously mischaracterizing the reality of the situation, we must
identify meaningful steps we can take to alleviate the crises that these
migrants face in their home countries. (Oh, stop with the fancy sounding rhetoric already!)
Thank you for taking the time to contact me. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any additional questions or concerns. (Sir, I did not write you to ask what you thought about this serious situation we face, I asked you to support OUR President. Yet, you clearly are fighting and obstructing his efforts to keep the promises he made to the citizens of the country who elected him into office. You disgust me. I hope, by some miracle, you lose your seat next week in the coming election!)

Adam Smith
Member of Congress"
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