Thursday, February 13, 2020

The Non-crime, Crime or Impeachment - Part 2: The Swamp Thickens

Mueller's investigation begins with the realization that no evidence exists to actually prosecute the president with impeachment.

What to do? Let's look at the campaign team members of Trump's team, because the DNC operative, Chalupa, has gone to Ukraine and produced this "black ledger" which supposedly reveals that Manafort was paid big bucks by Ukrainian oligarchs. He must have been paid off by Putin's lackeys.

Muller's team successfully prosecutes Manafort on process crimes - lying about some minor details - and the "black ledger" allegations, and sentences him for years to solitary confinement in prison.

Fantastic! See Trump haters? We got our "pound of flesh" with this guy from Trump's campaign team. But wait, there's more!

We've got this other dude named Roger Stone who's got a tattoo of Pres. Nixon on his back, so he must be guilt of doing something illegal, so we'll sick our finest "bull-dog" prosecutor team of lawyers, drag him in too and get him prosecuted on process crimes too.

Hey CNN, we've got a great scoop for you! Show up quietly in front of this Stone dude's house at the crack of dawn and wait for our FBI SWAT team with an army of AR-15s, bazookas, mini-tanks and other cool stuff so you can have your cameras capture the moment we bust down his front door and arrest this crook.

What's that? They proved that Manafort's "black ledger" thingy was a complete fabrication by the Ukrainian oligarch guy? Ahh... small potatoes, there's nothing to worry about with that. Forget it, so will the public. Minor detail!

We got this dude, Stone, for witness tampering! What? He did? You mean the witness he allegedly intimidated gave a statement saying he never felt intimidated by Stone and knew he was just joking around with him? Don't worry, we confused him enough to get him to trip up on his answers after we interrogated him for hours on end and we got him on a process crime too. We can get him sentenced for lying to us over minor details, even if we have to ask the GOP in Congress for information.

When the prosecutor team comes before the judge, we hear them say, "Your honor, we are pleased that you're an Obama appointed judge ruling on this case. We're going to let the A.G. Barr know that we're going to recommend something less than a nine year sentencing for this seventy year old man who's lost all of his assets defending himself in this case. But since he's a Trump campaign lackey, we'll give him time, you can be sure!"

When A.G. Barr learns that these three prosecutors actually recommend to the judge in a later hearing a sentence of nine years, the A.G. looks into this conflict and calls them on the carpet for saying one thing, then doing another. So, the pundits in the Media (D) and some in Congress get all huffy about Pres. Trump Tweeting remarks about Stone's sentence, as though Pres. Obama never engaged in such things, right?

The three prosecutors then resign in protest from the case before the sentencing is actually declared by the judge. Oh my lord! People, look how this A.G. is interfering with our court case! And the president is Tweeting about it too! Oh my lord! He's obviously defending his buddy the president!

In steps Cong. Swalwell (D) CA, who announces, "Well, it's clear that this president is obstructing justice, it looks like we can't discount the possibility that he should be impeached for this!" (Of course, we all know how hands off Pres. Obama was during his administration.) On a hot mic, Swalwell's caught off camera saying, "Hey Steve, be sure to get in touch with the gang of those four radical leftists to pressure the Speaker again on calling for another impeachment inquiry! Okay?"

What? Did you say the foreperson of the Stone jury was outed as a biased liberal against Stone? Aw, come on! That can't be! Really? Really!

What a perfect setup! Given all the fake whistleblower garbage we've learned that went on to frame our sitting president over a phone call asking the Ukraine president to help our country investigate corruption in his country, which  only resulted in an acquittal, does this not smell like the same swamp gas we've been dealing with just last month? 

So, do you think the nation's going to put up with another Pelosi, Nadler, Schiff, Swalwell impeachment circus in the House for another six to eight months leading right up to the election date in early November?

Sure! It's just what the Media (D) ordered for boosting their ratings again! Yea! Now we get to rake him over the coals again!

Folks, this all a scam! Everybody knows something, and everyone involved has got something to hide. If you could see a web graphic of who they are, you'd be amazed!

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