Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Are We Unaware of What's Really Happening?

For the past four years, ever since Hillary lost the election to Pres. Trump, we've occasionally heard the phrase "The Resistance" mentioned; either by the Media (D), or prominent liberals and fascists.

In previous posts here on my blog, I've written about my personal suspicions of communists, left over from the now defunct Soviet Union which collapsed in the early '90s infiltrating our country and taking up occupancy in the DNC where they knew progressivism would readily embrace their socialist policies.

Well, here's further proof from another source - this time a former FBI agent - who's written a book about it. The following is a summary from G. Edward Griffin's site about an interview with the author on Tucker Carlson's show:
Terrie Turchie is a former FBI Deputy Assistant Director and the author of In Their Own Words, a book about the Democratic party’s push for Communist America. He says that Democrats are using the words, actions and policies from communist China, Cuba and Russia to change attitude[s] of Americans about our system. He showed that the Weather Underground’s strategy of using racism to divide America is nearly word for word what radical Democrats are using today when they push socialism. He says that the US is on the verge of incremental communism, without understanding what is happening.
 For those interested in viewing the interview, here's the link to it.

Need further evidence? Check out this article! If this doesn't raise hairs on the back of your neck, then I question why you're reading my blog.

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