Rush Limbaugh Show: May 2, 2017 –
Hour #2 Transcript of caller Colleen of Thousand Oaks, CA
Rush: Colleen, I'm glad you
waited, how are you doing?
Colleen: I'm doing great Rush,
it is such an honor to talk to you. My dad turned me on to you when
you were back at Sacramento, and I was in college at kind of the same
age as millennials are now. And, I wanted to talk to you about your
comments on the millennial story about becoming so stressed out
they're losing their hair.
Rush: Yes.
Colleen: And your comparison of
our parents, the “Greatest Generation”.
Rush: Yes
Colleen: And, uh... I have a
son, a millennial son in college, and, I also, um... do advising to a
lot of “start ups”, so... I'm around millennials, and I kind of
see where they're coming from, and what they're going through. And I
can tell you, um... first hand, that they are stressed out and I
think, for valid reasons. You know, um... while we don't have a WWII,
and we don't have Kruschev, we've got Kim Jung Un - you were talking
about it earlier, threatening nuclear war – we've got Islamic
terrorists bombing, and mowing people down with trucks, and stabbing
people on a weekly basis, so, while they don't have the perspective
we do, um... it scary! Right? But, um... I think what's worse,
actually, um... our parents, when they went to WWII, they were part
of a proud and patriotic country. Everyone was pulling together, and,
our millennials are constantly being told from the press, and
political leaders, and professors, and celebrities that we all hate
each other. We're all prejudiced, the world is a disaster, the United
States is evil and oppressive, the Constitution is outdated and
irrelevant, and this is all coming from people they respect. And
their parents think they're doing a great job teaching them values
and to stand up for what they believe in, when what they're really
teaching them is it's okay to disrespect the country, and the
President, and that everyone you disagree with is a fascist and so
it's okay to scream and boycott and get violent, instead of being an
adult and engaging in dialog. And, it just breaks my heart. We are
ruining this generation.
Rush: That is sooo, well stated!
I really... the only thing I would add in your list of things that
they're scared of... and I think the big one, honest to God, and
there's nothing more disappointing to me, more frustrating and it
makes me just wanna scream myself, is they have literally been made
actively afraid that the planet will not support them by the time
when they reach their parents age – 65 …
Colleen: Absolutely!
Rush: They REALLY believe this
crap. They totally believe it and it does have them scared to death.
Colleen: Yea! They're...
Rush: But all the other things
you mentioned are correct too. They've bought all of... the problem
that I have with your recitation is right on the money... um, the...
I wish you could go through it again, because I thought of something
at the moment you said something...
Colleen: Well, I have all my
notes, so let me know.
Rush: No, no... I, that's not
necessary. While you were going through the list of things that
they're told, that they're taught to hate, why do they buy it? Why do
they fall for it. That's what's frustrating to me. Why do they accept
all of this stuff, um... when I was there...
Colleen: Because they don't,
they don't have you as a parent, my son thinks of me as a parent, I
don't mean to toot my own horn, but the people they trust the most...
Rush: Are the doom-sayers! The
people they trust the most are the doom-sayers, the negativists, the
Colleen: That's why they fall
for it. Because they have no voice they trust.
Rush: Well... I have to go. I
have a time break I can't move. Thanks so much! Music...
Rush: What she's referring to is
the story I mentioned earlier about the millennials that are going
bald from too much stress, and I said it's nothing like our parents
and grandparents and being dragged out from college and being sent to
Europe and Japan for WWII, after having lived through the depression,
and the communists come calling and saying they're going to burry
your grand-kids. That's what she was reacting to.
Blogger's Footnote: I share this transcript of this caller because I believe she's got a very legitimate set of points for those millennials who don't have the kind of guidance from their parents that gives them the understanding what's going on. I say this from experience myself... our younger of two daughters is also a millennial who just spent her last 10 years after high school going to college - with intermittent years of working to earn up savings - to get a double major (Zoology/Geology: Suma Cum Laude). She's had her share of stresses with a huge student loan debt hanging over her, and has had some difficulty just getting a job in our region which has a fairly strong economic situation compared to other regions of the country. However, I know that she's much more "stable" as a millennial in her outlook than others I've encountered in my daily activities because she's a conservative who keeps herself informed by listening to Rush and supports Pres. Trump to turn things around from the bleak situation she watched during her college days over the past eight years.