Sunday, May 7, 2017

Seven Interesting Questions About Slavery

Why do white people get the blame for slavery when virtually every race in human history engaged in the slave trade?
Why do white people get the blame for slavery, when it was black Africans that went into the bush to capture Africans who they then sold?.
Why do white people get the blame for slavery when white people were enslaved by Arabs?
Why do white people get the blame for slavery when they were the first in the world to legally end slavery?
Why do white people get the blame for slavery when white people risked their lives to help free black slaves from their Arab captors?
Why do white people get the blame for slavery when hundreds of thousands of white Americans died in a civil war to end slavery?
Why do white people get the blame for slavery when there are still millions  of  people enslaved today – not generally in white countries?

Saturday, May 6, 2017

F.B.I. Director James Comey - Questions & Views

Anyone who's been paying attention to the news regarding Hillary Clinton's recent coming out and her narrative about how everyone else - except herself and her policies - is to blame for her losing the election to Donald Trump, knows that the F.B.I. Director - James Comey - has played a key role in the whole scenario.

Here are a couple of interesting interviews - one by Tucker Carlson on FOX, and another on Breibart News - which shed some interesting views and perspective on the situation.

News Flash to Hillary!!! In YOUR mind, you believe you would have won the election had it been held on October 27th based on the understanding that you had the entire mainstream media, pollsters and Hollyweird, backing you. In other words, the truth about your policies and past record as a First Lady, Senator and Sec. of State, were almost overcome and the voting public was almost brainwashed that you would not be a continuation - nay, an acceleration - of the past administration's agenda of dividing the country further along the lines of identity politics and political correctness.

Bullying Those You Disagree With Does Not Help Public Schools

This recent article from the Washington Policy Center is an example of how public education in our country has successfully become so lopsided to the left in its ideology. There is a link in the first sentence to the presentation which contains the evidence cited in this article. Here are a few points from it:

"It is not possible to have an informed conversation about education reform when WASA implies that people who hold alternate views are fascists and communists.  This mean-spirited tactic comes across as a transparent effort to bully others into silence.

Reasonable people can disagree.  Engaging in name-calling while citing the most reprehensible figures from history does not make progress in improving public education.  Instead, all of us who care about children should work together in a peaceful and collaborative way to make sure schools are well funded and use public money effectively, so that every child learns."

I am convinced - after 30 years in public education - that the whole education infrastructure from the Dept. of Education, to the NEA, its state unions, on down to the local level districts' unions, has been thoroughly indoctrinated with the leftist/socialist mentality.. It's evident in the curriculum, policy emphasis, and treatment of those in the profession who don't go along with their agenda. Those teachers who voice any alternative view or opposition to whatever is being proposed from the leadership at local or state conventions for the union is subtly and effectively ostracized and marginalized (sounds like Saul Alynski tactics to me).

Wasn't there a prominent communist leader who said something about controlling the education of the youth is the key to controlling a country's direction & future? In observing leftists' reactions to the new administration, they've confirmed without a doubt to me that they will say things about their opposition which is actually a truism about themselves; using Goebbels & Lenin. 

Yes, liberalism is a mental disorder!

Thursday, May 4, 2017

WA State Taxation - The Politician's Ping Pong Ball

No need to raise taxes for McCleary

By Liv Finne, Washington Policy Center

The public outcry against Sound Transit’s unfair and excessive car tab taxes has painfully illustrated how public officials make life hard for working families when they impose high taxes.  The one message the public has successfully delivered to lawmakers this session, big time, is that high taxes are deeply unpopular.

Fortunately, lawmakers from both parties are listening. There seems to be little or no appetite among state lawmakers to go on record supporting a tax increase. Senate leaders say a tax increase is not needed (state revenues are due to increase by $2.6 billion under current tax law). And so far, House leaders have not even scheduled a vote on their budget plan to impose $4.8 billion in new taxes.

Still, House leaders are insisting the McCleary school funding case requires Washington families to accept even higher business tax rates, higher sales taxes, and even an income tax on investments. The House budget would also repeal the popular 1 percent limit on annual property tax collections, a policy approved by voters in 2001 and confirmed by a bill passed by both parties and signed by Gov. Gregoire in 2007.

State budget figures show that new taxes are not needed to comply with McCleary.

Today, education spending is at an all-time high, having increased by 34 percent over the last four years. Current state spending on public education is $18.2 billion, or about $12,000 per student from all sources, the most money ever.

These spending levels are due to increase. Both the House and Senate budgets provide large increases for education, so we know school spending is going to go up. The Senate budget would increase education spending by $3.7 billion, an enormous increase, by providing levy equity across the state, and adding in law a guaranteed per-student funding level of $12,500.

This level of spending increase clearly meets the McCleary standard, coming as it does on top of huge spending increases in recent years, and can be enacted without increasing the tax burden state officials impose on the people of Washington.

The House plan seeks to impose more taxes, but it also doubles down on the current system, providing no meaningful reforms. The Senate plan not only has the virtue of boosting education spending again, it would also provide progressive, forward-looking reforms, like guaranteeing a set per-student spending level for every student in the state, so every child learns.

The budget numbers amply demonstrate that state lawmakers can increase spending, comply with McCleary and enact meaningful education reforms — all without raising taxes.

Liv Finne is the director of the Washington Policy Center

Update: Income Tax Off Table... for now.

Next time!

According to Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh, this is the new motto of the Republicans in the Swamp. Now their promise - after telling the country that all they needed was a majority in the House, then a majority in the Senate, and finally the White House - is that they'll take care of really making changes in the next session of Congress. Really?

On top of that, the mantra of the Republicans (a.k.a. government workers in the Swamp) success is now claiming they got more money for their pet projects than what the Democrats got! That's funny, I thought whole point of getting Trump elected because of his promises on the campaign trail that he would reverse the Democrat's programs and spending to save this country from becoming full-blown socialist!

So, Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh are both saying, "What's the point of voting Republican anymore?" I'm beginning to wonder, when what I feared may happen,  actually does. That's not funding the wall, keeping a modified version of Obamacare, funding Planned Parenthood, etc.

The American Flag: A Symbol of Hate Speech on Campuses?

Here's a video which is an interview by Ami Horowitz of a student - who happens to be an illegal immigrant going to college on federal student loans - who wrote a bill to ban the flag on college campuses; must be in California. Watch it and be prepared to have your mind "blown", as Ami says in the clip.

This young man equates the American flag on a par with the Nazi, or ISIS, flags being evil and oppressive! Who brainwashed this dude? Listen carefully to his comment at the 1:20 mark to the question about how much it was supported on his college campus.

This is a prime example, in my view, of just how effectively twisted and perverted the younger generations and foreigners who come to this country to take advantage of the benefits and opportunities here, are, while doing their best to bite the very "hand that feeds them." Watch, and you'll understand better why I say this.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

The Limits of Free Speech

The Limits Of Free Speech 

by Richard A. Epstein via

The First Amendment allows us to speak our mind and stand up for what we believe in. However, the limits on free speech are rooted in the principle that we’re not allowed to harm others to get what we want. That’s why we’re not allowed to use to speech for force, fraud, or defamation.