Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The Media's War With Pres. Trump

While the mainstream media is full-throttle at presenting to the public an image of President Trump as illegitimate and crazy, President Trump himself is obsessed with fostering what is a love-hate relationship with them. Some speculate that he's a master at manipulating the media, while others view the media as a well orchestrated propaganda machine that is obsessed with taking down the very man who the people themselves clearly said was their response to the previous administration's policies which took the country in the wrong direction.

Sheryl Attkisson, an accomplished reporter who was run out of one of the mainstream networks for her attempt to report on issues in an unbiased way, now has her own show; Full Measure. Her recent episode, 100 Days, is a great one on this topic of how Trump and the media have been going at each other's throat since day one.

As we all know, the media's focus on getting Pres. Trump impeached is the "Russian Meddling" topic. To those following this topic with any real rational logic it is rather obvious that this attempt is going nowhere because multiple times several testimonies from intelligence and law have not revealed ONE piece of evidence to support it. 

However, what has surfaced recently are new revelations from what most, if not all the public has completely forgotten; Seth Rich's murder in D.C. shortly before Wikileaks released Hillary's emails. While this brief news clip on this page speaks in vague terms about the incident, the parents of Seth have hired a private investigator to dig into the whole matter and has encountered organized resistance by the D.C. police to his getting to the evidence on Seth's laptop which the D.C. police are holding.

The Everything Bubble?

Is there any evidence that the global monetary system is on the verge of collapsing? I know that sounds crazy to ask, but if you want to be aware of the reason I ask, I highly recommend you at least spend the time to check our Mike's reasons for his warning about what's coming.

This urgent, 35-minute presentation from Mike Maloney is a must watch. You'll see overwhelming evidence that stocks, bonds, and real estate could be in biggest bubbles of all time.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Sitcom "Last Man Standing" Cancelled Despite High Ratings

A couple of months ago Tim Allen apparently made a comment on a conservative talk show that living in Hollywood today is like living in Nazi Germany of the 1930s, which has now led to the cancelling of the highly rated sitcom Allen stars in as a conservative dad.

Gee... there was no mention of any outside pressure by the public on advertisers on the sitcom to boycott the show. So, Hollywood sure knows how to convince the public that it doesn't behave like Nazis of the 1930s!

Auntie Maxine Goes All Out

Watching this video from the local L.A. station covering Cong. Maxine Waters townhall recently, it's interesting, to say the least, that now with a president at the helm taking steps to start the process of turning the ship-of-state around, they are now experiencing and going through what Republicans, Conservatives, Libertarians, and Constitutionalists went through for the eight years of the previous administration; frustration and disgust with the policy actions being carried out to achieve his objectives.

You may notice, as you watch this clip, that the Trump supporters being ejected from the event have NOT been reported as having incited any violence, so the only conclusion I can make as to why they were ejected is because the rest of the crowd is unable to tolerate their presence.

Don't Feed the Birds, Bears, or Other Animals

Okay, so if it's not good to feed the birds because it creates a dependency, why does it not carry over to people? Oh wait, I know... the liberals feel justified if they perceive that they're providing subsistence to those who, due to their providing support, will vote for their agenda, to continue that support.

Got it!

Pres. Trump Signs E.O. Protecting the U.S.

Here is a brief excerpt from an article regarding protecting the U.S. by Pres. Trump:
"A presidential order signed Thursday directed key federal agencies to assess preparations for a prolonged power outage resulting from cyber attacks designed to disrupt the power grid.

An assessment of the danger must be carried out by the Energy Department, Homeland Security, DNI and state and local governments to examine the readiness of the United State to manage a shutdown of the power grid. The assessment will also identify gaps and shortcomings in efforts that would be used restore power."

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Is It Possible?

The above image is of a comet which is placed over the city of Los Angeles for the sake of a dimensional comparison. While it has no chance of impacting Earth, the point of this image is to provide a sense of what another possible comet, or asteroid, could be in the way of size and having - albeit remote - of hitting the surface of the planet as one did 6.5 million years ago on the northwestern portion of the Yucatan Peninsula and a portion of the Gulf of Mexico which is believed to be the cause for the extinction of the dinosaurs.

So, to answer the question of the title, the answer is yes, but let's hope not while we're alive. Although, if one did, we wouldn't be for long at all; especially depending on which area of the globe the impact occurred.