Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Speaking Truth to the Press

Kimberly Strassel (on left).
Last Sunday the Wall Street Journals Kimberly Strassel destroyed the liberal media's Face the Nation panel's argument that back channeling by Trump's campaign staff was evidence of collusion with the Russians; yes, they're still pushing this meme of lies! Use this link to read the MRC article and watch the under 2 minute clip of Ms. Strassel slapping them down.


Monday, May 29, 2017

So, What Was the Vietnam War About?

First things first today; I share this link to a very powerful Memorial Day video I urge you to watch. It is fitting for the following post.
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In this Prager U. video Victor Davis Hansen - a war historian - gives us a brief overview of all the issues regarding this war.

It is significant for me because I was a part of it. I never set foot in the country; the closest I ever got to Vietnam was 35,000 feet above the Mekong Delta as a military hop was approaching Thailand. I was an Air Force enlistee who got trained at technical school to conduct maintenance on jet aircraft with multiple engines. When I got assigned to my permanent duty station in east Sacramento in 1972, I became a team member of the 320th Operational Maintenance Squadron in the Strategic Air Command and began my O.J.T. - on the job training - on B-52 G/H bombers.

After one year at Mather A.F.B. my entire squadron received temporary duty (TDY) orders for a six month assignment at Andersen A.F.B. on the island of Guam; a U.S. Trust Territory. There were so many personnel there at once that "tent cities" - the heavy canvas type that get very hot inside unless the side flaps are tied open - as part of Operation Archlight, had to be set up on almost every available grass area where there wasn't a building already.

My duties on the flight line involved conducting pre/post-flight inspections of the bombers who were going in sorties (group missions) of about a dozen 1,500 miles due west over the Philippine Islands to North Vietnam to drop 500 lb. bombs on Hanoi whenever the representatives of N.V. walked away from the Paris peace-talk table during negotiations.

Once the first TDY was expired, we got a 30 day leave - during the Christmas season - to go home state-side before being sent back to Guam for a second TDY. This second time I was assigned to the parachute packing team for the B-52s and later to the refueling team after having a service connected disability incident where I lost one of my fingers from a falling piece of equipment off of a B-1 stand while on the flight line.

The most frustrating thing for me was learning several years later that the North Vietnamese General was reported to have stated that, had the bombing of Hanoi had gone one more week longer than it had, the N.V. government would have totally surrendered to the U.S. due to the devastating effect it had on their city and people of Hanoi.

Trump & The Great Global Warming Swindle

To any open minded, rational, logical, thinking individual, watching this movie will make sense. Those who are merely followers of a globalist agenda for world governance and control, will see this movie as a blasphemy to that ideology, for it exposes their ulterior motive for promoting such a hoax.

But this article points out the disturbing trend unfolding with our new administration. I can only speculate what is involved behind the scene to change the President's mind from both the G7 leaders and his own son-in-law and daughter. Could it be "fake news"?

The Liberal's Obession With Control

To illustrate one example of just how far the democrats in positions of power have gone, I present this scenario which illustrates just how insanely obsessed their ideology has become. This is only one example, mind you. There are a multitude of others currently going on which could be shared, but for the sake of brevity, this post will use this one as its focus.

Question: Which of the two mentioned in this scenario has a higher priority in the overall scheme of living?

A couple in Thurston County - an area at the very south end of the Puget Sound region of Washington State - spend years working and saving to buy their "spot of heaven on earth" in the countryside, miles from any developed community. They spend a part of those years carefully working with a real estate agent to find a section of acreage that fits their criteria for their "spot of heaven" and conduct the transaction to purchase it once it's found. Although the property prices are reasonable compared to areas closer to more developed communities, they pay their hard earned funds gladly; knowing it will be a good investment.

They spend a few years determining the building plans for the type of home to build on the area where they've had a heavy equipment grader has been paid to cut an access road into that spot and get it surfaced with the proper rock materials for the vehicles which will need to come in to begin building their home on the site. Every step has been painfully processed through their county planning office for permits and approval.

A letter received from the E.P.A. in the mail a few weeks before the construction is to begin informs them that an inspector has visited the site and discovered a small mound of dirt within the area of the building site and that no construction should begin until further communication provides them information about what they will be allowed to do regarding their project.

The couple is not only confused, but begin to worry and wonder whether their plans to build and raise their children in their new "paradise". Some evenings, when he arrives home in their temporary residence, he finds his wife in emotional distress and frustration that their family plans and dreams may be in jeopardy. He's not been emotionless either. There were a few times when he called the E.P.A. contact number, only to be treated in the typical bureaucratic style of "menu hell" and conflicting statements from an assortment of bureaucrats he finally manages to consult regarding their circumstance. It's becoming obvious that their relationship is becoming strained and loosing sleep much more than before.

Another letter from the E.P.A. arrives and it informs them that the inspector and team of bioligists have determined that a particular species of gopher which lives in the Pacific Northwest region resides in the dirt of their property and they are an endangered species - just like the American Bald Eagle had been for decades - and can not be disturbed. After some time consulting legal counsel, a counter letter from their lawyer - who is charging them $150/hour to represent them in this situation - informs the E.P.A. that the couple is willing to re-locate their home site to another area of their eight acre portion of land where there are no gophers to be found.

While waiting for a response from the E.P.A. their marriage, under stress from their situation, deteriorates under that strain. Desperate to keep it from leading to divorce, they seek marriage counseling with a therapist for another exorbitant fee; further draining their financial resources. They now find themselves in a living hell brought about by a bureaucracy that is more concerned about a rodent's well being.

While the above scenario is not an actual story of any one particular family, many parts shared have some basis in truth and fact regarding what's currently going on in this county.

Answer: Clearly, the gopher, in the agency's view, has a higher priority than the younger couple attempting to take advantage of the opportunities afforded them in our modern world of ever imposing government. Does this situation sound like a modern government that was originally intended to look out for the working people? Perhaps this scenario is one example of many, why Trump won the last election and Hillary Clinton lost.

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Freedom of, NOT from, Religion

I watched this interview the other day - watch it here - and realized this man, Dan Barker, who's leading this atheist group (FFRF) is not aware of how ignorant he is about this issue based on what he said regarding separation of church & state; as though it's in the Constitution, from what he says.

Then, later that evening, as I was reading Bill O'Reilly's latest book, "Killing the Rising Sun", I read this passage about how F.D.R. exhorts the nation to keep their soldiers fighting in the Pacific in their prayers:

Chapter 5 - Pg. 42

"As Colonel Kunio Nakagawa commits ritual suicide in a dark Pelilin cave, the man to whom he prays for courage sits down for lunch of dumpling soup and vegetables. In America, it is Thanksgiving, and President Franklin Roosevelt issues a special exhortation. He encourages citizens not just to give thanks but to read their own version of Scripture every day between now and Christmas to ensure 'a renewed and strengthening contact with those eternal truths and majestic principles which inspired such measure of true greatness as this nation has achieved.'."

How does this act by a president - obviously asking the Christian nation to read their Bible - square with this man's remark that a public school teacher is a "government employee" and thereby should not be making a religion the nation's preferential one? Oops!!!

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words!

Here's a comparison of greetings by the Saudis of the former and current Presidents of the United States:

Enough said!

Global Warming Is A Hoax - Here's Why!

The data is in and the Greenies are not pleased; their agenda is on the rocks!

Watch this brief video by Dick Morris to hear what he has to say.