Monday, July 10, 2017

The Great Hoax

In light of this article, I pose the following hypothetical scenario.

The setting is as follows:

Date: Winter of 2001
Place: The home of Al Gore; the disgruntled loser of the presidential campaign against G.W. Bush
Present at meeting: Al Gore, George Soros and other unidentified global elitists

The following is a hypothetical conversation which might have taken place amongst guest attending this meeting called by Al Gore.

Al: Gentlemen, as you know I've called you together for the purpose of collaborating on a plan of action that will further the implementation of our New World Order which I would have helped implement had I been elected, but had stolen from me by the Supremes.

George: Whatever our plan is I will commit billions to supporting.

Al: Thanks, George. That's very much appreciated.

Person X: I suggest we come up with a plan that will be global in scope; it must be something which will impact the future well being of the entire planet.

Person Y: I know, let's have a massive asteroid headed straight for the earth.

Al: No, no. That was a good movie, but people know that was just a great thriller movie. We need something better.

Person Z: Geez it hot in here, Al. Could you have one of your household staff turn the air conditioner on, please? I'm sweating and I hate ruining my dress shirt like this... very displeasing!

Person Y: That's it! I know what we could use for controlling the entire planet... the threat of increasing climate temperatures.

Al: Wait, what? How would we pull that off?

Person X: That's easy, Al. We use George's funding to pay climate scientists at key universities in, say Europe and in the U.S. to use their climate study data to show that the temperatures are projected to climb much higher in the next few decades if something isn't done to curb that prediction soon. The ignorant masses out there will be swallowing it enthusiastically.

George: How easy would it be to achieve compliance from the scientists? What do we know now that we could use to as the "culprit" for the cause of this temperature rise you are suggesting? We already know that we can rely on our press around the globe to buy this if we utilize our assets already in place for other progams we're currently promoting.

Al: We'd also need someone to go on tour to promote this; someone with some degree of credibility within the left's ranks. Anyone got any suggestions?

Person Y: Are you kidding me, Al? You're a natural pick for that job. Think about it... you've got nothing better to do now, so why not?

Al: I don't know if I could pull it off well enough. Do you?

George: Hell, Al, if you can be a former Senator and the Vice President, of course you can!

Al: Thanks, George, I appreciate your vote of confidence in me. I'll need to do some boning up on science.

Person X: Don't worry about that, Al. We'll set it all up for you. Oh man... they'll eat this stuff up if we manage to work this program correctly.

Person Z: Yea, all you've got to do is claim that our cars, buses, trains, planes, and industrial production plants are adding an element to the atmosphere that is creating this increase in overall climate change... I suggest we call it "global warming", or something like that.

George: I like this! Good ideas, guys.

Al: Alright, let's end this meeting for now and reconvene in a month to discuss it further. George, I believe you're hosting our next meeting?

George nods in agreement.

Thoughts of A Father - John is my Heart!

This is a well-written article about a father who put several of his kids through expensive colleges but one son wanted to be a Marine. Interesting observation by this dad.  See below.  A very interesting commentary that says a lot about our failing and fallen society.

By Frank Schaeffer of the Washington Post - verified by
"Before my son became a Marine, I never thought much about who was defending me.  Now when I read of the war on terrorism or the coming conflict in Iraq, it cuts to my heart. When I see a picture of a member of our military who has been killed, I read his or her name very carefully. Sometimes I cry.

In 1999, when the barrel-chested Marine recruiter showed up in dress blues and bedazzled my son John, I did not stand in the way.  John was headstrong, and he seemed to understand these stern, clean men with straight backs and flawless uniforms  I did not.  I live in the Volvo-driving, higher education-worshiping North Shore of Boston I write novels for a living. I have never served in the military.

It had been hard enough sending my two older children off to Georgetown and New York University. John's enlisting was unexpected, so deeply unsettling.  I did not relish the prospect of answering the question, "So where is John going to college?" from the parents who were itching to tell me all about how their son or daughter was going to Harvard.  At the private high school John attended, no other students were going into the military.

"But aren't the Marines terribly Southern?" (Says a lot about open-mindedness in the Northeast) asked one perplexed mother while standing next to me at the brunch following graduation.  "What a waste, he was such a good student," said another parent.  One parent (a professor at a nearby and rather famous university) spoke up at a school meeting and suggested that the school should “carefully evaluate what went wrong."

When John graduated from three months of boot camp on Parris Island, 3000 parents and friends were on the parade deck stands.  We parents and our Marines not only were of many races but also were representative of many economic classes. Many were poor. Some arrived crammed in the backs of pickups, others by bus.  John told me that a lot of parents could not afford the trip.

We in the audience were white and Native American.  We were Hispanic, Arab, and African American, and Asian. We were former Marines wearing the scars of battle, or at least baseball caps emblazoned with battles' names.  We were Southern whites from Nashville and skinheads from New Jersey, black kids from Cleveland wearing ghetto rags and white ex-cons with ham-hock forearms defaced by jailhouse tattoos.  We would not have been mistaken for the educated and well-heeled parents gathered on the lawns of John’s private school a half-year before.

After graduation one new Marine told John, "Before I was a Marine, if I had ever seen you on my block I would've probably killed you just because you were standing there." This was a serious statement from one of John’s good friends, a black ex-gang member from Detroit who, as John said, "would die for me now, just like I'd die for him."

My son has connected me to my country in a way that I was too selfish and insular to experience before.  I feel closer to the waitress at our local diner than to some of my oldest friends.  She has two sons in the Corps.  They are facing the same dangers as my boy.  When the guy who fixes my car asks me how John is doing, I know he means it.  His younger brother is in the Navy.

Why were I and the other parents at my son's private school so surprised by his choice?  During World War II, the sons and daughters of the most powerful and educated families did their bit.  If the idea of the immorality of the Vietnam War was the only reason those lucky enough to go to college dodged the draft, why did we not encourage our children to volunteer for military service once that war was done?

Have we wealthy and educated Americans all become pacifists?  Is the world a safe place?  Or have we just gotten used to having somebody else defend us?  What is the future of our democracy when the sons and daughters of the janitors at our elite universities are far more likely to be put in harm’s way than are any of the students whose dorms their parents clean?

I feel shame because it took my son's joining the Marine Corps to make me take notice of who is defending me.  I feel hope because perhaps my son is part of a future "greatest generation."  As the storm clouds of war gather, at least I know that I can look the men and women in uniform in the eye.  My son is one of them.  He is the best I have to offer.  John is my heart.

Faith is not about everything turning out OK;
   Faith is about being OK no matter how things turn out."

Need Any More Examples?

The media bias is so thick with animosity against Pres. Trump that you can literally cut it with a butter knife. I just received the following other piece of evidence to consider.
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Media Research Center President Brent Bozell has a new column out in which he discusses Mark Levin’s excellent new best-selling book “Rediscovering Americanism.

As pointed out in the column, Levin’s book has been virtually ignored by the major media outlets, and he’s been completely passed over for interviews despite achieving best-seller status for seven days straight.

In stark contrast, the media have fawned over Senator Al Franken and his new book, with The Washington Post and the New York Times contributing full-length rave reviews.

Please head over to NewsBusters to read this important column.

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If you've not read any of Mark Levin's books of late, I highly encourage you to check out this newest one.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Well, It Took Only 33 Years to Happen!

George Orwell warned us with his classic book "1984" and now we've finally arrived; so what if he was off by 33 years? CNN's threatening an individual with "exposure" of their identity for exercising their free speech rights in a satirical manner by producing a GIF of Trump body slamming a CNN logo to the floor is, in my view, equivalent to what Orwell prophesied about "state control"and "newspeak".

Here's what the Trump Train News posted regarding this issue. I ask you to note the very last line from CNN's statement on this. Question: Who gave CNN authority or power over an individual person's free speech rights

Here's MRCTV's video with Brittany Hughes explaining this issue with a bit more verbal clarity.

Ridiculous, you say? Watch this video, think about what it's pointing out, then you may realize there's a valid point here.

Oh, BTW, what happened to the protection of expressions of art (comedy and video production)? These same people have defended others who've created offensive displays like a jar of urine with a cross in it. I guess it's alright to offend Christians, but not any other faith? There's that pesky "double standard" of the liberals again.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Was America Founded to Be Secular?

Most of today's liberal/leftists would tell us "Yes!" However, if we study the actual views of our nation's Founding Fathers, we would learn quite the opposite. Watch this Prager U video to learn the reasons why they felt religion was a necessary factor in a free society while being very cautious about not allowing for a government recognized "religion of the state".

As a student of history, I've researched what I believe is the dominant influence of this view by the Founding Fathers; Masonry. To anyone who's studied this topic it is apparent that this organization, which was a prevalent societal influence during the period of the founding of the United States, accepted members into Masonic Lodges around the world without respect to any one particular religion, but viewed all faiths as revering the same universal creator.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Want Evidence of Voter Fraud?

This Bill Whittle video addresses two main issues: One, the process by which one must expose the media's double standard, and two, the issue of voter fraud in our elections by revealing how the media bias in its reporting is influencing the election outcomes over at least the last decade or more. If one recalls the list of 45 objectives that the Communist Party USA has been diligently working on for several decades in the U.S., then this evidence makes perfect sense.

Here are two other related articles:

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Frisking Nuns!

The insanity marches on.
We don’t want to insult a hijab clad Muslim woman by a search, but it’s OK to search a  nun?
Yep, makes sense to me!
You can't make this stuff up!
Airport security (Detroit Metro Concourse A).
A Catholic nun being frisked by a   Muslim security agent!
Excuse me?
Did you say a   MUSLIM   security agent  screening for suspected terrorists?
Political   Correctness is out of control.
The irony of it all!!!