Allow me to explain. As I've long believed, whatever the liberals accuse conservatives of, they themselves are guilty of. Liberals are merely using to old strategy of diversion and distraction. The only difference today is that the mainstream media is carrying the water for them by drumming the false narrative of a Russian meddling in the last election as the reason Trump won and Clinton lost.
How can I say this? Simple... if you'll recall, it was Clinton's campaign manager - John Podesta - who had his emails hacked and exposed on Wikileaks. It was Clinton herself who, while Secretary of State (SOS), who arranged for Russia to acquire 20% of the uranium mined in the U.S. and paid her husband $500K, that went to their now defunct "pay-for-play" organization, for a speech. It was Clinton who feigned ignorance of the illegality of having a private server while SOS that was most likely hacked by China and Russia. And it was the DNC who colluded with Clinton and the media to "rig" the election so that Bernie Sanders would lose the Democratic Party's nomination in the primary.
More importantly, as breaking news has recently revealed, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who is a Florida Congresswoman, and was the Chair of the DNC at the time, hired three men of Pakistani origin to be the DNC's IT staff. When the Capitol Police seized the laptop of one of these men for a bank fraud investigation, Cong. W-S was recorded on video verbalizing a threat of consequences to the Capitol Police if they didn't give it back to her as the "elite member of Congress" that she clearly considers herself to be.
This has finally blown up in her face this week when Imran Awan - one of the IT Pakistanis - attempted to flee the country on Monday after wiring $283K to a family member in Pakistan. The rather interesting detail is that, even after the Capitol Police had seized his laptop back in February, the Congresswoman kept him on her payroll up until the night the FBI arrested him at the Dulles Airport as he was about to board a flight to his home country.
And the coverage of this story this week by the mainstream media? Not so much as a peep! Watch Brittney Hughes explain all the details.
Update: The Media Research Center has reported that the "alphabet soup" networks are completely ignoring this scandal.