The one major difference the Founding Fathers of America applied to the creation of American civilization is that they learned from their studies the mistakes that past cultures made. They understood the need to combine two critical checks against those mistakes; individual moral virtue and a limited government structure which kept the power in the hands of those individuals which would provide a climate of unlimited opportunity to anyone who sought their God given rights.
But over the last 240 years the changes and developments of technology and communications seems to have gradually stripped away citizens from even knowing this truth. Also, the rise of the concept of communism, seems to me, to be what prophets of scripture warned about. The nation has slowly shifted from individual independence and morally strong norms to the dominant governing thought process of an adolescent who knows nothing of the past, but only that they are not satisfied with their affluent lifestyle; thanks, in my view, predominantly to the modern mass communication tools we now take for granted.
With the recent arrival of one president came a reversal of social progress from such momentous events in the past such as the Civil War to right the country's wrongs of slavery. Divisiveness and ethnic resentment became an acceptable attitude as modeled by the very man who was supposed to be a hallmark of breaking through past social barriers by being elected. Then, the heartland of the nation demonstrated quietly through the ballot box that it was fed up with the direction this attitude was taking it and elected a man who understood and successfully communicated that understanding to the people of the heartland.
Now, those globalist/facists, who over the past several decades have patiently manipulated that very attitudinal shift, are lashing out in violent reaction to those who supported the only candidate speaking the very core of the country's concerns; divisiveness, lack of opportunity, feeling ignored and even oppressed by the very government that was supposed to be listening and responding to their issues. Now, with the media's support, the very group of people who built and defended this country through multiple wars and attacks against it are being persecuted and targeted by factions which have among its own ranks some who are of that same ethnic group; white, Christian males, or "antifa" and Black Lives Matter. (Another example of media bias.)
Civility of debate is rapidly falling out of acceptance and many long standing institutions, such as colleges, universities and corporations - out of concern for their sustained existence as a viable entity within this collapsing civilization - are taking actions to restrict free speech; the first right of a free and civilized society. Youth today go about their misguided actions of seeking social justice while those who have longer term agenda of global dominance smile at how easy it is to manipulate them for their purposes.
If the reader is inclined to listen to an individual who provides a more clear understanding of the "Liberal" mindset we are dealing with today, I highly recommend watching this video.
In my honest opinion, this does not bode well for the continued stability and survival of our great nation.