Saturday, October 28, 2017
Will It Be A Trick, or A Treat?
With the announcement by Special Prosecutor Muller of the first indictment coming next week, one can't help but wonder whether it will be a trick, or a treat.
If the indictment goes to anyone in the Obama administration who were fully aware of the UraniumOne deal, then it will be a treat. However, if it is anyone in the Trump campaign circle, then it will be a trick of the left and most likely of Obama's planning.
The revelations coming out over the last week have been nothing short of the biggest scandal of this nation's history; treason, obstruction of justice, bribery, money laundering, etc, etc. The names implicated in these discoveries not only include Hillary Clinton as S.O.S., but Obama as POTUS, Holder as A.G., Rosenstein, Muller himself as FBI Director, Lynch as A.G., and perhaps others like Bill Clinton.
The difference between the Trump-Russia investigation and the UraniumOne deal? Evidence! With the FBI agent's NDA now lifted by Session's DOJ, he will testify before a closed hearing to present his evidence of documents, audio tapes, and details on who, what, when, where and why. Unless, like others in the past who've had such credible information, this individual turns out to be a statistic in the wake of the Clinton's history in politics - dead by self-inflicted gun shot to the head, like Foster.
Footnote: Here's a report from the FOX News Sunday show of an interview of Rep. Trey Gowdy by Chris Wallace with video.
Friday, October 27, 2017
Thursday, October 26, 2017
What Do the Alt-Right and Leftists Have in Common?
Lately the media has used the term "alt-right" with the clash which occurred in Charlottesville, NC between two small factions; the Nazis and the KKK. However, what they've failed to do is inform the consumer about just who this "alt-right" really is and what their values are about.
It's become obvious from their reporting that they've attempted to connect Trump supporters to the "alt-right" simply because President Trump made some statements in reaction to the incident which upset the media's leftist political pundits. However, when properly researched, as this Prager U presenter has done, we learn that the "alt-right" actually has more in common with the left.
Watch this video from Prager U to find out just how this is so.
Guilt By Omission?
In this Prager U video, the presenter reveals how the mainstream media has quietly omitted the atrocities against Christians in many middle-eastern countries in the last decade. In my opinion, this makes them guilty of genocide by omission because they harbor an agenda of supporting those who are slaughtering those Christians. Watch to understand why I say this.
The World's Most Persecuted Minorities: Christians
Now, Prager U is suing both YouTube and Google for censorship of their videos. Read here for details.
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
It Will Never Be Enough!
My 30+ years of teaching in public education revealed to me that the WEA will never be satisfied with any amount of funding in the legislative budget for the state's schools. Why? Because this whole funding issue has been an ongoing scam for decades now! How? Let me explain...
Currently, the Washington State Supreme Court is having hearings about a lawsuit brought by parties believing that more money for schools will solve the learning problem. Despite the fact that funds going to schools has increased steadily over the last several decades, with most of those new funds going to middle administration in school districts (Can you say increased bureaucracy?) and an increasing requirement from courts to accommodate a higher percentage of students with special needs, the demand for more money is a never ending reality. (Here's another article on the court hearings.) Question: Where in the WA State Constitution does it say the State Supreme Court can take jurisdiction over the funding of education, when the Constitution of WA states that this is the responsibility of the legislature? (And the State Supreme Court is fining the state legislature $100,000/day?)
Back in the late '70s when I got hired to teach right out of college, the family unit was already deteriorating in a gradual way from various influences. The NEA was crowing that they had their president - Carter - push through the creation of the Dept. of Education. This was touted as the answer to the declining quality of education then. At this same time, traditional discipline attitudes and consequences were shifting away from "corporal punishment", or a little temporary discomfort, to "you're awesome, now behave!", or any form of even mild violence will damage their little egos for life! So, if I was spanked when misbehaving as a child, how is it I turned out alright?
Through those three decades of my career in the same community, I saw the continued complaint expressed about a shortage of funds by both local, and state level teacher's union leaders at the local and state meetings and conventions I attended. Their ideology harbors the notion that if you throw enough money at something the outcome will result in better learning. More importantly, they admitted in my conversations with those I asked, that they believe increasing funding to public education will help grow a more coordinated state and federal educational support and delivery because the smart government bureaucrats know all the answers; not the parents who raise those children.
When President Reagan commissioned and released the study on the state of education during his administration the NEA and WEA, in coordination with most of the mainstream media outlets, orchestrated their response to "poo-poo" it; they didn't want to allow any credibility for the points it revealed behind why our children were not performing as well as previous generations when funding had steadily increased.
That trend has continued, thanks to the lobbying efforts at the state and federal levels to increase funding, or throw more money at the problem. After all, if spending more last time didn't result in better learning, it just wasn't enough last time, right? You know, sort of like the communists who continually tell us that past failures of creating a utopian state didn't work because the previous attempts just didn't do it correctly, like our trying this time will work.
I've got to be honest here. While I was teaching, I honestly didn't feel that I was paid enough for the amount of effort I put into it. But I must also be honest in saying that, as I got into the last half of my classroom career, no amount of money would have been enough to feel adequately compensated. Why? Because the caliber of student coming to the classroom was different than the earlier years; less prepared to learn in almost every way. Here's why I say that.
It's no secret that over the past several decades the stability of the family unit has deteriorated due to an increase in the divorce rate. This has negatively impacted the students self-concept from those who experienced psychological impact from feeling abandon. Consequently, I encountered many who essentially shut down from the belief that they weren't loved and valued. And I haven't even touched on the growth of sexual abuse by live-in boyfriends of their mothers, or the rise in drug problems throughout our society.
I've been semi-retired for seven years now, but my wife, who also teaches elementary students, has been bringing home stories of frustration about the same district I was in; now, she's ready to retire at the end of this year because of how absurd much of their policies and implementation of curriculum has been handled; extremely disorganized and uncoordinated. Essentially, their mindset for improving education is to adopt new programs every year so that teachers can never become competent at any subject, which is limited now to reading, writing, and math at elementary. No social studies, science, or art!
So, let's get down to the bottom line of who's mainly responsible for this problem which has been manifesting itself on our youth for so many decades. I hate to sound like I'm politicizing this issue, but as I see it everything has become political during my lifetime. Which party has been in power more? Democrats! What kinds of policies have been implemented by the party in power? The welfare state in various forms! Which party is dominant in the teaching profession across the nation? Teachers! Did those policies by Democratic Presidents promising a brighter future, with more jobs and stability for families in our country result in actual improvements? No, just increased national debt!
That's how I see it from my experience and I'm sticking to it!
Currently, the Washington State Supreme Court is having hearings about a lawsuit brought by parties believing that more money for schools will solve the learning problem. Despite the fact that funds going to schools has increased steadily over the last several decades, with most of those new funds going to middle administration in school districts (Can you say increased bureaucracy?) and an increasing requirement from courts to accommodate a higher percentage of students with special needs, the demand for more money is a never ending reality. (Here's another article on the court hearings.) Question: Where in the WA State Constitution does it say the State Supreme Court can take jurisdiction over the funding of education, when the Constitution of WA states that this is the responsibility of the legislature? (And the State Supreme Court is fining the state legislature $100,000/day?)
Back in the late '70s when I got hired to teach right out of college, the family unit was already deteriorating in a gradual way from various influences. The NEA was crowing that they had their president - Carter - push through the creation of the Dept. of Education. This was touted as the answer to the declining quality of education then. At this same time, traditional discipline attitudes and consequences were shifting away from "corporal punishment", or a little temporary discomfort, to "you're awesome, now behave!", or any form of even mild violence will damage their little egos for life! So, if I was spanked when misbehaving as a child, how is it I turned out alright?
Through those three decades of my career in the same community, I saw the continued complaint expressed about a shortage of funds by both local, and state level teacher's union leaders at the local and state meetings and conventions I attended. Their ideology harbors the notion that if you throw enough money at something the outcome will result in better learning. More importantly, they admitted in my conversations with those I asked, that they believe increasing funding to public education will help grow a more coordinated state and federal educational support and delivery because the smart government bureaucrats know all the answers; not the parents who raise those children.
When President Reagan commissioned and released the study on the state of education during his administration the NEA and WEA, in coordination with most of the mainstream media outlets, orchestrated their response to "poo-poo" it; they didn't want to allow any credibility for the points it revealed behind why our children were not performing as well as previous generations when funding had steadily increased.
That trend has continued, thanks to the lobbying efforts at the state and federal levels to increase funding, or throw more money at the problem. After all, if spending more last time didn't result in better learning, it just wasn't enough last time, right? You know, sort of like the communists who continually tell us that past failures of creating a utopian state didn't work because the previous attempts just didn't do it correctly, like our trying this time will work.
I've got to be honest here. While I was teaching, I honestly didn't feel that I was paid enough for the amount of effort I put into it. But I must also be honest in saying that, as I got into the last half of my classroom career, no amount of money would have been enough to feel adequately compensated. Why? Because the caliber of student coming to the classroom was different than the earlier years; less prepared to learn in almost every way. Here's why I say that.
It's no secret that over the past several decades the stability of the family unit has deteriorated due to an increase in the divorce rate. This has negatively impacted the students self-concept from those who experienced psychological impact from feeling abandon. Consequently, I encountered many who essentially shut down from the belief that they weren't loved and valued. And I haven't even touched on the growth of sexual abuse by live-in boyfriends of their mothers, or the rise in drug problems throughout our society.
I've been semi-retired for seven years now, but my wife, who also teaches elementary students, has been bringing home stories of frustration about the same district I was in; now, she's ready to retire at the end of this year because of how absurd much of their policies and implementation of curriculum has been handled; extremely disorganized and uncoordinated. Essentially, their mindset for improving education is to adopt new programs every year so that teachers can never become competent at any subject, which is limited now to reading, writing, and math at elementary. No social studies, science, or art!
So, let's get down to the bottom line of who's mainly responsible for this problem which has been manifesting itself on our youth for so many decades. I hate to sound like I'm politicizing this issue, but as I see it everything has become political during my lifetime. Which party has been in power more? Democrats! What kinds of policies have been implemented by the party in power? The welfare state in various forms! Which party is dominant in the teaching profession across the nation? Teachers! Did those policies by Democratic Presidents promising a brighter future, with more jobs and stability for families in our country result in actual improvements? No, just increased national debt!
That's how I see it from my experience and I'm sticking to it!
Just A Few Questions...

1- Since only 8 million people have ObamaCare, how will 24 million people die if it is repealed? Will 16 million people be randomly shot?
2- If Donald Trump deleted all of his emails, wiped his server with Bleachbit and destroyed all of his phones with a hammer, would the Mainstream Media suddenly lose all interest in the story and declare him innocent?
3- If women do the same job for less money, why do companies hire men to do the same job for more money?
4- If you rob a bank in a Sanctuary City, is it illegal or is it just an Undocumented Withdraw?
5- Each ISIS attack now is a reaction to Trump policies, but all ISIS attacks during Obama's term were due to Climate Change and a plea for jobs.
6- After the London 'Lone Wolf' terrorist attack government officials have arrested at least eight other 'Lone Wolves' who had conspired with the original 'Lone Wolf' in planning the 'Lone Wolf' attack. Even though all involved are Muslims, you can be assured, the 'Lone Wolf; attack has nothing at all to do with Islam, just like the other 1000 plus 'Lone Wolf' attacks by Muslims, are completely unassociated with Islam.
7- We should stop calling them all 'Entitlements'.
Welfare, Food Stamps, WIC, are not entitlements. They are taxpayer-funded handouts, and shouldn't be called entitlements at all. Social Security and Veterans Benefits are Entitlements because the people receiving them are entitled to them. They were earned and paid for by the recipients.
8- If Muslims want to run away from a Muslim country, does that mean they're Islamophobic?
9- If Liberals don't believe in biological gender then why did they march for women's rights?
10- How did the Russians get Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the DNC to steal the Primary from Bernie Sanders? How did Russia get Donna Brazile to leak debate questions to Hillary Clinton in advance of the debates?
11- Why is it that Democrats think Superdelegates are fine, but they have a problem with the Electoral College?
12- If you don't want the FBI involved in elections, don't nominate someone who's being investigated by the FBI.
13- If Hillary's speeches cost $250,000 an hour, how come no one shows up to her free ones?
14- The DNC is mad at Russia because they 'think' they are trying to manipulate our election by exposing that the DNC is manipulating our election?
15- Why is it that Liberals and the Media are upset about the words Trump used 11 years ago but they are alright with Adult men using the Ladies Room with your Wives and Daughters?
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
WA Senate Investigation Confirms Sound Transit Lied!
Extracted with permission from Tim Eyman:
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
(See audio file link at bottom on this.)
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
(See audio file link at bottom on this.)
The Senate Law and Justice Committee released a report yesterday that indicts Sound Transit for its' many lies:
* Sound Transit's bill was purposely drafted to hide their artificially inflated vehicle valuation schedule.
* Sound Transit repeatedly told the Legislature to give them "the full $15 billion" but bait-and-switched it to $54 billion.
* ST3 promised car tab taxes would cost around $80 (my $407.75 car tab bill shows that was a lie).
Sound Transit lied to the Legislature, Sound Transit lied to the voters.
In response to the committee's stinging report, the Sound Transit Industrial Complex is circling the wagons, essentially saying "Everyone just shut up, we stole the money fair and square."
There's only one way to fight back against Sound Transit's duplicity and deceptions: our $30 Tabs Initiative I-947.
initiative COMPLETELY REPEALS Sound Transit's dishonest, inaccurate,
artificially inflated vehicle valuation schedule. Our initiative
COMPLETELY REPEALS all of Sound Transit's car tab taxes. Our initiative
COMPLETELY REPEALS weight fees and other vehicle charges imposed by
state government. Our initiative COMPLETELY REPEALS the per vehicle
fees imposed by cities and their transportation benefit districts.
initiative leaves in place a flat, fair, reasonable $30 annual fee for
cars, trucks, vans, SUVs, motorcycles, motor homes, RVs, 5th wheels, and
other vehicles. Regardless of your vehicle's year, value, make, or
model, you will write a check for $30 to license it.
approved $30 tabs in 1999 and voters approved $30 tabs in 2002. And
for about 10 years, car tab taxes stayed low. But in 2007, Governor
Gregoire opened up Pandora's box by allowing local governments to once
again increase vehicle charges. In the past few years, car tab taxes
have SKYROCKETED for vehicle owners across the state.
I've been hearing people say this for years: "Whatever happened to our $30 car tabs?"
There's two ways you can help Bring Back Our $30 Car Tabs and stick it to Sound Transit:
1) ask for petitions and help collect signatures (collect 1000+ signatures and earn yourself an uber-orange $30 Tabs t-shirt)
2) donate (just think about how much you've saved over the years from our other two successful $30 Tabs Initiatives)
Footnote: Listen to Sen. Steve O'Ban being interviewed on KTTH about this investigation's findings here.
Footnote: Listen to Sen. Steve O'Ban being interviewed on KTTH about this investigation's findings here.
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