Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Your Tax Dollars Pay Sexual Harassment Claims?

The following letter is what I sent to my state Senators and Congressman:

I am writing out of outrage to have learned that you, your Congressional colleagues and senior staffers, have been granted immunity by legislation passed in 1995 for having to pay any settlement costs out your own pocket for sexual harassment allegations by others working for, or under you. But the even more egregious revelation is that my tax dollars are being used to make settlement payments from a special fund in the Treasury Dept! And you wonder why your popularity rating is so low! News has divulged that over 350 claims have been paid totaling $15.2 million.

What's even more disturbing is the rules require the accuser to go through a period of mediation and counseling before the claim can be adjudicated. It should be the harasser, not the victim, who should be required to go through this process! It should be the guilty Congressman, or senior staffer, who should pay for their inappropriate action.

Tonight, I watched a female testify on television who had gone to work in Congress on a Fellows program about her experience of resisting a Congressman's suggestive advances. After changing offices, she was not only terminated, but was "blackballed" from any future employment because she refused to submit to his advances. This only deters many who are subjected to such treatment to remain silent, or comply. This abuse of power is not right!

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D) of New York has the solution, though! She's going to have all Congresspersons take sexual harassment sensitivity training. How typical! Oh, this will certainly deter members of Congress from using their positions of power to leave interns and young workers alone. It does NOTHING to hold members of Congress and senior staff accountable!

I want to know what you are doing, or intend to do, to change this situation which is totally unacceptable. You need to remember that you are there to work for us, not we work for you so that you can claim immunity from the consequences of inappropriate actions.

I look forward to hearing what you intend to do to rectify this injustice. If I don't, then I will be forced to conclude that you're just as guilty as those who engage in such abuse. This must stop!

Examining Generational Theory: The Fourth Turning

It's no secret that my view of the so-called mainstream media is one of loathing and healthy skepticism when it comes to what, and how, it communicates information in the form of "news". Journalism over my lifetime has morphed from the more traditional "who, what, when, where, how and why", to a blurring of the facts mixed with obvious bias and commentary interspersed in almost every article today.

A friend of mine shared another blog's post which commented on a generational theory by two authors, Strauss and Howe, and their book titled, The Fourth Turning". This theory was an introduction for me to a concept which seemed interesting, plausible, but had some potential flaws, or short-comings, as any theory of science does. What made it interesting to me as I was compelled to research further into this theory is that some journalists in the media have written a few articles (February and May) about how this concept influenced Steve Bannon of Brietbart and his being a close advisor of Pres. Trump during the first several months of his early administration.

As I read through the February article by Linette Lopez for Business Insider, it portrayed Bannon as something akin to Rasputin controlling the Czar of Russia. 
Bannon has never been secretive about his desire to use Trump to bring about his vision of America. He told Vanity Fair last summer that Trump was a "blunt instrument for us ... I don’t know whether he really gets it or not."
In the May article on this same topic, by Tim Fernholz - a writer for Quartz - reveals his willingness to "toe the line" for the elites who want the public to buy the story that they want us to believe by saying:
When the financial crisis hit in 2008, Strauss and Howe quickly bumped up the start date of their Fourth Turning to this far more catastrophic and widely shared experience. This is also the date that Bannon uses in his film. And yet this crisis, too, didn’t quite live up to expectations: Policymakers acted far more wisely than they did during the Great Depression. Catastrophe was avoided, and though the resulting recession hurt millennials’ financial hopes in ways we are still understanding, it did not have the same impact as the crisis of the 1930s.
Perhaps the defining experience of the millennial generation is relative economic stagnation and inequality. But even that oft-heard word, inequality, is a reminder of how heterogenous millennials are: The experience of a college-educated 25-year-old is very different from one with a high-school education. Not surprisingly, this most racially diverse of American cohorts is likely to have the most diversity of experiences.
What is even more revealing is the section revealing this author's biography as a journalist when it says, "Tim began covering politics and policy in Washington, D.C. at the American Prospect in the uneventful year of 2008, before joining National Journal in 2011 to write about fiscal policy." Excuse me? 2008 was hardly an "uneventful" year!

Having studied multiple sources on the background causes which lead to the 2008 economic crisis, I wonder what Fernholz means by "...didn't quite live up to expectations." and "Catastrophe was avoided,..." As someone who had worked for almost thirty years at the time of this event, my catastrophe was seeing personal investments for retirement shrink by 33%. That's hardly "uneventful"! Were our expectations supposed to be worse results than that of the Great Depression? What about the addition of 10 trillion dollars by Pres. Obama to the national debt? He does not even mention this. But, that's not surprising given that most liberals view the national debt as nothing to be concerned about. Gee... I wonder how the millennials feel about that?

Then Fernholtz goes into gear with focusing on the Obama Administration's economic stagnation and the narrative both Pres. Obama and the press love to tout; inequality! Yes, millennials are heterogenous and racially diverse with a broad range of experiences. How many times did we hear Pres. Obama lament that minorities were struggling with inequality? Yet, what did he do as far as his policies to reduce this claim? Bail out Wall Street, nationalize Chrysler, and payback with our tax dollars millions to the unions who got him elected! Yea, that sure helped reduce inequality!

Later on in Fernholtz's article, as an example of the kind of commentary revealing the author's personal bias toward Bannon and Trump, he says, "For his part, Bannon stresses that he does not seek a crisis; he is merely prepared for one. Perhaps he sees the prediction of crumbling institutions as a way to justify his efforts to tear them down."

What seems more blatantly obvious is his generalization of millennials as a particular generation. He speaks of the majority, who voted for Hillary in the election, by citing research to explain them.
Yet there is one unique factor about the millions of Americans dubbed millennials.
“[Millennials] have been the most written about generation of any generation, in terms of media and culture and their impact,” Tucker, the Ogilvy president, says. In his view, however, all this attention hasn’t resulted in the empowerment, energy or heroism predicted by the generational theorists.
Instead, he says it made them anxious—which is supposed to be Gen X’s problem. Ogilvy hired psychoanalysts and ethnographic researchers in an effort to understand young people and the perception that millennials seek an “amazing set of life experiences.” However, their researchers found that millennials’ search was “fueled by high degrees of anxiety and a bit of insecurity…because they’ve grown up with social media, they feel high degrees of pressure to compete against their peers.”
Well,when this coddled generation of "snowflakes" are so easily offended by someone else's view which differs from what they believe, (a.k.a. indoctrinated by their college/university professors) and the more radical ones who join antifa to enforce fascistic censorship of those differing view, rather than engaging in discussion to understand those views or defend their own, then it's no wonder they can't handle competition from their peers.

Monday, November 13, 2017

The Digital Identity Phenomon

To illustrate just how dependent the younger generations are when it comes to interpersonal relationships - a.k.a. dating, as the old term was, or, "hooked up" as the new term goes - on technology, I offer the following video which is obviously a parody, but accurate in many respects. I hate to think what this may turn into in another ten years!

The Truth About the First Thanksgiving

Today's trend for liberals who have no interest in preserving our traditions related with anything to do regarding Christianity seems to be focused on how they can give a bad impression out of ignorance and bias. That ignorance is due, in part, to the fact that accurate and detailed history is no longer taught in public education. Instead, the emphasis has shifted to reading, writing and mathematics; albeit a very different method of learning that math via Common Core that emphasizes the process, rather than the more direct method of achieving the answer correctly. History, Science and Art are no longer consider important because students are no longer assessed on those subjects.

Instead, the push in public education is to prepare all students to go to colleges and universities. Never mind the vocations which provide the underpinning for producing goods; no, the Chinese are taking care of that! But I digress...

This most recent Prager University video, narrated by Michael Medved who is a historian with impeccable credentials and accuracy, explains the true motives and reasons why the first event known today as Thanksgiving, dissolves the myth perpetrated by liberals who want us to believe the white Christians from England came to the New World to slaughter and take advantage of the Native Americans and take over their land. While there is some truth to this claim, it is far from the case when it comes to this first occurrence of gratitude for God's divine providence.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

The State of Politics

For those of us who've been around long enough to have experienced our nation's political process it's obvious to those who've paid attention that our struggle for who's agenda gets a chance to move the nation forward hasn't changed much. Granted, in our younger years on the planet we were more naive' and less aware of the subtle goings on that our inexperience didn't register. 

Yet, there seems to me to have been one aspect of politics which has turned more ugly and sinister of late; the way candidates are taken down, or out of the running in order to gain the advantage whether it's the opposition, or the candidates' own party. This particular aspect is merely allegation against him or her who poses a threat to the established order.

The media, of course, is eager to disseminate allegations for they generate more interest. Then again, they're notorious in ignoring the 4 year investigation of sitting Senator Bob Menendez who's been convicted of cavorting with child prostitutes in another country. This simple fact, in my view, is a perfect example of why the media promotes rumor and innuendo - whether it violates the reason our laws ignore such salacious ideas until evidence proves otherwise - out of its own selfish interest to make money regardless of whether it destroys someone or not. That, in my book, is evil!

The Roy Moore for Senate race in Alabama is exactly why I'm posting this topic today. Over the past several days, Moore has vehemently denied the allegations that he supposedly touched inappropriately a 14 year old girl when he was a 32 year old attorney general in Alabama FORTY TWO years ago. When you think about this, one can't help but conclude that some opposition agent spent weeks, if not months, sniffing around and seeking out someone who had some kind of dirt on him. These are the type of people who have no decency or scruples, and operate on the concept that winning at any price is justified.

In the past, when someone was alleged to have done something like this, common decency in our society - and before the Democrats were taken over by the ultra-leftists - such claims would be investigated first for proof that could be used in a court of law to convict the individual. Now, if anything is found that could be used against them to sully their reputation at all, its shared with the media as headline news and the target has to spend energy defending their self, rather than focus on their policies as a candidate to win votes. This is known by Dems as targeting and marginalizing by Saul Alynski rules.

For an alternative, but highly informative, perspective on this issue, I recommend watching Stefan Molyneux's video at this link. He covers motive, character, timing and consistency of the accusers and those who back them in such a unique situation.

Now, what's even more telling is that the GOP - but more so in the Senate - has announced they're taking away any financial support from any candidate that's attacked in this manner. Yet, here's what Moore himself states in one of his outreach pieces regarding this investigation; decide for yourself:
As you know, I've been closely scrutinized in the press and the liberal media for forty years . . .
I've been investigated by politically-motivated Attorney Generals and judicial commissions on several occasions . . .
I've run five campaigns against opponents who did opposition research against me -- including statewide elections, county elections and two major battles over religious liberty and the Ten Commandments . . .
The truth is, I've probably been investigated as much as anyone in the entire country.
Yet the liberal media and GOP establishment expects voters to believe these false accusations made after forty years, just a few short weeks before this critical December 12 Special Election?

This only shows how much the elites believe that we the unwashed masses are stupid and gullible, that we're not intelligent enough to see through their game. Sadly, it seems they're counting on the fact that there are more today who fit this description. Only the local people of Alabama really know what type of character Judge Roy Moore really is and only they can vote for, or against him.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

New Orleans Saints Stranded On Runway

The New Orleans Saints made the mistake of once again disrespecting our veterans, our country and our flag. After an embarrassing opening to a game with the worst ratings in Saints’ history, the players and coaches learned that their actions have consequences.

Both the pilot and co-pilot of the Boeing 737 the Saints use to travel are combat-hardened American heroes. They flew sorties over Baghdad with Saddam’s best weapons firing back. They fought with their lives for your freedom and watched many of their friends die. Today they took a stand for those brave souls:
“We couldn’t be a party to the disrespect. We waited until we were cleared and last off the runway for the night , walked out of the cockpit, took a knee and deplaned. They’re not going anywhere until tomorrow.”
Looks like the group of thugs should have just considered themselves lucky they’re allowed to make millions for playing a game and stood with respect like they’re told to do in the league rulebook.

This week was the worst week in NFL history for ratings. Next week will be worse.
"We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid." ~ Benjamin Franklin ~

Friday, November 10, 2017

Trump's First Year

In her newest Final Thoughts commentary, Tomi Lahren reflects on the one-year anniversary of President Trump's election victory.\

It's time for Final Thoughts and I'm not angry today. No. In fact, I'm pretty darn happy.

Why? Because I am damn proud of what our president has accomplished in the year since we shocked the world and elected him our 45th president.

Don't let the leftist mainstream media fool you, Donald Trump is winning and with him, the American people.

Yeah, ISIS is probably not too happy since we've nearly eradicated their poison from the Middle East.

After 8 years of watching our enemies get stronger, we've finally got a president that actually wants to win.

We've got a military fighting force no longer shackled by Obama Administration kid gloves and we've got a president who enables them to be the fighting force they are trained to be, not the sitting ducks President Obama forced them to be.

North Korea's little rocket man has also been put on notice, this president doesn't waver.

Oh and Iran, he's watching you too.

And it's not just the U.S. Military that feels the support.

Our brave law enforcement officers finally have an advocate in the Oval Office and the Justice Department who respect the line they hold for us and communities every single day of the year.

And, despite the gloom and doom predictions of the so-called "expert economists," our stock market is booming.

In fact, on the one-year anniversary of Trump's win, the Dow has booked its best-ever first year under a new administra-tion since 1945.

How's that for proving 'em wrong?

We've also added 1.5 million jobs and chart and economic expansion of at least 3% for two quarters in a row.

Oh and Never Trumpers, despite your best efforts to elect Crooked Hillary, our President Donald Trump brought a true conservative of the Supreme Court. You're welcome.

That's not all: illegal border crossing is way down, wall prototypes are in the works, as well as historic tax cuts for the American people.

But I can hear the snowflakes now, "His approval ratings are low and his tweets are mean!" Boo-hoo-hoo.

Before you get too excited about your poll numbers and ratings, remember those same polls told us Hillary had a 98.1% chance of winning.

President Trump is putting America First and the world knows it. Meanwhile, what have the rest of our representatives done? I'll tell you - - nothing! What about the Democrats? They've protested, resisted and insisted half the country is racist.

And what about the "F@#k Donald Trump crowd?" Oh yea, they've rioted in the streets, burned flags, removed statues and sat for the national anthem. Wow... Productive!

What about the Hollywood elite? What have they contributed? Bad jokes, harassment scandals, and dismal ratings at their elitist award shows - hold the applause.

Keep your race bait, your vulgar signs, your publicity stunts, your dumb hats, your whining, your conspiracy theories and hot air.

Donald Trump is making America Great Again with or without your blessing.

Those are my final thoughts. From L.A., God Bless and take care.

See all of Tomi's Final Thoughts, exclusively on Fox News 
Insider, and follow her on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.