Wednesday, December 13, 2017

What's Really Going On In Europe Today?

Very few are telling the American public what's actually happening in the U.K., France, Sweden and Germany, but Katie Hopkins - a journalist - who's seen it happening first hand in England, tells us what it's like currently and admonishes us to not let it happen here.

Watch and be entertained, while at the same time extremely concerned.

Perspective From The Past

With all the buzz today in the media about Trump it's critical that we take a step back and look at the man through the lens of time.

In 1980 Trump was interviewed by Ronna Barrett, but this piece was never aired.

In 1985 60 Minutes did this piece on Trump as the up and coming real estate developer in N.Y.

Both reveal a Trump that most alive today do not know. Most likely they wouldn't believe was true, either. However, the track record of this man reveals some very interesting points which the media extension of the DNC today certainly do not want the public to be aware of.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Social Security Insecurity

Our federal government has, roughly over the last 100 years, passed and implemented several programs which has sent this nation on a course fiscal suicide - you know, inability to pay what it's promised. While the nation debt is one of them, there is another program that's younger and more rapidly headed for trouble.

Sadly, the Social Security program has experienced a huge shift over its existence. What do you think that shift is? And, more importantly, why do you think this program has made such a massive shift over its life? Watch this latest Prager U video on the topic and see if you can spot what that shift is. The reason behind why the shift has been so massive resides within the last few presidential administration's policies; or rather lack of enforcing a Constitutional one.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Lord Acton Was Right!

Lord Acton is famous for his statement, "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

Depending on your source of the day's news you may be aware of what's been developing in the "swamp" regarding the whole recent presidential campaign and first year of Pres. Trump's administration and the investigation into the supposed Trump/Russian Collusion. After an entire year of investigation nothing - not one bit of irrefutable evidence - has surfaced to give the collusion narrative an ounce of credibility. Anyone who claims that Mannifort's or Flynn's indictments were proof of it are sadly uninformed as to the facts regarding the reasons for why they've made the news.

Now that it's obvious that there is nothing to be brought against Pres. Trump, the liberal leftists in the mainstream media have switched their focus to claims of either obstruction of justice or the president's sanity. With the new revelations from a pair of reporters - John Solomon of The Hill and Sarah Carter of Circa News - exposing the incredibly one sided (anti-Trump bias) circumstances of the Muller investigation team members being Clinton donors and advocates, Rosentein, Strzok, Weissman, Bruce Orr, Jeannie Rhee, the Podesta brothers, et al, (a very coordinated group of DNC operatives and lawyers who previously worked for the Clinton Foundation and Obama's national security aide Ben Rhodes) it's becoming apparent that the Obama Administration used its remaining days to set up a stable of bureaucrats prepared to do their best to sabotage the Trump Campaign and, after their shock at losing the election, went into a "Resist" mode to attempt a "silent coup" to get Trump ousted from the Oval Office with the collusion of the mainstream media at ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and MSNBC.

As facts come forth on a daily basis exposing the blatant "fix" by former FBI Director James Comey to exonerate S.O.S. Hillary Clinton during the summer of the presidential campaign even before he had her interviewed in the investigation, and who it was that actually edited the words "gross negligence" to "extremely careless", it's becoming obvious to House investigative committee members that the rule of law has been ignored and a Constitutional crisis is being discovered. The pantheon of federal agencies from the Obama Administration have a multitude of remaining Obama/Clinton devotees (Why Trump didn't purge them from D.C. I'll never understand.) who are being exposed as having arranged for letting Hillary Clinton off the hook by not being sworn in during her interview with the F.B.I., but no audio or video record was made of that interview for future reference regarding her email server scandal. Yet, Gen. Flynn's interview by Muller's investigators were careful to record his testimony on his work as a liaison with a Russian diplomat, then use it against him later to implicate him on lying to the F.B.I. for an indictment. Clearly a politically expedient double-standard!

Bureaucrats in some agencies are deliberately ignoring requests from Congressional committees to produce documents for investigations, or to provide their Trump appointed director of a particular agency to provide information to them for the purpose of acquiring sufficient information in order to do their job as director; simply because they're so convinced that Hillary should have won they won't believe or accept Trump as President.

In my view, this is clear evidence that the former president implemented measures within his second presidential term to move our governmental organization as far away from its adherence to the rule of law and remove justice's blindfold so that his personal philosophy of social justice and identity politics could advance further under a Pres. Clinton administration. Whether our system of checks and balances, laws and powers within the wide array of administrative departments can weather this political crisis will be the biggest test our nation's form of governance has ever encountered.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Is Fascism Right or Left?

A favorite leftist smear—employed for decades now—is the claim that everyone on the right is a “fascist.” So the question must be asked: What is fascism? Where does the term come from? What is its underlying ideology? In this week’s video, Dinesh D’Souza, best-selling author of The Big Lie, introduces us to Giovanni Gentile, the philosopher of fascism, whose writings make clear that fascism is a movement not of the political right, but of the left—which seeks to foist it off onto the right in an attempt to distance itself from its ugly history. Watch the video here.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

A Comparison of President's Cabinets

If anyone wants to understand why I personally suspected all along that the former president was deliberately attempting to bring this nation's economy to its knees, in order to make everyone an economic prisoner of the State, check out this message shared  from my brother.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
These numbers help explain why these last eight years were disastrous for the USA. Read the last item and then look at Trump's Cabinet. No wonder Washington, DC is in a turmoil.
Trump's picks are bosses who expect their employees to work.
This is what bothers a lot of people about Trump. He won't accept a can't do attitude, or inexperienced, incompetent performance. He will get results; it just might not be smooth or pretty. 
Here are some amazing statistics: Make sure you read to the bottom. An eye opener! 
I. These 10 States now have more people on welfare than they do employed! 
1. California (Illegal Immigrant capital of the nation!)
2.. New Mexico
3.. Mississippi
4... Alabama
5.. Illinois
6.. Kentucky
7.. Ohio
8.. New York
9.. Maine
10. South Carolina 
II. Last month, the Senate Budget Committee reports that in fiscal year 2012, between food stamps, housing support, child care, Medicaid and other benefits, the average U.S. Household below the poverty line received $168.00 a day in government support. 
What's the problem with that much support? Well, the median household income in America is just over $50,000,which averages out to $137.13 a day. 
To put it another way, being on welfare now pays the equivalent of $30.00 an hour for 40 hour week, while the average job pays $24.00 an hour.
 III. Check the last set of statistics!!
The percentage of each past president's cabinet who had worked in the private business sector prior to their appointment to the cabinet.
You know what the private business sector is: A real-life business not a government job.
Here are the percentages:
38% T. Roosevelt
40% Taft
52% Wilson
49% Harding
48% Coolidge
42% Hoover
50% F. D. Roosevelt
50% Truman
57% Eisenhower
30% Kennedy
47% Johnson
53% Nixon
42% Ford
32% Carter
56% Reagan
51% GH Bush
39% Clinton
55% GW Bush
8% Obama
90% Trump
This helps explain the bias, if not the incompetence, of the last administration: ONLY 8% of them have ever worked in private business!
That's right! Only eight percent - the least, by far of the last 19 presidents! And these people tried to tell our corporations how to run their businesses?
How could Obama, president of a major nation and society, the one with the most successful economic system in world history, stand and talk about business when he's never worked for one?
 Or about jobs when he has never really had one? And, when it's the same for 92% of his senior staff and closest advisers? They've spent most of their time in academia, government, and/or non-profit jobs or as "community organizers."
 Probably a good idea to pass this on, because we'll NEVER see these facts in the main stream media, or from the alphabet networks.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Something To Hide?

It wasn't that long ago when someone once said, "... the only people who don't want to disclose the truth, are people with something to hide." BHO - White House address, Aug. 21, 2010

The ShiftWA site today posted these two article links at the top of their "Morning Briefing" email. Both the Spokane-Review and the Everett-Herald have written articles about the state legislature's dealings in secret:
The Legislature “has simply exempted itself from the rules requiring the government to do its business in the light of day, Shawn Vestal writes in an editorial piece that calls lawmakers out for their “shameful self-dealing” as it relates to public records law. (The Spokesman-Review)
“Lawmakers should end their public record exemption, the Everett Herald Editorial Board wrote this last weekend. “We can make no case more clearly than the Public Records Act, itself…” (The Everett Herald)
 Reading these two editorial pieces makes it clear to all tax payers in the state that the concept, in the minds of legislators, that they are elite and above any accountability to those who elected them to their position. If this attitude concerns you at all, I urge you to contact your legislative district representatives - both Representatives (#1 & #2) and Senator - to let them know how you feel about this. If we don't communicate with them, they won't have reason to care whether they'll retain their position. I can assure you, they WANT to!