Friday, January 5, 2018

NFL's Blatant Hypocrisy

In 2012 the NFL had an issue with Tim Tebow kneeling for each game to pray, they also had an issue with Tebow wearing John 3:16 as part of his eye-black to avoid glare, and made him take it off. 

In 2013 the NFL fined Brandon Marshall for wearing green cleats to raise awareness for people with mental health disorders.

In 2014 Robert Griffin III (RG3) entered a post-game press conference wearing a shirt that said "Know Jesus Know Peace" but was forced to turn it inside out by an NFL uniform inspector before speaking at the podium.

In 2015 DeAngelo Williams was fined for wearing "Find the Cure" eye black for breast cancer awareness.

In 2015 William Gay was fined for wearing purple cleats to raise awareness for domestic violence. (Not that the NFL has a domestic violence problem...)

In 2016 the NFL prevented the Dallas Cowboys from wearing a decal on their helmet in honor of 5 Dallas Police officers killed in the line of duty.

In 2016 the NFL threatened to fine players who wanted to wear cleats to commemorate the 15th anniversary of 9/11.

So tell me again how the NFL supports free speech and expression, all of a sudden...

It seems quite clear based on these facts that the NFL has taken a position against any action by NFL players  demonstrating RESPECT for any issue:  For God, social causes such  as mental health, cancer, domestic violence, for cops killed arbitrarily for being cops, for the Memory of 9/11...

But, they will allow demonstrations of DISRESPECT for our National Flag, our National Anthem, for America, and for the American People, if it will help mollify a particular Group and its supporters (such as BLM, and other leftists)

That is who and what the NFL has shown itself to be.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Welcome to 2018

I received a letter from a fellow conservative which I feel expresses extremely well regarding the sentiments of the country when it comes to Congress. I share it with you because the writer is asking us to share it with others.

Senator Mitch McConnell,
U.S. Senate Majority Leader
317 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510

Representative Paul Ryan,
Speaker of the House,
1233 Longworth HOB
Washington, D.C. 20515

Gentlemen: I’m a 68 year old Vietnam Vet and retired 3M Executive.  I am on the verge of leaving the Grand Old Party.  No big deal for you – huge deal for me.  I have come nearly to the end of my loyalty to a party that seems to have lost its backbone. 

The lack of leadership displayed by the two of you -- for whatever reason you’ve decided to not support or defend the duly elected President of the United States -- is beyond me. 

Yes, President Trump is not the typical political bureaucrat, but he is the President of the United States.  It appears from where I sit that you both have decided to lay down on the job you’ve been elected to serve.  The 60 Million + people that voted this President into office made this decision based upon the absolute requirement to have someone outside the beltway to lead the nation. As distasteful as this appears to be for not only the Democrats, it appears to be equally distasteful to the GOP leadership.  Your lack of action on numerous legislative issues that this country desperately needs is visible to all.

The electoral map of the U.S. is RED because President Trump mobilized the electorate  These same voters are going to clean house again in 2018 if you don’t start acting like leaders.   Former Arizona state lawmaker Kelli Ward is out in front against Senator Jeff Flake by 25 percentage points today.  Can you say: “We are tired of GOP leaders in Washington D. C.?”  This is only going to increase across the U. S. for all GOP mid-term candidates if they continue to demonstrate no backbone and will not support our President.

My best description of where this country is headed was voiced by David Horowitz. “Friends, this isn’t George Orwell’s “1984.” It is America, 2017.” |

When I look at the current GOP, I’m struck by a comparison that I recently heard. This is a basketball example that really does reflect what the GOP appears to be today.  The metaphor is the Harlem Globetrotters and the Washington Generals.  The Democrats are the Globetrotters and the GOP are proud to be the Washington Generals.  The Generals know going into the game that they are going to lose, but it’s a nice gig and they get to be on the court with the big boys.  The GOP and The Washington Generals don’t mind losing – they just want to be in the game!  Sound familiar?

That is exactly how it appears to the loyal GOP voters out here in America right now. Why is zero legislation moving forward?  We have the Presidency, we have the House, we have the Senate!   What’s wrong with this picture?   We are wasting valuable time here, Senator McConnell and Representative Ryan.  The voters are not going to waste time in 2018.  This is the last chance for the GOP before it morphs into something none of us recognizes. And, by the way, when are you going to support the laws on the books?  Sanctuary Cities, Antifa, tearing down statues, covering statues: the progressives are running wild and the GOP is laying down.

Remember freedom of speech?  UC Berkeley?   The progressives are worried about what shoes the first lady is wearing and the media is supporting it.  What a wonderful world we are living in. Well there you have it.

President Trump and Vice President Pence are being copied on this plea for help.  Hitch up your pants and stiffen your backbones.  It’s about time!  I know what’s coming because I live in a state that has already gone off the cliff – CALIFORNIA.  The Progressive have already won here!!  I mean the Globetrotters.

I have an extensive cc list of over 1,500 people.  I'm asking them to send this note to 10 of their Conservative Friends.  We the people will not sit still while this country is being abused and our values are not being represented.  The Left will not take this country away from us..

Lenard W. Wahlert

cc:  President Donald Trump
Vice-President Mike Pence

Thursday, December 28, 2017

The Clinton Foundation Boondoggle

This is a real eye opener and this is the reason the DEMS want to be in power again.
The Clinton Foundation Boondoggle. Have you wondered why the Clinton Foundation folded so suddenly after Hillary was no longer in a position of influence? Perhaps this summary will provide some insight??
They list 486 employees (line 5)! It took 486 people who are paid $34.8 million and $91.3 million in fees and expenses, to give away $5.1 MILLION.
This is real. You can check the return yourself. The real heart of the Clintons can be seen here. Staggering but not surprising. These figures are from an official copy of the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation for the tax year 2014. The copy of the tax return is from the National Center for Charitable Statistics web site. You can obtain the latest tax return on any charitable organization there.
The Clinton Foundation:
Number of Employees (line 5) 486
Total revenue (line 12) $177,804,612.00
Total grants to charity (line 13) $5,160,385.00 (this is less than 3%)
Total expenses of $91,281,145.00
Expenses include:
Salaries (line 15) $34,838,106.00
Fund raising fees (line 16a) $850,803.00
Other expenses (line 17) $50,431,851.00 HUH??????
Travel $8,000,000.00
Meetings $12,000,000.00
Net assets/fund balances (line 22) $332,471,349.00
So it required 486 people, who were paid $34.8 million, plus $91.3 million in fees and expenses, to give away $5.1 MILLION! And they call this a CHARITY?
This is one of the greatest white-collar crimes ever committed. And just think---one of the participants was a former president and one (gasp!) wanted to be elected president of the United States. If justice was truly served they would both be in prison.

Monday, December 25, 2017

Trump May Be the Man of Our Time

The following article titled "Trump May Be the Man of Our Time", by Carol Person, published in The American by Richard Simms, does an excellent job of telling it like it is today when it comes to the politics which have been exercised on our nation over the past 30 years.

My Leftist friends (as well as many ardent
#NeverTrumpers) constantly ask me if I’m not
bothered by Donald Trump’s lack of decorum.  They
ask if I don’t think his tweets are “beneath the dignity
of the office.”
Here’s my answer: We right-thinking people have
tried dignity.  There could not have been a man of
more quiet dignity than George W. Bush as he
suffered the outrageous lies and politically motivated
hatreds that undermined his presidency.   
We tried statesmanship.  Could there be another
human being on this earth who so desperately prized
“collegiality” as John McCain? 
We tried propriety – has there been a nicer human
being ever than Mitt Romney?
And the results were always the same.  This is
because, while we were playing by the rules of
dignity, collegiality and propriety, the Left has been,
for the past 60 years, engaged in a knife fight where
the only rules are those of Saul Alinsky and the
Chicago mob. 
I don’t find anything “dignified,” “collegial” or “proper”
about Barack Obama’s lying about what went down
on the streets of Ferguson in order to ramp up racial
hatreds because racial hatreds serve the Democratic
Party.  I don’t see anything “dignified” in lying about
the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi and
imprisoning an innocent filmmaker to cover your
tracks.  I don’t see anything “statesman-like” in
weaponizing the IRS to be used to destroy your
political opponents and any dissent.  Yes, Obama
was “articulate” and “polished” but in no way was he
in the least bit “dignified,” “collegial” or “proper”. 
The Left has been engaged in a war against America
since the rise of the Children of the ‘60s.  To them, it
has been an all-out war where nothing is held sacred
and nothing is seen as beyond the pale.  It has been
a war they’ve fought with violence, the threat of
violence, demagoguery and lies from day one – the
violent take-over of the universities – till today.  The
problem is that, through these years, the Left has
been the only side fighting this war.  While the Left
has been taking a knife to anyone who stands in their
way, the Right has continued to act with dignity,
collegiality and propriety.  With Donald Trump, this all
has come to an end. Donald Trump is America’s first
wartime president in the Culture War. 
During wartime, things like “dignity” and “collegiality”
simply aren’t the most essential qualities one looks
for in their warriors.  Ulysses Grant was a drunk
whose behavior in peacetime might well have seen
him drummed out of the Army for unbecoming
conduct.  Had Abraham Lincoln applied the
peacetime rules of propriety and booted Grant, the
Democrats might well still be holding their slaves
today.  Lincoln rightly recognized that, “I cannot spare
this man.  He fights.”  
General George Patton was a vulgar-talking, son-of-
a-bitch.  In peacetime, this might have seen him
stripped of rank.  But, had Franklin Roosevelt applied
the normal rules of decorum then, Hitler and the
Socialists would be seven decades into their
thousand-year Reich. 
Trump is fighting.  And what’s particularly delicious is
that, like Patton standing over the battlefield as his
tanks obliterated Rommel’s, he’s shouting, “You
magnificent bastards, I read your book!” 
That is just the icing on the cake, but it’s wonderful to
see that not only is Trump fighting, he’s defeating the
Left using their own tactics.  That book is Saul
Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals – a book so essential to
the Liberals’ war against America that it is and was
the playbook for the entire Obama administration and
the subject of Hillary Clinton’s senior thesis.  It is a
book of such pure evil that, just as the rest of us
would dedicate our book to those we most love or
those to whom we are most indebted, Alinsky
dedicated his book to Lucifer. 
Trump’s tweets may seem rash and unconsidered
but, in reality, he is doing exactly what Alinsky
suggested his followers do.  First, instead of going
after “the fake media” — and they are so fake that
they have literally gotten every single significant story
of the past 60 years not just wrong, but diametrically
opposed to the truth, from the Tet Offensive to
Benghazi, to what really happened on the streets of
Ferguson, Missouri — Trump isolated CNN.  He
made it personal. 
Then, just as Alinsky suggests, he employs ridicule
which Alinsky described as “the most powerful
weapon of all.”  Most importantly, Trump’s tweets
have put CNN in an untenable and unwinnable
position.  They need to respond.  This leaves them
with only two choices.  They can either “go high” (as
Hillary would disingenuously declare of herself and
the fake news would disingenuously report as the
truth) and begin to honestly and accurately report the
news or they can double-down on their usual tactics
and hope to defeat Trump with twice their usual
hysteria and demagoguery.  The problem for CNN (et
al.) with the former is that, if they were to start
honestly reporting the news, that would be the end of
the Democratic Party they serve. 
It is nothing but the incessant use of fake news (read:
propaganda) that keeps the Left alive.  Imagine, for
example, if CNN had honestly and accurately
reported then-candidate Barack Obama’s close ties to
foreign terrorists (Rashid Khalidi), domestic terrorists
(William Ayers), the mafia (Tony Rezko) or the true
evils of his spiritual mentor, Jeremiah Wright’s
church.  Imagine if they had honestly and accurately
conveyed the evils of the Obama administration’s
weaponizing of the IRS to be used against their
political opponents or his running of guns to the
Mexican cartels or the truth about the murder of
Ambassador Christopher Stevens and the Obama
administration’s cover-up. 
So, to my friends on the Left — and the
#NeverTrumpers as well — do I wish we lived in a
time when our president could be “collegial” and
“dignified” and “proper”?  Of course I do.  These
aren’t those times.  This is war.  And it’s a war that
the Left has been fighting without opposition for the
past 50 years.  So, say anything you want about this
president - I get it - he can be vulgar, he can be
crude, he can be undignified at times.  I don’t care.  I
can’t spare this man.  He fights for America! 

Sunday, December 24, 2017

A Look Back

With slightly over a year having passed since Donald Trump won the presidency, it's most interesting to look back at coverage of election night at CBS. (Especially since one of the panel moderators is an individual who's been fired for sexual harassment misconduct.)

I post this link in case you either wish to remind yourself of just how things went down that night, or, if you never saw this particular coverage and want to understand just how deep the political bias was - as well as the incredibly strong expectation that Hillary would win - against Trump by the political pundits was that night. It's very funny what's said, and the look from Bob Shiefer next to her when it's said, by one of the panel at the seven minute mark as well. Then, Peggy Noonan's remarks immediately following this is spot on!

Now, with all that's transpired and been revealed about how the "fake news" claims by the Dems in an attempt to bring on a "silent coup" - as Rush has put it - it's very informative, to say the least.