The following sentences are the opening remarks in a new article explaining why we've not heard the truth behind this tragic event.
The “official” narrative you’ve been fed by the FBI and Las Vegas officials about the massacre at Mandalay Bay that claimed 58 lives is purely fiction, a polished story contrived to cover up the disturbing facts surrounding the worst mass shooting ever in the United States, according the FBI insiders and high-ranking intelligence officials.
And now, after months of corporate-infused spin by MGM Resorts and outright lies from officials in the FBI and the Las Vegas Metro Police Department, federal agents and intelligence officials are spilling the beans about what really happened on and before the Oct. 1 massacre.
“It’s a movie script that was written after the shooting to rewrite what really happened,” one FBI agent said. “The investigation is an entirely different story that we are not allowed to talk about. If we do and get caught, we get fired and probably charged (criminally).”
But why the cover up?
The answer to that is perhaps even more complicated than the revelations surrounding the shooting, which can only be explained as shocking and troubling to everyday Americans not connected to the law enforcement community and political machine that has become today’s FBI. While few if any bright Americans believed the official back story of the supposed Stephen Paddock rampage, the truth — it turns out — is even more bizarre than fiction here.
In fact, it’s downright frightening.Now, you may be thinking, "Oh sure, this is just another piece by someone with a conspiracy theory in their parent's basement sitting in his pajamas making up some story." Okay, granted this has occurred in the past in some instances, but just think about this... what's been the past administration's standard position whenever anyone connected to the Islamic faith, or Muslims? How have they handled it?
As you read through the rest of the article's points beyond what I've inserted from it above, ask yourself why, what are the reasons behind such a cover up? What other revelations have we already, and most likely will in the future, learn the past administration has engaged in in the way of a cover up?
More importantly, these revelations uncover a culture within the F.B.I. of intimidation and threats to agents within the bureau attempting to do the job they were hired to do, find the truth. Why are superiors in the F.B.I. doing this? To quote Pres. Obama, "The only people who don't want to disclose the truth are people with something to hide." - Barack Hussein Obama, - August 21, 2010. Also, a month ago Tucker Carlson's show had the attorney for victims and a congressman from Pennsylvania on about this very issue... watch that exchange here; very interesting!
Here's why I believe this is happening. If you read through the list of 45 goals of the Communists in the U.S., you'll find goal #35 is being worked on through this incident. The F.B.I. is being deliberately discredited and made to look bad in the eyes of the public via these revelations. I wonder, is this the "Deep State" pulling strings? No, I'm not a former F.B.I. agent, just a retired teacher who loves his country which have given him and its citizens the freedoms and liberties everyone else in the world risks their lives to be part of by whatever means possible to them. I believe there is truth to the saying, "History repeats itself.", just think about the new facts which have come out of the released documents on the JFK assassination of 1963 when I was in 5th grade.
It will be most interesting to learn what new information comes out of this site's ongoing investigation on this matter.