Friday, May 11, 2018

Are We Getting Close?

I've deliberately avoided touching on this subject for some time now; the whole "Trump/Russian Collusion" allegation that has been dragging on in the mainstream/liberal media for over a year. It's getting to the point now where the average consumer who's been paying any attention to this issue is convinced that this is a witch hunt on Special Prosecutor Mueller's part in that nothing whatsoever has surfaced that indicates Trump, or his campaign, is guilty of any such collusion.

So much so, that Kimberly Strassel - columnist for the Wall Street Journal - has come out with the following statement in her latest article:
We’ve barely scratched the surface of the FBI’s 2016 behavior, and the country will never get the straight story until President Trump moves to declassify everything possible.
Of course, the liberals defending their accusation - mostly because they hate that Trump won and Hillary didn't - are going to make all kinds of excuses for these revelations because they are primarily habitual liars and deniers about what they've alleged when the evidence that's been coming out says otherwise; that the Democrats have been abusing the law and are hell-bent on conducting a stealth coup on getting Trump out of office. They just want some type of revenge and victory over him because he's making their former president look like a community organizer, rather than a world leader.

The final nail through the heart of liberals across the country will be when Trump gets the Nobel Peace Prize for ending the Korean War. And, of course, we all know what Obama did in getting his.

Liberal Hypocrisy - Again and Again and Again!

Yes, a "Blue Wave" is coming, only not in the form of Democrats winning elections. No, it's rather obvious, that if there's any "Blue Wave" it's in the form of a parade of liberals being exposed for their lies and hypocrisy, isn't it?

Pointing out the latest glaring example on her Reality Check, Brittany Hughes tells it best

And it's not just about the New York D.A. The very women who lauded him last week, are now turning on him with the very kinds of accusations he was their champion for in the #MeToo movement.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Democrats are now embracing socialism and it’s frightening

Ed Rogers  Special to the Washington Post

Speaking at an event in New York City this month, Hillary Clinton said something interesting about Democrats and their lurch to the left. Clinton said being a capitalist "probably" hurt her when campaigning in the 2016 primaries against democratic socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders, an independent from Vermont who caucuses with the Democrats.

Think about that. Part of the reason so many Republicans are frozen like a deer in headlights when it comes to President Donald Trump is the horror of thinking about Clinton as president. It is stunning to realize how in today’s Democratic Party that being a capitalist is something one must either apologize for or at least give qualified acceptance.

Talk about nostalgia for the 1950s. It seems that socialism is making a comeback.

I think if Bill Clinton had been asked the same question Hillary was, he would have thought it was a softball and proceeded to give a valuable history lesson on the negative impact of socialism versus the global benefits of capitalism. Of course, Hillary Clinton’s instinct is to pander and hedge, but it is nevertheless revealing that she thought she had to do so to keep from alienating the socialists.

Democrats want to talk about Republicans living in the past, but the new progressives, as they like to call themselves, are in fact a lot like the old socialists. They want free college, free cash, free health care, new mandates for this and that. The latest progressive policy du jour to be gaining traction among Democratic presidential hopefuls is the so-called "job guarantee." Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., announced one, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., has one in the works, and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., says she supports the idea, too.

Yet there are some signs of intellectual honesty on the left. Kevin Drum, a liberal blogger for the progressive gospel Mother Jones, thinks the jobs guarantee is a ludicrous idea: "Even our lefty comrades in social democratic Europe don’t guarantee jobs for everyone. It would cost a fortune; it would massively disrupt the private labor market; it would almost certainly tank productivity; and it’s unlikely in the extreme that the millions of workers in this program could ever be made fully competent at their jobs." Well said.

If Democrats go down this road, their only way forward will be to one-up each other in every primary election. Clueless liberals such as Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes want to guarantee $500 per month for every American earning less than $50,000 a year. But why not $550? Or should we go ahead and call it an even $600? A guaranteed monthly stipend would become the floor. And every subsequent election would be a referendum on whether voters want to support the candidate promising the larger pay raise from Washington. Is that where we want our elections to go?

Anyway, Clinton’s admission of the Democrats’ matter-of-fact acceptance of socialism couldn’t have been any timelier. Saturday marked the bicentennial of Karl Marx’s birth, and as Paul Kengor reminded us in his smart Wall Street Journal commentary last week, Marx’s communist philosophy "set the stage … for the greatest ideological massacres in history." Marx’s rebuke of capitalism and individual property rights inspired the likes of Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky, Mao Zedong, the Kim family, the Castros and countless others to wage mass murder against millions of innocents.

But never mind that, at least according to many of today’s millennial voters. According to the 2017 You Gov-Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation Report on U.S. Attitudes Toward Socialism, more millennials would prefer to live in socialist countries than they would in capitalist countries.

That fact reveals a powerful force shifting today’s Democratic Party. Barack "you didn’t build that" Obama and his contempt for private business is starting to seem quaint. It certainly means every Democrat running for president in 2020 will be asked if they favor socialism or capitalism. It will be interesting to see if they blush, stammer and wince, or if any of them will have the confidence to give a robust endorsement of free enterprise and a historically accurate critique of socialism vs. capitalism. I’m not holding my breath.

Socialism is just a kinder, gentler version of communism. Democrats should think twice before they abandon capitalism.

Rogers, a UA alumnus, worked for the administrations of Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Is Billy Graham's Son Correct?



Time is like a river. You cannot touch the water twice because the flow that has passed will never pass again.  Franklin Graham was speaking at the First Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Florida, when he said America will not come back. He wrote:

"The American dream ended on November 6th, 2012. The second term of Barack Obama has been the final nail in the coffin for the legacy of the white Christian males who discovered, explored, pioneered, settled and developed the greatest republic in the history of mankind.

A coalition of blacks, Latinos, feminists, gays, government workers, union members, environmental extremists, the media, Hollywood, uninformed young people, the "forever needy," the chronically unemployed, illegal aliens and other "fellow travelers" have ended Norman Rockwell's America.

You will never again out-vote these people. It will take individual acts of defiance and massive displays of civil disobedience to get back the rights we have allowed them to take away.  It will take zealots, not moderates and shy, not reach-across-the-aisle RINOs to right this ship and restore our beloved country to its former status.

People like me are completely politically irrelevant, and I will probably never again be able to legally comment on or concern myself with the aforementioned coalition which has surrendered our culture, our heritage and our traditions without a shot being fired.

The Cocker spaniel is off the front porch, the pit bull is in the back yard. The American Constitution has been replaced with Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" and the likes of Chicago shyster David Axelrod along with international socialist George Soros have been pulling the strings on their beige puppet and have brought us Act 2 of the New World Order.

The curtain will come down but the damage has been done, the story has been told.

Those who come after us will once again have to risk their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to bring back the Republic that this generation has timidly frittered away due to white guilt and political correctness.."
= = = = = = = = =

While I tend to agree with him, I, for my two daughter's sake, don't want to accept that he is correct because of its implications for their future... just like the millions of others across our once great nation.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

What's That About Global Warming?

Any fool who believes that global warming, or "climate change" is caused by man, deserves to endure the absurd and oppressive restrictions of the left's agenda to control them and their quest to appear superior over us.

Every time a volcano erupts it emits more toxic gasses and CO2 into the atmosphere by a factor far, far greater than anything man's inventions and progress could ever produce. Here's the latest example in Hawaii. Think for yourself!

So please, spare us the "B.S." on this issue!

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Throwing America In Reverse

In this modern day of instant communications to the whole wide world, liberals think they can dictate to everyone else what is appropriate, or not.

The insanity of today's political correctness is rapidly erasing all the efforts of the past two hundred years our country has striven to accomplish when it comes to making everyone equal. Not the liberals, nope!

To understand why I say this, just check out Brittany Hughes in her latest reality check video about how a teenager got ridiculed for choosing to wear a particular dress to her high school prom recently.