Saturday, June 2, 2018

The Social Engineering of American Culture

As an educator I've lived through several decades, exposed to the front lines of society's changing values.

And the more I listen to the media discussing issues impacting the American culture, the clearer it has become to me that our culture is being systematically destroyed. Why?

If one compares our nation's values today with those from sixty five years ago, it's obvious that things are very different. 

After WWII, with so many men not returning home, our nation was grateful that we were able to preserve a nation of freedom and liberty. 

Our prosperity took off like a rocket as veterans came home and returned to a peacetime society, starting  their own businesses, careers, and families. The youth of the day and those born shortly after the war grew up in a society where social etiquette was considered paramount to maintaining a culture of civility, decency, and respect for others. Idealism prevailed because society's respect for those values were kept at the forefront through our institutions.

Granted, there were undesirable elements in society then, as before, which tainted our nation's attempt to establish a "more perfect union". Those who choose to disobey the laws established to maintain a civil society will always be among us. But we as a people were focused on moving into the future with the desire to improve our opportunities for everyone. 

Yet, during this same period  a foreign threat to our nation's democracy stepped up its efforts to implement a long range plan to subvert that decency and respect.

Both from without, and from within our nation's government, communism set in motion several goals by which our freedoms and liberties would slowly be transformed so that the youth today would turn on their elders. 

Recall that Nikita Kruschev took off his shoe at the United Nations and pounded it on the table while shouting in Russian, "We will bury you!" And, recall the statement to the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture by a visiting Russian ambassador who said that America would be changed so much that it would eventually be like low hanging fruit, ready for picking.

The shift of our music from the likes of Buddy Holly to that of Def Leopard and AC/DC, and then to rap, which glorifies violence, sexual abuse, and illicit drugs, was another indicator of that deterioration, along with the acceptance of homosexuality, transgenderism, black on black death by gun violence, and female and gay priests in our churches who did away with organs for rock bands. On television, shows like Captain Kangaroo gave way to The Simpsons and Family Guy, is a sad testament to the effectiveness of those goals which have effectively degraded our nation's moral and cultural standards to a level of disrespect and rudeness.

During my years in public education I've seen the gradual decline in the stability of the family in society. Polls indicate that this factor is the primary concern of citizens today. There are more and more single parent households where the father of the child(ren) is absent and the mother is left to work and raise them alone. Many of these youth are left without any social skills to productively interact with their peers or their elders and end up rebelling against their mother, establishing or engaging in gangs and producing out of wedlock children of their own.

At our government level, politicians who were corrupt have now dropped their pretense and are blatantly radical in their intent to implement socialist policies that will destroy our remaining liberties and freedoms such as one's right to speak freely their opinion or to defend themselves from violent threats. Sanctuary cities and states have become the next step in promoting the illegal infiltration of our nation by foreigners who do not (nor wish to) shareour values

A clear decision by the majority of middle America to bring a halt to this trend is now being met with a barrage of fake news and lies which are blatant overreactions by those who are not willing to accept any differing philosophy, or let go of their desire to control the public's attitude or understanding about how so very dysfunctional our nation is today and where it's headed.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Telling It Like It Is

This gentleman from Greensboro, North Carolina in this video speaks eloquently to the city counsel on what the gun control advocates are doing as a result of the recent mass killings at schools around the country.

I urge readers to watch and share this with their email friends so they can share it too.

Enough said!
= = = = = = = 
(A person or thing that is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand)

(1) Isn't it weird that in America, our flag and our culture offend so many people, but our benefits don't?
(2) How can the federal government ask U.S. citizens to pay back student loans, when illegal aliens are receiving a free education?
(3) Only in America are legal citizens labeled "racists" and "Nazis," but illegal aliens are called "Dreamers”.
(4) Liberals say, "If confiscating all guns saves just one life, it's worth it. "Well then, if deporting all illegal’s saves just one life, wouldn't that be worth it too?
(5) I can't quite figure out how you can proudly wave the flag of another country, but consider it punishment to be sent back there.
(6) The Constitution: It doesn't need to be rewritten, it needs to be reread.
(7) William F. Buckley said: "Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other points of view, and are then shocked and offended when they discover there are other points of view."
(8) Joseph Sobran said: "'Need" now means wanting someone else's money. "Greed" means wanting to keep your own. "Compassion" is when a politician arranges the transfer.
 (9) Florida has had 119 hurricanes since 1850, but some people still insist the last hurricane was due to climate change.


(Something that is puzzling or confusing.)
"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one. You'll probably never need one again."

Here are six Conundrums of Socialism in the United States of America :

1.  America is capitalist and greedy - yet half of the population is subsidized.

2. Half of the population is subsidized - yet they think they are victims.

3. They think they are victims - yet their representatives run the government.

4. Their representatives run the government - yet the poor keep getting poorer.

5. The poor keep getting poorer - yet they have things that people in other Countries only dream about.

6. They have things that people in other countries only dream about, yet they want America to be morelike those other countries.

And that, my friends, pretty much sums up the USA in the 21st Century. Makes you wonder who is doing the math.  

By the way...................

1. We are advised to NOT judge ALL Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics, But we are encouraged to judge ALL gun owners by the actions of a few lunatics. Funny how that works.  

And here's another one worth considering....

2. Seems we constantly hear about how Social Security is going to run out of money.  But we never hear about welfare or food stamps running out of money?  What's interesting is the first group "worked for" their money, but the second didn't.

Think about it.....

Am I the only one missing something?

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

A Perfect Example of Fake News!

I'm checking through the posts on the Drudge Report this morning and come across this article about Rosanne Barr's response to a tweet about Valerie Jarrett.

I note the third paragraph describes Jarrett's ethnicity as "African-American". Having followed past news reports about former Pres. Obama's close advisor through his entire eight years in the White House, and knowing that from those reports having repeatedly referred to her as having an origin of Iran, I do a few seconds of searching to find verification of this.

One of the first, and most credible results comes up with this report about Jarrett's background from Judicial Watch

Okay, while the earlier reports may have been incorrect about her actual ethnicity, more disturbing information than that is confirmed. Learning that her father had moved to Iran reveals that, while not Iranian, is from a family which has close ties to the Communist Party, U.S.A. as well as the Muslim Brotherhood, despite the claims otherwise in the Barr article.

The paragraph in this Judicial Watch article which confirms this information from F.B.I. investigation files obtained through their F.O.I.A. requests, reveals the following:
It’s been well documented that Valerie Jarrett, a Chicago lawyer and longtime Obama confidant, is a liberal extremist who wields tremendous power in the White House. Faithful to her roots, she still has connections to many Communist and extremist groups, including the Muslim Brotherhood. Jarrett and her family also had strong ties to Frank Marshal Davis, a big Obama mentor and Communist Party member with an extensive FBI file.
So, the close circle of association with Frank Marshal Davis is confirmed in that it has been known from other sources in researching Obama's background that Davis was highly influential in his early years in Hawaii.

Thus, it is safe to assert that, for the first time we know of, our nation had a Communist sympathizer at the head of our government.

Reading through the Barr article commenters at the bottom of the piece reveals that some  know all too well that she ripped off Chicago as board member of its transit authority while a lawyer there before going to Washington, D.C. to advise Obama for eight years.

With the latest revelations coming out about the Obama administration's secret use of federal agencies to spy on our current president's 2016 campaign and transition team into the White House, it will be interesting to see just how far the investigation goes in determining who ends up getting indicted by Congressional committees looking into these matters. 

I'm not holding my breath that either of them will see justice, since most high level crooks are smart enough to cover their back ends sufficiently to get off the hook.

P.S. Speaking of fake news... check out this video with Brittany Hughes explaining a couple of whopper lies about immigration told by the mainstream media.

Monday, May 28, 2018

The Mostly Unkown 2nd War of Independence

Why do most Americans living in the country today not know of this historical event?

It is because those who want to transform our nation by exploiting the ignorance about our past are today taking the principles of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s efforts to end Jim Crow laws of the south by twisting them to make unfounded and false claims which have gained acceptance because youth today haven't been learning the true history of that period. Instead, they've been learning how to be "social justice warriors" for sowing divisiveness and anarchy.

If they've heard anything about it, information has been presented by those who want to confuse youth against their own nation in a negative manner, for the purpose of distracting them from the advancements it's made in providing freedoms and liberties to every individual. 

After all, why else would everyone around the globe desire so strongly to immigrate here?

Prager U has produced its latest video with Brian Kilmeade, co-author of Andrew Jackson and the Miracle of New Orleans: The Battle That Shaped America's Destiny.

This video gives a summary of the book and clearly reveals that divine providence was, once again, the major factor in the outcome of what clearly should have resulted in the end of our fledgling nation.

Yes, there are those who hate this country for several reasons, who use aspects of our history - such as slavery and genocide - which they exploit in bad mouthing it. But this type of argument ignores the reality of the existing social norms of the period which is always based on the past norms. And, it also ignores the reality that there are parts of the world where slavery is still practiced today.

The other glaring point they ignore is that our own brothers and sisters fought against each other over slavery, and state's rights, in the Civil War of the 1860s in which many died to end it.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Two Views on Socialsim/Communism

You're probably wondering why I include both socialism and communism in the title. That's easy. I've always preferred to describe the difference between them this way: Socialism is simply the soft version of communism, or communism  without the gun at your head.

The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation has produced this video explaining socialism this way.

However, another video which immediately followed by someone who has a different view of what socialism is here.

Watching both of them reveals to me that the second video, obviously done by someone who believes socialism is misunderstood based on the phraseology used in it and the way capitalism is portrayed, is essentially inferring that even though it's been tried over and over again, it's just not yet been done right and we need to keep trying until we get it right, while at the same time ignoring all the hundreds of millions of people who've been exterminated or slaughtered in the name of socialism.

Saturday, May 26, 2018

I Can See Clearly Now, the Fog is Gone!

You may recognize the words - even if I've changed them slightly - but you get the point that it's read with the tune in mind. But, just what is the "fog" I refer to?

Today's news is so filled with trivial and deliberately distracting "fluff" that the critically significant issues are obscured.

Like what? you ask. 

First, notice how Chris Cuomo begins the video clip in the article cited here with his question. Chris's premise is that conservatives are actively attempting to obstruct the DOJ's efforts to conduct its investigation into "Russia/Trump Collusion". How clever of him!

As Sen. Ron Johnson explains, it's becoming obvious and apparent that the Obama administration, expecting Hillary to win the election, were downplaying the fact that it knew of the Russian's attempts to influence the election, but then changed its tune in order to cover its butt in light of Trump winning unexpectedly. 

In other words, Obama and company of collaborators scrambled to make up a scenario in order to explain away their illegal actions they knew would be covered up had Hillary been elected president.

This verifies and confirms, in my opinion and in the minds of many others, that the media has been the colluders with the previous administration to carry the water for it in order to distract and divert public attitude towards the duly elected president for the purpose of setting him up for impeachment.

But, it has failed miserably! No evidence, just harassment - destroying people's lives - and intimidation - the threat of a process crime of lying - by Mueller's special counsel. Tucker Carlson's show recently had an individual - John Kirkakou - on testifying to the fact that both Comey and Mueller have along track record of doing just this. (The only available video is of the whole show, so one must advance to the 33:45 mark to watch this interview with John Kirkakou.)

Another source which does a wonderful job of sorting through the confusion of all of this is historian Newt Gringrich in this message he recently posted.

This latest revelation, along with all the other disclosures which have come along over the past months, are beginning to establish the truth about what really was being attempted by the leftist/socialists... take total control of our country's democracy so they could subvert our liberties and freedoms.

A Matter of Perspecitve and Perception

Having long paid close attention to the world of politics,  it has become abundantly clear that our nation's social courtesy and willingness to get along, despite our differences, has deteriorated. 

Any student of history knows that our political system, despite the strong differences between opposiing parties, has, until recently, usually been civil in its conduct with the understanding that the ultimate goal was to come to a compromise in the interest of mutual benefit.

Sadly, that is no longer the case.

The beating (with a cane) of a Senator on the floor of the Senate in the heat of debate during the Civil War period is one past example of how passions have flared out of control.

Today, the behavior and language is much more subtle and deceptive. There have been recent times when some politicians have said things which were clearly absurd and uncalled for, but most of the rhetoric has been far more cryptic.

Nearly all liberal/socialists verbiage when speaking about their “progressive” agenda is couched in terms which sound good to the individual who has yet to develop enough life experience to understand the consequences behind them.

Political correctness is probably the most well-known term. While it sounds good, its deeper implications portend a stifling of free thought and speech - something our founding fathers were extremely and deliberately very concerned about to the point of making it one of the first three rights established in the Bill of Rights.

In fact, Benjamin Franklin is quoted on this topic: "Whoever would overthrow the Liberty of a Nation, must begin by subduing the freeness of speech."

Another current and pressing issue is how we, as a people, should react and deal with the epidemic of mass shootings in our public schools. Politicians on the left speak of passing more laws that will, they claim, bring a complete halt to these tragedies. Yet we currently have a massive array of gun restriction laws on the books which are repeatedly ignored!

Group titles, such as the Alliance for Gun Responsibility seem to be for re-establishing responsible gun ownership, but are actually pro gun control. Such a position naively assumes that if you impose a law restricting their use that all outlaws will honor it. If all law abiding citizens who owned guns of any kind turned them in under the new law, who then would have the upper hand over them? What about the ability of the gun owner to adequately respond to a home intruder? Are they supposed to tell them, "Wait, I need to put in my combination to get my gun so I can shoot you."?

Going a bit more specific on this issue, the mayor of a large metropolitan area is proposing a "safe storage" ordinance which would penalize gun owners if they failed to report lost or stolen guns to the authorities.

Do you detect a pattern here?

Liberals are true-blue bureaucrats. They believe that the state has the answer to all of society's problems through legislation, while maintaining a philosophy that criminals don't need to be accountable for their anti-social actions under the premise that they've experienced someone else's unfair or racist treatment in their past. 

Conservatives, on the other hand, understand that if society is to keep crime in check to deter future ones, then our judicial system must be fair, but firm in our dealing with those who deviate from acceptable behavior. After all, soft judges only make hardened criminals.

At the same time, they paint their ideological opposition, conservatives, as selfish, bigoted, racist, corporate loving capitalist monsters. It would appear that their agenda is to destroy the economy by imposing taxes on the very businesses that provide them revenue for their programs – programs that do not produce real results.

Civility has joined common sense on the street. They have been evicted from their homes and excluded from ongoing public discourse.